Within the literary genres that exist, the dramatic is one of the most important and, also, one o...
When it comes to writing there are various ways of doing it and these have to do with a series of...
The fable it's a kind of literary subgenre which is specially designed for the little ones to ado...
The story and the novel are two narrative genres that both tell us a story in prose. They are two...
Inside of oral tradition literature, legends are one of the genres with the most history and most...
A story or a narrative It is made up of different parts; These are essential for the proper funct...
The literary topics They are a series of set phrases that are used in literature and that link di...
Literature has served as a vehicle for human beings to express ideas, traditions, customs and way...
A fundamental part in the production of any narrative expression has to do with knowing its parts...
Within literature we find different genres that are recognized for having very specific character...
Surely more than once you have heard of a satirical text, that is, a type of text that uses the l...
When we are faced with a narrative, one of the key elements are the characters, that is, those in...