Caffeine is considered a drug, since it acts by modifying the state of the nervous system, specif...
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Marijuana is the most widely used illegal drug in the world, and the third drug only behind tobac...
Unfortunately, drugs and drug addiction are more present in our society today than we would like....
Opioids are currently one of the most widely used substances in the world. However, this fact doe...
Marijuana is the most widely used illegal drug in the world, in large part because it is consider...
Cocaine is one of the most widely used drugs in the world and, in fact, today it is relatively no...
Detoxification centers are therapeutic spaces in which very different types of addictions are add...
Alcohol is currently the most consumed drug globally. And yes, alcohol is a drug, although some p...
Chemical submission is a method of violence that has become popular in recent years in various co...
The adictions They are pathologies that not only damage the physical and mental health of those w...
The person who is immersed in an addiction is not capable of getting out of the vicious circle th...
Marijuana is a psychoactive substance that, when entering the body, alters it, generating stimula...