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The 4 most common addictions treated in detox centers

Detoxification centers are therapeutic spaces in which very different types of addictions are addressed, being a sample of to what extent the strategies and techniques of therapy for addictive disorders have been diversified. Therefore, in this context we can see an interdisciplinary work that, based on the work of doctors, psychologists and nursing staff, help people with dependence on substances such as cocaine, alcohol, synthetic drugs, etc.

In this article we will focus on the addictions that we can most commonly find in detoxification centers, summarizing its main characteristics.

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What are the most common addictions in detox centers?

These are the addictive disorders in which the detoxification centers in the Spanish context intervene the most. It should be noted that these they do not have to coincide exactly with the most common addictions in general, because patients who seek professional help and go through this type of therapeutic spaces are not a faithful reflection of the group of people who suffer from these pathologies, due to social and economic trends. In addition, even today it is still common for some addictive disorders to go unrecognized as such and, as a result, those who suffer from them do not consider seeking professional help.

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addictive disorders

On the other hand, it must also be taken into account that some of the addictions addressed in detoxification centers do not specifically require the patient to be detoxified, but it will help you to overcome the disorder in general. This is what happens with behavioral addictions that do not depend on drug use, although in practice It usually happens that these people suffer from both this kind of alterations and addictions based on the consumption of substances. After all, detoxification centers do not just carry out the initial stage of treatment for drug addiction, but goes through all phases of therapy, from detoxification to rehabilitation and reinsertion.

With that said, let's take a look at the addictions that are most commonly seen in detox centers.

1. Alcoholism

Alcohol addiction is one of the most common addictive disorders, among other things due to how normal it is to consume high amounts of this kind of beverage and/or doing it frequently, and the strong cultural roots that alcoholic products have in practically all contemporary societies. On the other hand, alcohol is one of the most harmful drugs, and is among those most associated with risk of causing harm to oneself or others, either through violent behavior or accidents.

Although there is a variant of alcoholism, Epsilon, which does not have all the typical characteristics of addictive disorders, in the vast majority of cases when we speak of alcoholism we refer to addiction to alcohol. In certain cases the person does not fall again and again in a state of significant drunkenness, but even in such situations, he suffers the need to be drinking very frequently and a strong malaise appears when it takes several hours in a row without resorting to beverage.

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2. cocaine addiction

Cocaine is a drug that, being illegal in the vast majority of countries, enjoys a relative degree of social normalization, and that is why said substance is consumed by people with socioeconomic profiles quite diverse. In fact, its use has also become popular in the professional context, and there are those who assume that they cannot work or study for oppositions without incorporating cocaine into their routine, due to the stimulant effects of this drug.

However, cocaine generates an important physical and mental in those who come to develop this addiction, and that is why before the first symptoms of the disease it is necessary to seek therapeutic help as soon as possible.

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3. gambling addiction

Gambling addiction is a behavioral addiction based on the need to wager money on games of chance, what is popularly known as gambling. Due to its nature, it gives rise to serious psychosocial and even material problems derived from the situation of poverty and indebtedness to which it leads people who suffer from said alteration. Furthermore, with the proliferation of online casinos and betting systems disguised as video games, this type of problem has spread.

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4. cannabis addiction

Despite the myth that cannabis is not addictive because it is a "natural" product, the truth is that it does have a significant addictive component. The harmful effects of cannabis are in themselves something that should not be underestimated, but to this we must add that this drug is consumed in a very prevalent manner at an early age, especially by adolescents, whose brain is still developing.

Long-term use of cannabis can cause sequelae such as concentration and memory problems, difficulties not losing your train of thought, and even insomnia; on the other hand, in the short and medium term it can trigger psychotic episodes in those who have a predisposition to this type of psychiatric pathology.

  • Related article: "Marijuana: Science reveals its long-term effects on the brain"

Looking for addiction treatment?

If you want to start a treatment process for addictions, get in touch with us.

In Llaurant la Llum we specialize in offering comprehensive therapeutic support to overcome addictive disorders, whether there is drug use or behavioral addictions; We give you support from psychotherapy and from medicine through therapy sessions, outpatient care, and assistance through admission to our fully equipped residential module. You will find us in Picassent, Valencia (Spain).

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