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The 5 PARTS of a POEM for children

Parts of a poem

A fundamental part in the production of any narrative expression has to do with knowing its parts and its structure. For example, the famous Start knot and outcome which forms the basis of the story. Likewise, the different literary forms They have developed their own form, in the case of the poem, which normally has its expression in the verse, we find a very well established technique and segments. Therefore, in this lesson from a PROFESSOR we will learn what the parts of a poem are.

Within literary genres, the lyric uses the verse and is positioned as the poetic expression par excellence. Poems are understood as a literary composition that show us the thoughts, feelings, language games and musicality used by the author. Although currently the poems they are also written in prose, the verse has been its primary structure that is composed of a metric (a rhythm determined by the number of syllables) and certain types of rhyme.

The themes that poetry addresses range from love to reflections on existence or resistance to political conflicts. In this exercise

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poets and female poets use metaphors, similes and elseliterary figures to go beyond the literal. This also opens a game of interpretations that universalize poetry. That is, it allows it to speak to us in different times and contexts. To understand this idea, let's look at a small excerpt from the famous poem Ithaca from Kavafis:

When you start your journey to Ithaca
It asks for the path to be long,
full of adventures, full of experiences.
Do not fear the Laystrygians or the Cyclops
nor to the angry Poseidon,
such beings you will never find on your way,
if your thinking is high, if you select
it is the emotion that touches your spirit and your body.

Although these verses remind us of the journey that Ulysses took in The odyssey, Kavafis also tells us about any other journey that transforms us, confronts us with the strange and affects us personally. In this sense, Ithaca it is a reference to whatever destination we can take; it is a metaphor for the journey.

Parts of a poem - What is a poem?

With this general idea, let us now highlight the parts of a poem. These are not only structural in nature. As we will see, there is the title, the verse and the stanza that speak to us on a level macro of the organization of the poem. However, we will see that rhyme and meter speak to us on a compositional level, which has to see with strategies, resources and types of writing to give our poem a style and length.


It is the proper and distinctive name of the poem. Some books and poems do not have a title; However, for some poets, naming their pieces is essential, since it allows concentrating the central idea of ​​the text and giving the reader a hint or extra information. The poems, when using literary figures, often rely on their title to give a clue and that their meaning can be understood more easily.


It is understood as the essential part of a poem, since it expresses its basic unit. In a simple way, we could say that the verses are each of the lines or lines that make up the writing. For example, in this excerpt from Cradle Symphony of the Chilean poet Nicanor Parra, 4 verses are identified:

Once walking

Through an English park

With an angelorum

I found myself unintentionally.


Now when we have a set of verses we form a stanza. These vary in the number of verses they can have and according to their quantity they are classified into Different types. Note the case of this section of the poem A word by Gabriela Mistral which is composed of 2 stanzas:

I have a word in my throat

and I don't let go of it, and I don't get rid of it

even though the push of her blood pushes me.

If I let it go, it burns the living grass,

bleeds the lamb, makes the bird fall.

I have to get it off my tongue

find a beaver hole

or bury it with lime and mortar

because it does not keep the flight like the soul.


It is known as the technique to generate harmony within the poem. For this there are the rhymes of assonance type and consonant type. It is that resource that allows us, through the completion of certain words at the end of each verse, to give a melody and sound to the composition.


By last, The metric is in charge of counting and enumerating the syllables of each verse. This enables us to organize the poem and use the poetic licenses: grammatical strategies to subtract or add syllables to words as needed. The metric will provide us with the rhythm of the poem.

Parts of a poem - The 5 parts of a poem

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