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Examples of NEGATIVE adjectives

Examples of negative adjectives

In this lesson from a TEACHER we want to show you some examples of negative adjectives. In order to get to this point, it will be necessary to define what adjectives are and specifically what negative adjectives are. These appear many times in texts and sentences. Thanks to the examples and explanations that we are going to show you, you will learn to identify them and use them when you need it.

In the first place, to be able to define what negative adjectives are and their examples to be able to easily identify them, it is necessary that you know what adjectives are. This category of words usually accompany a noun to show some of its qualities. Because they express characteristics of names, they are always variables. By this we mean that adjectives do not remain unchanged when used in a sentence or text, will always depend on the noun they accompany and that will make them define their gender and number.

What are qualifying adjectives

Within the adjectives we can find different types taking into account their nature. In this case we are going to focus on the

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adjectives, since knowing what they are will be useful below to know what negative adjectives are. The qualifiers, on the other hand, are adjectives that attribute specific properties to a specific noun.

Likewise, within the qualifying adjectives we find different subtypes attending to different nuances such as the feelings of the issuer, subjective considerations, appearance or form between other Thus, we find the following options when we must analyze what qualifying adjectives are:

  • Specifics: they are those that refer to a quality of the name that is important to be able to understand the sentence effectively. If we eliminate this qualifying adjective from the statement, we will find that the meaning of the phrase is modified and the information necessary for its understanding is missing.
  • Explanatory: these add additional information to a noun. In other words, these types of qualifying adjectives are not necessary to fully understand the sentence. They add information, but this can be eliminated without changing the meaning of the statement.
Examples of negative adjectives - What are qualifying adjectives

Within the qualifying adjectives we can find the negative adjectives. These are the words that are responsible for showing qualities of a noun that are of pejorative, negative or not accepted by the majority. In general, these types of adjectives are considered negative by most of society, but we must take into account the context in which they are expressed and the intention of the issuer of the prayer.

In other words, even if we use qualifying adjectives that are positive in terms of meaning, taking into account the context and even the tone with which the speaker expresses himself, they can also have a connotation negative.

Some of the most used in Spanish can be adjectives like ugly, lazy, nasty, stingy…etc.

Examples of negative adjectives - What are negative adjectives

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We have now reached the important point in our lesson where we are going to show some examples of negative adjectives. Below we offer you some of them in the following list. Take note of which ones you can find when you analyze a sentence or a text:

  • Enlarged
  • Aggressive
  • Unfriendly
  • Penny pincher
  • Capricious
  • Corrupt
  • Harmful
  • Inconsiderate
  • Ruthless
  • Negligible
  • Egocentric
  • Selfish
  • Conceited
  • Jealous
  • Fake
  • Faker
  • Ugly
  • Hypocrite
  • Horrible
  • Indiscreet
  • Unbearable
  • Intolerant
  • Impolite
  • Bad
  • You liar
  • Negative
  • Pedantic
  • Resentful
  • Stingy
  • Stubborn
  • Tyrant
  • Vain
  • Vengeful
  • Violent

Examples of sentences with negative adjectives

Now you know some adjectives that are considered negative, but we want you to understand it better by using it in a context, so we show you some of them used in sentences. Go for it:

  • Miguel is a very violent boy.
  • You are selfish, they are always thinking about your affairs and you never worry about what others may need.
  • I'm not buying that dress! He is very ugly, really.
  • That man is very dangerous, he has been convicted several times for armed robbery.
  • You shouldn't smoke anymore, the doctor has told you that this habit is very bad for your health and you could have a heart attack.
  • She is very envious, she cannot bear that others have a better job than hers or that her results are worse than those of the rest of her colleagues.
  • I don't like his sister, she is very unpleasant.
  • Carmen's boss is a tyrant, he tramples on his labor rights over and over again. He is continually threatening them with dismissal.
  • Antonio does not go up selfies to Instagram, I think he is egocentric.
  • Roberto always takes his own food, he does not want to eat out of it because he is very stingy.

These are the examples of negative adjectives. We hope they have helped you get to know them better and identify them. If you want to continue learning, do not hesitate to visit our section Grammar and Linguistics in which you will find more topics related to the Spanish Language.

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