Education, study and knowledge

Spanish Language

Find out how many TYPES of ADJECTIVES there are

Find out how many TYPES of ADJECTIVES there are

The adjective is a kind of word whose function is to complement a nounEither providing more infor...

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What is STRIDENTISM and its most outstanding characteristics

What is STRIDENTISM and its most outstanding characteristics

Have you ever heard of literary stridentism? It is a movement typical of Latin American literatur...

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Inside the world of journalism we can find different textual typologies that attend to a series o...

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Discover what is a CHRONICLE and the TYPES that exist

Discover what is a CHRONICLE and the TYPES that exist

Image: SlideplayerInside of the field of journalism and literature There are some types of text t...

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CHARACTERS of Lazarillo de Tormes and characteristics

CHARACTERS of Lazarillo de Tormes and characteristics

The Spanish novel "The life of Lazarillo de Tormes and his fortunes and adversities" It is better...

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Literary romanticism: main characteristics

Literary romanticism: main characteristics

Image: Haiku DeckIn the 18th century literature we find the emergence of an artistic trend that i...

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Find out what TYPES of TEXTS there are and what they are

Find out what TYPES of TEXTS there are and what they are

Image: SlideshareOne of the important lessons you have to learn requires that you learn to recogn...

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Authors of VANGUARDISM and outstanding works

Authors of VANGUARDISM and outstanding works

Early twentieth a new artistic and ideological trend emerged that aimed to build a new reality fu...

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VANGUARDIA movements: definition, types and artists

VANGUARDIA movements: definition, types and artists

The contexts of social crisis not only affect the economic and political structure of a country, ...

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What is literary CREATIONISM characteristics, authors and examples

What is literary CREATIONISM characteristics, authors and examples

One of the literary currents that emerged in the era of the avant-garde was the literary creation...

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Dadaism: works and authors

Dadaism: works and authors

Within the literary and artistic movement baptized as "Avant-garde", there were undercurrents kno...

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Rubén Darío and modernism

Rubén Darío and modernism

Rubén Darío and modernism have a very intimate relationship. For many scholars, this movement tha...

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