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Find out how many TYPES of ADJECTIVES there are

How many types of adjectives are there

The adjective is a kind of word whose function is to complement a nounEither providing more information about it or defining it to differentiate it from the rest. For this reason, adjectives and nouns always agree in gender and number: "small patio", "comfortable chair", "white shirts" or "new cars" are some examples. However, not all adjectives are the same or have the same characteristics. Therefore, in this lesson from a TEACHER we are going to see how many types of adjectives are there. Keep reading!

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  1. Types of adjectives and their definition - Complete list !!
  2. Adjectives
  3. Relational adjectives
  4. Exclamatory and interrogative adjectives
  5. Demonstrative adjectives
  6. Possessive adjectives
  7. Numeral adjectives
  8. Exercise of the types of adjectives that exist
  9. Exercise solution

Types of adjectives and their definition - Complete list!!

We begin this lesson by indicating a ready with the different types of adjectives that exist and the definition of each of them. In the following sections we will analyze each of these typologies and, also, we will give you specific examples so that you understand them better.

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The types of adjectives are as follows:

  • Adjectives. They are the adjectives that indicate characteristics of the noun they accompany. Therefore, they help to stand out and stand out. An example: The girl is BLONDE.
  • Relational adjectives. These adjectives mark the relationships between the noun. That is, they can indicate the specification of the name. For example: The BARCELONA press.
  • Exclamatory and interrogative adjectives. They accompany the subject in exclamatory or interrogative sentences. For example: How beautiful you are! Is she beautiful?
  • Demonstrative adjectives. Points to a specific person or object that is being discussed. Adjectives such as ESTE, ESO, etc. are often used. For example: Hand me that backpack.
  • Possessive adjectives. They are those that indicate a relationship of belonging to the noun. For example: That backpack is mine.
  • Numeral adjectives. They indicate the amount related to the noun they refer to. For example: Came FIRST to the exam.

In addition, you should also know that adjectives can have different degrees. In this other lesson we will discover the degrees of the adjective.

How many types of adjectives are there - Types of adjectives and their definition - Complete list!!


Qualifying adjectives are those that designate a quality proper to the noun who they accompany. Within the group of qualifying adjectives we can find very different typologies from each other; for example, adjectives related to color (white, red, black, green, bluish, yellow, orange, etc), with size (large, small, medium, high, low, etc) or with the moods (content, cheerful, happy, sad, disappointed, depressed, bored, etc).

Examples of types of qualifying adjectives

One of the properties that distinguish qualifying adjectives from other adjectival groups is that these admit degrees: the house is very big or Your child is so high.

In this other lesson from a TEACHER we will discover the types of qualifying adjectives that exist.

How many types of adjectives are there - Qualifying adjectives

Relational adjectives.

To know what types of adjectives there are, next we will talk about the relational. In front of the qualifying adjectives, the relational adjectives point out the specification of the domain scope of the noun they accompany or the relationship it maintains with another noun or similar object. For example, "national press" or "literary agent."

One of the tests that can be carried out to know if we are dealing with a relational adjective is to paraphrase it by the expression "belonging to or relating to ": national press - press belonging to the country or relative to the national level; literary agent - agent working in the literary field or pertaining to literature.

How many types of adjectives are there - Relational adjectives

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Exclamatory and interrogative adjectives.

The exclamatory or interrogative They are another of the classes of adjectives that we must know. Exclamatives are those that accompany nouns in exclamatory sentences: What a child fool! or What a beautiful day!, while interrogative adjectives do the same with interrogative sentences: How many children come to the party? orWhat color is?

These adjectives are grouped under the name of determinative adjectivesyes, since delimit and determine the referent expressed by the noun.

How many types of adjectives are there - Exclamatory and interrogative adjectives

Demonstrative adjectives.

Like all the previous classes of adjectives, the demonstrative, possessive and numeral adjectives are also included within the determinative adjectives. The first, the demonstrative adjectives, are responsible for point out the spatial distance of nouns regarding the moment of speech and the space-time situation of the speaker: These chocolates are delicious; This weekend we are going on a trip.

Examples of types of demonstrative adjectives

In the previous two examples, when the speaker uses "these" to refer to the chocolates and "this" To refer to the weekend, what he is doing is defining and specifying what reality he refers. Thus, it is not just any bonbon or any weekend but "these chocolates" and "this weekend" and not any other.

Another example would be I don't like that suit for you. This one suits you better, in which we can also observe the space-time relationship that is implicit in the demonstrative adjectives.

How many types of adjectives are there - Demonstrative adjectives

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Possessive adjectives.

The possesive adjectives indicate the membership of the noun with respect to the speaker or other participants in the speech: That book is mine; Do you like his shirt better or mine? or Our car is better than yours are some examples of possessive adjectives.

Thus, through possessives we can refer to objects of any person, specifying them and distinguishing them from others by an intrinsic possession relationship in the possessive adjective.

How many types of adjectives are there - Possessive adjectives

Image: Slideshare

Numeral adjectives.

Numeral adjectives are another of the classes of adjectives to study. They are that indicate the exact order or quantity of the referent of the noun they modify.

For example: This is the second time I see you today; My dog ​​lived 10 years; Do you want a small piece of cake or do you prefer a double piece? Leave me two euros for coffee and I'll give it back to you tomorrow are several examples of the use of numeral adjectives to indicate a proportion with respect to a greater whole.

There are as many numeral adjectives as possible quantities of objects or diverse realities.

How many types of adjectives are there - Numeral adjectives

Exercise of the types of adjectives that there are.

To finish this lesson on the different types of adjectives, we are going to leave you an exercise, with solutions in the previous section, and with which you can test your knowledge.

EXERCISE: Indicates the type of adjective found in the following sentences:

  1. I was last in the race.
  2. Linear City Radio.
  3. These curtains are gorgeous.
  4. Is that car yours?
  5. What color do you like more?
  6. Marcos is very smart.

Exercise solution.

Once you have done the exercise of the types of adjectives, here are the solutions so you can check what you have put and see if the lesson has been clear to you.

  1. Numeral adjective.
  2. Relational.
  3. Demonstrative adjective.
  4. Possessive.
  5. Interrogative.
  6. Qualifying.

If you want to read more articles similar to How many types of adjectives are there, we recommend that you enter our category of Grammar and Linguistics.


  • Alcaide, M. F. (2005). The adjective. Liceus, Management Services.
  • Bosque, I. (1993). On the differences between relational and qualifying adjectives.
  • Álvarez Martínez, M. (1986). Noun, adjective and adverb: functional characterization.
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