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In what month of pregnancy can you feel the baby's kicks?

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If you are pregnant, you have probably had thousands of questions and doubts, and it is normal. Some of these doubts may be related to the classic baby kicks that begin to be noticed at a given time during pregnancy.

In this article we will answer the following question: In what month of pregnancy can you feel the baby's kicks? To do this, we will also address other questions that arise around this topic: how often should the baby move? Is there a universal pattern? Are there any myths surrounding baby kicks?

In what month of gestation can the baby's kicks be felt?

It is estimated that in a state of gestation or pregnancy, at approximately four months (that is, at sixteen weeks) you already begin to feel the movements of your baby, such as kicking, although the movements occur earlier (around seven or eight weeks, as we will see now).

These usually indicate that the baby is in full health, when they are related to its good development and growth.

Yes, it is true, but that from the seventh or eighth week of pregnancy, the movements of the embryo can already be detected through an ultrasound. Thus, the gynecologist can show these movements to future parents through her, even if the mother still does not notice them in her womb.

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Thus, even if the fetus measures only a few centimeters in these weeks of pregnancy, it already has energy to move through the amniotic fluid.

Remember that the amniotic fluid is the liquid fluid that surrounds the embryo, and that cushions it from any possible blow. In addition, this fluid supports the baby and allows it to move within the walls of the uterus. Regarding the type of movements of the baby, what they usually do early in pregnancy it is flapping the arms and legs, and later the first kicks also appear.

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When are the movements noticeable?

When do expectant mothers notice these kicks? It depends on each one, although they usually notice it in three different situations: when they stretch, sit down or change their position. It is in these moments when the baby takes the opportunity to hit the walls of the maternal uterus with his arms and / or legs.

On the other hand, these movements are usually concentrated in specific moments of the day, as the pregnancy progresses. In this way, the mother can foresee when her baby will move.

Related factors

There are factors that influence whether the baby moves more or less in the womb. One of these factors is the mother's diet; for example, if she consumes a lot of sweet products, this can stimulate the baby's movement.

But why does this happen? By blood glucose levels. Thus, the level of glucose in the mother's blood rises, and is transmitted to the baby through the placenta, causing it to move rhythmically and for short periods of time.

Types of movements

The movements of the baby in the womb vary as the pregnancy progresses, and also depending on each specific case. For example, when the embryo is still very small, and measures a few centimeters, what it does is float in the uterus, swinging and rotating in the amniotic fluid.

However, as the embryo grows, its movements become more and more precise, and go from being simple swings to the classic kicks, for example.

They are dangerous?

Are the baby's movements dangerous for him or for the mother? No way. On the contrary, they are usually indicators of good health, as we indicated previously. What can be a warning sign is that the baby suddenly stops moving for a long period of time, after starting her movements.

However, if the baby moves normally, in addition to being a good sign, this can be a good training for the fetus, since which are usually movements that require a minimum of coordination between three areas of the body: the spine, the head and the shoulders. In addition, the amniotic fluid has the function of protecting the fetus from any damage in this regard.


Is it true that babies stop moving in the last few weeks?

There is a widespread myth in relation to the movements of the baby in the womb, which says that in the last weeks of gestation, the baby stops moving.

This is not exactly like this; what happens is that As the baby is already much older, she does not have as much room to move, and that is why her movements are more leisurely and spaced. So in a way it does slow her movement, but not because he stops being active.

Patterns when feeling movements

As we have seen, babies begin to move in the womb from the seventh or eighth week of pregnancy. However, mothers begin to notice the kicks between weeks 16 and 22 (between 4 and 5 and a half months of pregnancy.

As a general rule, new mothers start to notice the kicks at week 20. On the other hand, mothers who are already going for their second or third child, begin to notice it earlier, around week 16.

In reality, this may be because new mothers may mistake the baby's movement for other things, such as stomach movements or gas, and therefore take longer to recognize unless they are very obvious.

Instead, what about “veteran” mothers? They generally recognize the baby's first movements better, even if they are subtle kicks. On the other hand, thinner mothers also tend to detect them more easily.

Frequency of movements

How often do the baby's movements appear? In reality, there is no universal guideline, and each woman is a world, but there are some indicators:

1. Second trimester of pregnancy

Thus, it is true that, generally, from the second trimester of pregnancy, movements or kicks are infrequent. In addition, in this period they appear spaced in time.

As the pregnancy progresses, the movements are likely to become more frequent and regular. In relation to this, it is important to know that gynecologists advise noting the regularity and frequency of these movement, because a reduction or even disappearance of them could be indicating some kind of problem in the embryo. In these cases, it is always recommended to go to a professional.

2. Third trimester of pregnancy

With the arrival of the third trimester of pregnancy, the baby's kicks can even be counted. In this case, there is also no universal pattern regarding the frequency of movements; in fact, each baby has its frequency and intensity.

Generally, but we can say that in the third trimester, mothers already usually notice a minimum of ten movements of the baby a day (although it is a guideline).

Bibliographic references

  • Arce, A. (2014). Diary of a pediatrician mom. Penguin Random House Editorial Group. Spain. (P. 94).

  • Cabanyes, J. (2014). fetal behavior: a window to neurodevelopment and early diagnosis. Rev Pediatr Aten Primaria, 16 (63).

  • Stoppard, M. (2002). New book on pregnancy and birth. Practical and comprehensive guide for all future parents. Norma Editorial Group.
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