Education, study and knowledge

Overcoming Stigma: the reality of Detox

Across the spectrum of mental health and psychopathology, many disorders or labels remain punishe...

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Troncoso Method: what it is and how it is applied to boys and girls

Until relatively recently, the idea that people with Down syndrome and others with disorders link...

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What are ADVERSATIVE conjunctions?

What are ADVERSATIVE conjunctions?

The conjunctions They are an invariable part of speech and are used to join two or more elements ...

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Why are happy couples unfaithful?

Why are happy couples unfaithful?

What defines betrayal? Why today, with divorce so normalized, do people continue to cheat on thei...

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I was recommended Cognitive Behavioral Therapy: what is it about?

I was recommended Cognitive Behavioral Therapy: what is it about?

It is one of the most successful types of therapy worldwide due to the countless number of cases ...

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MOSES by Michelangelo: commentary and analysis

MOSES by Michelangelo: commentary and analysis

He Moses by Michelangelo It is one of the best-known sculptural works of one of the great geniuse...

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What is a Taboo? Its characteristics and psychological effects

“Nothing can be said about this, it is taboo.” Surely you have heard this phrase, or something si...

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The 3 most important CLASSICAL philosophers

The 3 most important CLASSICAL philosophers

The most important classical philosophers are Socrates, Plato and Aristotle, the three classical ...

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8 characteristics of Olmec SCULPTURE

8 characteristics of Olmec SCULPTURE

The characteristics of Olmec sculpture are that it was a monumental sculpture, large heads They a...

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2 most important works of HESIOD: The Works and the Days and Theogony

2 most important works of HESIOD: The Works and the Days and Theogony

The most important works of Hesiod are works such as "The jobs and the days" and his"Theogony", a...

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Psychologist Jordi Brañas Oliveras

My name is Jordi Brañas and from a young age I had to overcome various obstacles. From there I be...

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The Therapeutic Bond and Relational Needs

The Therapeutic Bond and Relational Needs

In the world of psychotherapy and mental health, the therapeutic bond is a powerful force. It is ...

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