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12 cooperative games for kids (to improve teamwork)

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Cooperation and teamwork are two very positive values ​​for the development of the little ones. But how to work them beyond school?

In this article we propose 12 cooperative games for children (to improve teamwork), which will allow you to enhance these qualities in your children or students.

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12 cooperative games for kids to encourage teamwork

Cooperation implies that, with the action and effort of several people, the same result is achieved. Thus, this has a lot to do with teamwork.

These two aspects are at the same time values, important to transmit in children. How to do it? For example, through games, a very powerful tool in education.

That is why in this article we bring you 12 cooperative games for children to improve and work on teamwork, of different types and difficulties. Let's get to know them below.

1. Move the balloon

This game consists of moving a balloon in pairs through a pre-established route (with a clear origin and end). The requirement of the game, and at the same time its grace, is that no member of the couple can touch the balloon with their hands, only through the other parts of the body.

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This requires a great physical contact between the participants, and a great teamwork. If the balloon falls, you must return to the starting line. The pair that reaches the goal first wins.

2. Sack-race

Another cooperative game for children, also quite physical, is the sack race. This can be individual, or done in pairs, ideal to improve teamwork.

In this case, the couples tie their ankles together and are placed inside a sack. It is a normal race but packed in bags; The objective of the game will be to reach the goal as soon as possible, avoiding falling.


3. The human chain

This simple game is also a lot of fun. You start by "stopping" it; it is about going chasing others. When you are caught, you join the person who stops you, so that the chain will increase until no one is left alone. It is a game that requires teamwork and coordination, because everyone "goes to one".

4. Kill-rabbits

Another cooperative game for children is the rabbit killer, also called “feet together”. It is played with a ball, and the game consists of the following: one of the group throws a ball into the air and says the name of another player.

That player must catch the ball, and the others will run away. Just as the starting player has the ball, he will yell, “Feet still!” And the others will have to stand up.

The ball player may take three steps to either side; will throw the ball towards someone to hunt him down. In the event that he does, this player "dies"; if instead the player catches the ball, the one who threw it "dies" and the other one "stops" it. Players who "die" will sit on the ground, and must wait for someone to save them by poking their hand.

5. Search words

The next game is not as physical as the previous ones. In this case, the material that is needed are some sheets and pencils. The objective of the game will be to find the greatest number of words. Teams of 3 or 4 players will be formed (ideally there will be at least 2 teams), which will be placed in a group around a sheet of paper.

The teacher or the one who directs the game, will say a word of at least 9 letters (for example “bat”, which has 10), and the goal will be for teams to form as many words as possible with those letters messy. They will be given time, for example 3 minutes. The team that scores the most words wins.

6. 3 race

This physical-type cooperative game requires a minimum of 6 players. Groups of 3 will be made, which must be placed between them so that their backs touch and their arms are intertwined. They will not be able to separate. This is a race, and the aim of the game will be to reach the finish line as quickly as possible.

7. Pass word

The next cooperative play idea is of a more intellectual kind. It is about playing the classic "Pasapalabra", which consists of: there is a question for each letter of the alphabet; each answer begins with the corresponding letter, for example; "With the V, animal that gives milk = cow", and so on with all the letters.

Teams of 3 or 4 players will be formed (depending on the total number of players) and the team that answers the most questions will win. The question will be said out loud, and when the team thinks they know the answer, the group leader will raise their hand (or other similar gesture) to respond.

8. Pair of chairs game

A variant of the classic game of chairs. Remember that in the game of chairs, as many chairs as participants in the game are placed in a circle, minus one (that is, if there are 8 participants, 7 chairs are placed).

A song will play as everyone turns around in their chairs. Someone will stop the song, and the players will have to sit in one of the chairs, as quickly as possible. There will always be a player who runs out, who will be eliminated.

In the variant of the game in pairs, it is the same thing but this time, pairs will be formed, who must always sit together (one on top of the other); if one of the two members of the couple does not sit down, they both lose. This will enable teamwork.

9. The parachute

Another one of the cooperative games for children. In this case we are talking about the parachute, a very fun game where the little ones will have a great time. For this you need a large parachute, or a large cloth.

Each participant (ideally, there should be a minimum of 6), will take the cloth or the parachute from a specific side or point. In the center of the fabric we will place a ball. The objective of the game will be to hold the ball as long as possible, without falling, moving it from side to side.


10. The masked ball

A very fun game, where the important thing is to recognize the other without seeing them! It is ideally performed on a dance floor or in a large area. Couples will form and cover their eyes with a handkerchief.

The one that energizes the game will offer a series of premises to follow: take "X" steps in "X" side, forward, backward... so that the pairs disperse and separate among themselves. When the facilitator calls, the game will begin, and the pairs must meet through touch.

11. Rope

The next of the cooperative games for children is the rope game. Two teams are formed with the same number of members (ideally, the groups are balanced in terms of weight and strength).

The two teams stand along a rope, which they hold with their hands. Each team at one end, and in the middle of the rope, a sign on the ground. The objective is to move the other team past the center line, through strength and coordination; The first team to win it wins.

12. The handkerchief in pairs

The last of the cooperative games for children that we propose is the handkerchief in pairs. Another classic; In the handkerchief game, each player is assigned a number. In this variant that we introduce to work on cooperation, each pair has a unique number.

Two sides are formed, on the side and side of the court (each side will have the same assigned numbers), and one person stands in the middle holding a handkerchief in his hand. Couples are tied to each other at the ankles.

The person in the center will yell a number, for example “3!”, And the number 3 pair from each side will run as best they can for the handkerchief. The winner is the couple that manages to pick up the handkerchief and return to their starting place without being caught by the other couple.

Bibliographic references

  • Cruz, D., and Lucena, M. (2010). Cooperative play as a means of promoting values ​​in physical education classes in primary school in professional schools sagrada familia.

  • Enesco, I. and Del Olmo, C. (1992). Teamwork in primary school. Learning among equals. Madrid: Longman.

  • Fernández-Río, J., and Méndez-Giménez, A. (2016). Cooperative learning: Pedagogical model for Physical Education. Challenges. New Trends in Physical Education, Sports and Recreation, (29).

  • Millera and Oliveras (2014). Cooperative learning, an inclusive methodology to improve learning and social cohesion. Areas of pedagogy and orientation, 0, 1-14.

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