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List of personality adjectives

To describe a person, talk about their personality and their characteristics, there are a series of adjectives that are designed to give complete and effective information. They are what are known as personality adjectives and are part of the qualifying adjectives used to give extra information about a noun, to expand the data you have and get a more detailed description complete. In this lesson from a TEACHER we are going to offer you a list of personality adjectives that you can use both in people and to describe animals and that what they do is offer us extra information about the name that it accompanies.

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  1. What are personality adjectives
  2. List of 40 personality adjectives in Spanish
  3. Positive and negative personality adjectives
  4. Sentence exercise with personality adjectives
  5. Exercise solution

What are personality adjectives.

In Spanish there are different types of adjectivesThey are used to provide more comprehensive information on the accompanying name. And within the qualifiers we find the adjectives of personality that are used to to be able to define in a more concise way the personality and way of being of both a person and a animal.

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These adjectives provide us with new information about the noun it accompanies in the sentence and, therefore, offers us a broader perspective on the subject or the name in question. But in this sense it is essential to highlight something: an adjective of personality will never refer to a physical characteristic but it will always refer to an aspect that has to do with his personality or way of being. That is, in the phrase "Carlos is tall", the adjective "tall" is not an adjective of personality because what it refers to is a physical attribute.

Types of personality adjectives

In general terms, you should know that there are 3 types of personality adjectives. Here we discover them:

  • Positive personality adjectives: are the adjectives that are used to refer to a positive quality of the person in question. They are usually used to highlight some remarkable attribute of that person and lift it up. In this other lesson we will discover other examples of positive adjectives.
  • Negatives: on the other hand, there are also negative personality adjectives, that is, those that refer to negative personality qualities. For example "Silvia is stupid" is an example of this type of adjective.
  • Ambiguous personality adjectives: are those adjectives whose evaluation will depend on the interpretation that each one gives it. For example, "Laura is a perfectionist" can be a positive or negative attribute, depending on how you look at it.
Personality Adjectives List - What Are Personality Adjectives


List of 40 personality adjectives in Spanish.

We will enter the matter now and we will offer you a complete list of personality adjectives that exist in Spanish. It will help you to make a correct definition of a person giving a large number of attributes that will help to better understand what their personality is like.

Remember that the function of the adjectives personality is to offer broad information about the personality of the person who is being talked about in the sentence. Thanks to these adjectives, the receiver of the message will be able to create an image about what the identity of the other person is like. It is important that we remember that these adjectives always have to refer to personality of the subject, never to a physical attribute.

Examples of personality adjectives

Here we are going to offer you a list of personality adjectives so that you can get to know them better and select the most suitable for the definition you are making. Take note of all of them:

  1. Sympathetic
  2. Open
  3. Extroverted
  4. Cheerful
  5. Pleasant
  6. Nice
  7. Stupid
  8. Poorly educated
  9. Dreamer
  10. Ambitious
  11. Analytical
  12. Impulsive
  13. Unfriendly
  14. Assertive
  15. Civic
  16. Respectful
  17. Introverted
  18. Shy
  19. Sociable
  20. Conciliator
  21. Fighter
  22. Cordial
  23. Creative
  24. Applied to
  25. Critical
  26. Kind
  27. Malicious
  28. Retailer
  29. Dialogue
  30. Discreet
  31. Calm
  32. Docile
  33. Efficient
  34. Energetic
  35. Enthusiastic
  36. Expert
  37. Optimistic
  38. Pessimistic
  39. Worker
  40. Rude
List of personality adjectives - List of 40 personality adjectives in Spanish

Image: SpanishLearning

Positive and negative personality adjectives.

As we have already indicated above, within the personality adjectives we have to differentiate between those that are positive and negative. And there are some terms that refer to qualities that are positive and other more negative qualities, therefore, a value judgment is offered whenever any of these adjectives is used. Neutrals are those that should be used to make an objective and direct description.

Examples of positive personality adjectives

They are those that are used to refer to a quality that is socially positive. Some examples are the following:

  • Open
  • Cheerful
  • Spontaneous
  • Enthusiastic
  • Affable
  • Fun
  • Sympathetic
  • Optimistic
  • Patient
  • Persistent
  • Outgoing
  • Sociable
  • Friendly
  • Assertive
  • Generous
  • Prudent
  • Imaginative
  • Coherent
  • Comprehensive
  • Respectful
  • Responsable
  • Lovely

Examples of negative personality adjectives

Now we will offer a list of personality adjectives that are negative and that, therefore, serve to define negative traits about a person. Some of the most common are the following:

  • Bored
  • Moody
  • Wicked
  • Poorly educated
  • Spiteful
  • Proud
  • Lazy
  • Believed
  • Cruel
  • Careless
  • Stingy
  • Ávaro
  • Selfish
  • Stubborn
  • Stubborn
  • Lazy
Personality Adjectives List - Positive and Negative Personality Adjectives

Sentence exercise with personality adjectives.

To conclude this lesson with personality adjectives, we are going to offer you an exercise on personality adjectives (the solution is in the next section) so that you can test your knowledge and assess whether or not the lesson has been clear to you.

Excercise statement:

Indicate if these sentences have a personality adjective and, if so, highlight which is the adjective in question. The sentences are:

  1. The teacher was very organized
  2. Laura is a very pretty girl
  3. My sister is very stubborn
  4. My friends are very nice
  5. Your mother is very tall
  6. The lord was very funny
  7. The students were very lazy
  8. Those girls were very pretty
  9. Toni's sister is very blonde
  10. My father is very respectful of animals

Exercise solution.

To check if the lesson has been clear to you, here we leave you the solution of the exercise that we have raised previously. Thus, you can self-evaluate and check if the knowledge has been clear to you. Here are the answers:

  1. The teacher was very organized - YES: the personality adj is "organized"
  2. Laura is a very pretty girl - NO: the adj "pretty" is not a personality because it refers to a physical quality
  3. My sister is very stubborn - YES: the personality adj is "stubborn"
  4. My friends are very nice - YES: the personality adj is "nice"
  5. Your mother is very tall - NO: the adjective "tall" refers to a physical characteristic, not a personality
  6. The gentleman was very funny - YES: the personality adj is "funny"
  7. The students were very lazy - YES: the personality adj is "lazy"
  8. Those girls were very pretty - NO: the adj "pretty" is not a personality adj, but physical
  9. Toni's sister is very blonde - NO: the adj "blonde" refers to a physical characteristic
  10. My father is very respectful of animals - YES: the adj "respectful" is of personality

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