Education, study and knowledge


18 tricks to save on your wedding

18 tricks to save on your wedding

You are finally ready to take that great step forward in your relationship and you have decided t...

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The 15 best female guitarists in history

Women are often less recognized than men. When music magazines list the best artists, the presenc...

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Top 10 fun card games to play with friends

Top 10 fun card games to play with friends

A good drink, food and talk, it becomes exceptional and more interesting when there are games whe...

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The 10 weirdest Christmas traditions in the world

When we think of Christmas, certain images usually appear in our minds. Perhaps the Christmas tre...

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The strangest customs for New Year's Eve in other countries

The strangest customs for New Year's Eve in other countries

Eating a grape for each of the twelve chimes on New Year's Eve or wearing red underwear can be ve...

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The 12 most beautiful towns to visit in Germany

The 12 most beautiful towns to visit in Germany

Germany is a true demographic and political titan, as it is considered the fifth largest economy ...

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The 10 most conflictive and dangerous neighborhoods in Venezuela

The 10 most conflictive and dangerous neighborhoods in Venezuela

It is estimated that around 60% of the inhabitants who live in the main cities of various regions...

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In what month of pregnancy can you feel the baby's kicks?

In what month of pregnancy can you feel the baby's kicks?

If you are pregnant, you have probably had thousands of questions and doubts, and it is normal. S...

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Why travel on Interrail? 10 reasons to decide

Few things are so rewarding than taking your bags and going out to travel the world. Europe is an...

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Gordofobia: when discriminated on the basis of weight

Have you ever heard of fat phobia? Although technically it could be translated as "fat phobia", i...

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The 10 most popular girl names for this year 2019

The arrival of a baby is always a reason for celebration in the bosom of anyone. If you are expec...

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The 10 domestic cat breeds (and their characteristics)

Cats are one of the most iconic pets to be part of our family. And as! They are playful, cuddly, ...

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