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Discover what is a CHRONICLE and the TYPES that exist

What is a chronicle and the types that exist

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Inside of the field of journalism and literature There are some types of text that have essential and unique characteristics. This is the case of the chronicle, a genre that combines the narration of an event with the opinions and reflections of the chronicler. It is a very different type of text from another such as the news and, therefore, it is important to know what is a chronicle and the types that exist. In this lesson from a TEACHER we are going to describe this term, as well as give you its characteristics and the essential guidelines so that you can write a good text. In this way, you will understand in depth the meaning of chronicle and its most outstanding characteristics.

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  1. What is a chronicle: easy definition
  2. Difference between chronicle and news
  3. Main types of chronicle
  4. How to Chronicle: Basic Tips

What is a chronicle: easy definition.

A chronicle is a type of genre that is part of historiography and is used to explain a series of events

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that have taken place within a moment of history. There are many different types of chronicles depending on the context that is being explained and, therefore, we can speak of a journalistic chronicle but also of a historical, literary chronicle, and so on.

The objective of the chronicle is to explain something that has taken place and for a text to be considered as chronicle it is essential that the editor who writes it was present at the events; It is true that in history there are "hearsay" chroniclers, an appellation that was given to many chroniclers during the conquest. of America and that they related what they had heard from soldiers or missionaries who had gone to the New Continent but did not know to write. However, the most common and common is that the chronicler is present at the time of the events and, therefore, the chronicle becomes a personal account of his own vision of what happened.

It is also important to note that in the chronicle, the type of writing used it is subjective. That is, it is not a journalistic news rather, it is the explanation of the experience that the person in question has lived in the event that is related. The events are narrated in the first person and, in addition, the editor can give his vision and interpretation of what he has witnessed.

Structure of a chronicle

Although a chronicle is usually a somewhat free subgenre, the truth is that it does approximately comply with a structure that helps to better understand the information of the facts. The standard structure is as follows:

  • Striking title: it is the one that captures the reader's attention to read the chronicle
  • Introductory paragraph: briefly summarizes all the content that will later be developed during the text
  • Body of the text: this is where the author will narrate the facts but will also insert his point of view and his personal opinions
  • Conclusion: it is also common that at the end of the writing, the author creates a paragraph as a conclusion with everything he has explained
What is a chronicle and the types that exist - What is a chronicle: easy definition

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Difference between chronicle and news.

Many students confuse the subgenres of the chronicle and the news, believing that they are the same. But, although they share some similarities, the truth is that they have very marked differences and that make each text have very differentiating characteristics.

We have already discovered what a chronicle is and, therefore, now we will define the concept of "News"so that, first of all, you are clear about what it is about. In a news story, the basic and main thing is that the editor or journalist gives new information that was totally unknown to the reader. Namely, the main objective that chases a news is report something new, generate new information that was not known. Therefore, it is essential that the text be 100% target and that the journalist does not give any value judgment or opinion about what happened.

Therefore, the news intrinsically brings the need to narrate current events that are happening at this very moment. A chronicle, however, can narrate something that happened a few years ago and that the chronicler himself is writing right now. It does not imply immediacy or timeliness.

Main differences between chronicle and news

As a summary, we are going to list here the differences between news and chronicle that are more prominent. In this way, it will be easier for you to see for yourself what each genre is like:

  • The news is a journalistic text that offers current and innovative information. The chronicle, on the other hand, is a text that is part of the historiography and that does not have to be current, it can narrate events that occurred long ago.
  • The news is spread by means of communication such as newspapers, magazines, radio, etc. The chronicle does not need to be broadcast in these media, it can be edited independently or be part of the media.
  • A news story must be written objectively because what it seeks is to describe an event that has taken place. The chronicle combines the narration of the facts in a descriptive way with the author's own vision that issues judgments, opinions, and so on.
  • The news is usually of a short length where essential information is condensed that will allow the reader to understand what has happened. The chronicles are usually much longer and have reflections, conclusions and the opinions of the chronicler.
What is a chronicle and the types that exist - Difference between chronicle and news

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Main types of chronicle.

As we have already mentioned, there are many types of chronicle that we can find. The main differences are centered on the subject matter that each text addresses as well as the approach that is given to it. And it is that, to give us an idea, it is not the same to narrate what has happened in a music festival than what has happened in a war.

Therefore, there are different types of chronicle that are worth knowing. Here we offer you a list of the most common ones that exist today, however, the list is more extensive and there are many more:

  • Political Chronicle
  • Journalistic Chronicle
  • Chronicle of events
  • Sports chronicle
  • Travel Chronicle
  • Historical chronicle
  • Literary chronicle
  • Cultural Chronicle (includes concerts, theatrical shows, exhibitions, etc.)
  • Society Chronicle

What is the journalistic chronicle

The most common and well-known type of chronicle in our society is the journalistic chronicle. It would be the "mother" genre that would encompass other subgenres such as political, sports, cultural, events, and so on. It is a type of text that is part of literary journalism and where a chronicler will relate the succession of events in a chronological way and where his personal impressions will have a place.

What is a chronicle and the types that exist - Main types of chronicle

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How to Chronicle: Basic Tips.

Now that you know what a chronicle is as well as the types of chronicle that exist, it is important that you also learn to chronicle correctly. We have already said that it is a fairly free type of text, however, the structure of the chronicle We have mentioned in the first section since, commonly, it is the one that journalists or chroniclers.

In addition to following the structure model that we have indicated, we also recommend that you take into account the following tips to be able to make a good chronicle:

  • Source of information: the chronicle is characterized by merging both the personal experience of the chronicler and the true writing of the facts, there can be no fiction in a chronicle, everything narrated must be real. Therefore, it is the editor's job to gather as much information as possible to be able to do a good research job.
  • The style of the chronicle: there are some chronicles that are more objective and others that are more subjective, therefore, you will decide the style you want to give the text. In any case, you should inform yourself well and ensure that your opinions are well justified. Fiction is totally prohibited in this type of text, therefore, everything you say must be 100% true and you must verify it.
  • Chronicle type: As we have already seen, there are different types of chronicle that you can do. You will have to choose which is the one that interests you the most and, from then on, choose the topic. It is essential to know the typology because it is not the same style or tone that is used to talk about a political fact as it is to talk about a cultural fact.
  • Follow the structure: so that the narration of the events can be followed well during the reading, it is advisable to tell with a narrative that is linear and where the facts are presented and, in the end, a conclusion. The narration and description of the events should be part of the text so that the reader understands well what has happened.
  • In first person: if you want to know how to write a chronicle, we recommend that you always do it from a first-person point of view. In this way, you will give a touch of immediacy to the text as well as a witness point of view that will give more credibility to your opinions and annotations.
What is a chronicle and the types that exist - How to chronicle: basic tips

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If you want to read more articles similar to What is a chronicle and the types that exist, we recommend that you enter our category of Writing.


  • Matute, Á. (1997). Chronicle: history or literature. Mexican History, 711-722.
  • Peñaranda, R. (2000). Journalistic genres: What are they and what are they for. Press room, 3 (2).
  • Montoro, J. TO. (1973). Journalism and literature.
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