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Types of journalistic texts

Inside the world of journalism we can find different textual typologies that attend to a series of unique and very outstanding characteristics. Depending on the intention of the text, that is, if it is informative, opinion or mixed, we find that these texts have their own elements or others. In this lesson from a PROFESSOR we want to bring you closer to the universe of journalistic writing and, therefore, below we are going to offer you a summary of the different types of journalistic texts that we can meet more regularly. We started!

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  1. Newspaper text: definition
  2. Informative texts
  3. Journalistic opinion texts
  4. Mixed or hybrid gender

Newspaper text: definition.

In a Newspaperdifferent types of texts abound that pursue the same objective: to communicate. However, although the goal is the same, the texts can be presented in different forms and with different characteristics, taking into account the journalistic genre with which we let's find. And it is not the same to report a news than to comment on it and, therefore, the resources used in these two texts will not be the same either.

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But before we dwell on the different types of journalistic texts that exist, it is important that we stop briefly to understand what is a newspaper text. Here's its full definition:

  • A text that is mostly presented written
  • It is linked to the profession of journalism or communication
  • The objective is report to the reader about an event of public interest
  • They are texts linked to the present (a characteristic that differentiates them from literary texts, for example)
  • The journalistic texts they spread massively by material means (the newspaper itself) or by digital means (the websites of digital newspapers)
  • They have one limited validity, since they are texts closely linked to the current moment
Types of journalistic texts - Journalistic text: definition

Image: Slideshare

Informative texts.

To know the different types of journalistic texts that exist, we are going to differentiate them depending on the genre we are talking about. The informative genre is one that the only thing that it pursues is report a fact or event current, are objective texts that offer relevant data of interest to the reader.

In the case of informative texts, we find two very different types of journalistic texts:

  • News: The news is a text that objectively informs about a current event.
  • Reportage: This is a text that also has an informative character but that delves deeper into the subject in question, conducting a more exhaustive investigation.
Types of journalistic texts - Texts of the informative genre

Image: Xunta Galicia

Journalistic opinion texts.

In a newspaper we also find opinion texts or also known as interpretive texts. They are texts in which a subjective and personal assessment of a fact, event or occurrence that has taken place. And within the genre of opinion, we also find different types of journalistic texts such as the following:

  • Editorial: It is a text that collects the general opinion of the newspaper or the media. They attend to a specific fact of the present time and offer a subjective point of view but that encompasses the entire environment.
  • Editorial: This type of text of the journalistic genre is signed by the author who interprets and assesses the events from his particular vision.
  • Review: Within the analysis of the cultural world, critical texts abound. They can be criticisms of music, cinema, literature, art, theater, etc. Here, the critic offers his opinion on a specific topic, therefore, it is a more specialized text and for a more specific sector.
  • Column: In the newspapers there are also columns, which are the subjective texts that are usually elaborated by writers who collaborate with the newspaper and who speak about a current topic with a style literary.
Types of journalistic texts - Journalistic opinion texts

Image: Slideshare

Mixed or hybrid gender.

We finish this review of the types of journalistic texts to talk about, now about the texts that are included within the mixed genre; that is, texts in which informational elements and, at the same time, subjective opinions or interpretations are mixed. There are different types of texts in this category, such as the following:

  • Chronicle: This is a story that is presented in an expanded way and where the editor reports on the event in question but also offers his point of view or his opinions.
  • Review: The critic can be included in the genre of opinion or mixed, depending on how the writer approaches it. If the critic decides to include informative aspects about the work in question and, later, give his opinion about it, then it is a mixed or hybrid genre; if you only give your opinion, then it is only a genre of opinion.
  • Interpretive report: It is a type of journalistic text that is very common in investigative journalism. These reports are not so closely linked to the present, but rather events that occurred in other events can be investigated. moments in history but with a motivation to report back on it and offer another point of view on it. event.
  • Interview: It is a type of text in which a conversation between the journalist and a prominent or important person at the time is related. It is a hybrid genre because it offers current information but, in addition, it allows to know the point of view of the interviewee and her personal opinions.
Types of journalistic texts - Mixed or hybrid genre

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