Education, study and knowledge

Literary Concepts

DRAMATIC genre: characteristics and examples

DRAMATIC genre: characteristics and examples

Within the literary genres that exist, the dramatic is one of the most important and, also, one o...

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LITERARY Genres: characteristic types and examples

LITERARY Genres: characteristic types and examples

When it comes to writing there are various ways of doing it and these have to do with a series of...

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List with all the PARTS of a FABLE

List with all the PARTS of a FABLE

The fable it's a kind of literary subgenre which is specially designed for the little ones to ado...

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The story and the novel are two narrative genres that both tell us a story in prose. They are two...

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Types of LEGENDS and their characteristics- complete SUMMARY !!

Types of LEGENDS and their characteristics- complete SUMMARY !!

Inside of oral tradition literature, legends are one of the genres with the most history and most...

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What is the DEVELOPMENT of a story

What is the DEVELOPMENT of a story

A story or a narrative It is made up of different parts; These are essential for the proper funct...

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What are LITERARY TOPICS [with more than 20 EXAMPLES]

What are LITERARY TOPICS [with more than 20 EXAMPLES]

The literary topics They are a series of set phrases that are used in literature and that link di...

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5 differences between MYTH and LEGEND

5 differences between MYTH and LEGEND

Literature has served as a vehicle for human beings to express ideas, traditions, customs and way...

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The 5 PARTS of a POEM for children

The 5 PARTS of a POEM for children

A fundamental part in the production of any narrative expression has to do with knowing its parts...

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Melodrama: meaning and examples

Melodrama: meaning and examples

Within literature we find different genres that are recognized for having very specific character...

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What is SATRA: meaning, characteristics and EXAMPLES

What is SATRA: meaning, characteristics and EXAMPLES

Surely more than once you have heard of a satirical text, that is, a type of text that uses the l...

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ALL types of CHARACTERS: in novels, in short stories, in narration ...

ALL types of CHARACTERS: in novels, in short stories, in narration ...

When we are faced with a narrative, one of the key elements are the characters, that is, those in...

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