Education, study and knowledge


Romanesque art: its origin and characteristics

Romanesque art: its origin and characteristics

If we talk about Romanesque art, surely we will all be quite clear about which period we are refe...

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What is Political Science and what does it study?

Political science is that branch of the social sciences that is responsible for analyzing and stu...

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The 15 branches of History: what they are and what they study

The 15 branches of History: what they are and what they study

History is the discipline that studies the events that have happened throughout the past. Althoug...

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Guanches: who were they and how did they live?

Before the Castilian conquest of the Canary Islands, back in the 15th century, an aboriginal cult...

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Fauvism: what it is, and characteristics of this artistic movement

Fauvism: what it is, and characteristics of this artistic movement

On October 18, 1905, the so-called Autumn Salon was inaugurated at the Grand Palais on the Champs...

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The 20 best films about artists

Since the birth of cinema, numerous films have been appearing that portray the biography of paint...

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12 documentaries on neuroscience and neuropsychology

Documentaries on neuroscience in Spanish can be an excellent resource when entering neuroscience ...

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Are birds dinosaurs? The keys to their classification as animals

Are birds dinosaurs? The keys to their classification as animals

When asked by any paleontologist closely associated with the field of phylogeny, they may not hes...

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What is Critical Theory? Their ideas, objectives and main authors

Critical theory is a broad field of study that emerged in the first half of the 20th century., an...

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The 20 most famous and recognized authors of Romanticism

The 20 most famous and recognized authors of Romanticism

Romanticism has been an artistic current that has provided countless authors and artistic works t...

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Cultural anthropology: what it is and how it studies the human being

Cultural anthropology is a branch of anthropology.because, like herself, she is very young and is...

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Cathars: who they were, history, and characteristics of this medieval heresy

Cathars: who they were, history, and characteristics of this medieval heresy

Today there are very few people who have not heard of the Cathars. Cinema and literature have pla...

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