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Exclamatory and interrogative adjectives

Exclamatory and interrogative adjectives - With examples

Exclamatory sentences are used to express emotions, sensations, or feelings such as pain, joy, fear or surprise, among others. On the other hand, interrogative sentences are those that we use to ask for information about something, for example, to ask one the address of a place or the time, among many other things. Both exclamatory sentences and interrogative sentences are constructed in Spanish with exclamatory and interrogative adjectives respectively.

In this lesson from a TEACHER we are going to study carefully what are the types of exclamatory and interrogative adjectives that we use in Spanish. We will also see numerous examples that will help you understand it much better. Keep reading!

The exclamatory adjectives, also called exclamatory determiners because they precede the noun, are those that, according to the dictionary, give us the possibility of "construct exclamatory expressions", as for example," what "is an exclamatory adjective in the phrase" What an idea! "or in the sentence" What things you tell me! ".

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Therefore, we understand by exclamative adjective that type of adjective that precedes the nouns in exclamatory sentences, that is, those that are inserted between exclamation marks "!" Y what are pronounced with a raised voice.

In this regard, it is important to note that exclamatory adjectives should not be confused with another category of words like pronouns, since exclamatory adjectives accompany the noun while pronouns accompany the noun. substitute.

Thus, it is not the same to say "How much it cost!" in which case "how much" is a pronoun because it substitutes for "money", which is a noun. However, "Long time no see!" it is an exclamatory adjective because "how much" complements a noun, "time".

The Dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy (DRAE) defines the interrogative adjective as that "that allows to construct interrogative expressions". As examples of interrogative adjectives, point out "what" in the phrase "At what time?" or "Which book did you like the most?"

Following this definition, we can say that interrogative adjectives are those adjectives that accompany and complement nouns in interrogative sentences; that is, in the questions. A peculiarity of this type of adjective is that they are placed before the noun, in addition to the fact that they always have a diacritical accent.

In this video of a PROFESSOR we will discover everything about the diacritical tilde.

Exclamatory adjectives are used to express and show emotions such as surprise, rage, joy or anger, among others. For this reason are always placed between exclamation marks.

Next we will see some examples of exclamatory adjectives:

  • How handsome he is!
  • How cold it is!
  • What a horrible day I've had!
  • How many shirts do you have!
  • How many things my brother does on the way to work!
  • What a cheaper ticket you have bought!

Finally, we are going to review everything we have learned in this lesson through some examples of interrogative adjectives:

  • How much money do we need to buy the new apartment?
  • What day of the week do you prefer?
  • What is your favorite season of the year?
  • How many brothers you have?
  • How long does it take to get from your home to work?
  • How much water do you need to drink throughout a day?
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