Education, study and knowledge

Drugs And Addictions

Drug dependence: what it is, how it arises and what symptoms it produces

The use of drugs in the particular field of mental health is one of the tools, together with psyc...

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Benefits of treating cocaine addiction in a specialized center

Cocaine addiction is one of the most prevalent addictive disorders in Western societies, since th...

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Chris Herren: the ordeal of the heroin-addicted NBA player

Chris Herren: the ordeal of the heroin-addicted NBA player

The data on the bank accounts of former NBA players is, in many cases, surprising. Some knew how ...

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The doctor who wanted to treat his depression by smoking DMT every day

Mood and anxiety disorders They are two of the most frequent mental problems in the western popul...

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The 8 signs that indicate the beginning of an addiction

Addictions are health disorders with a great capacity to damage our quality of life.Some of the r...

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Why you should go to therapy as soon as possible if you suffer from alcoholism

Why you should go to therapy as soon as possible if you suffer from alcoholism

The abuse of alcohol consumption is so normalized in Spain and in neighboring countries that alco...

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Psychoactive substances: what are they and how are they classified?

Psychoactive substances are chemical substances (drugs or psychoactive drugs) of natural or synth...

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How to leave cocaine or alcohol in Seville, without entering

You are probably wondering Is it possible to quit cocaine, alcohol or any other addiction without...

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The most important comorbidities of alcoholism

Alcoholism is a very serious social, medical and psychological problem that affects both women an...

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The best training in Drug Dependency Prevention

The field of addictions It is one of the most fascinating and complex of Psychology and Health Sc...

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Alcoholic Neuropathy: Causes, Effects, and Treatment

Neuropathies, or clinical disorders of the nervous system, are a large group of heterogeneous dis...

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Antidepressants and alcohol: effects and consequences of their combination

The relationship between the simultaneous use of antidepressants with other psychotropic substanc...

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