The Mercantilist school designates the set of political-economic theories that develop in Europe ...
In this lesson from a TEACHER we offer you a brief summary of Jo's empiricismhn Locke, father of ...
In this lesson from a TEACHER we offer you a brief summary of the theory of leconomic iberalism f...
In a PROFESSOR we will give you a brief exposition of the Voltaire's main ideas, French philosoph...
In this lesson from a TEACHER we offer you an explanation of the concept of Hobbes State of Natur...
In this lesson from a TEACHER we offer you a brief Summary of Berkeley Thought and Empiricism. Th...
Image: Taringa!In this lesson from a TEACHER we offer you a brief summary of Rousseau thought, Ge...
In this lesson from a TEACHER we offer you a brief summary of Kant's thought, one of the great ph...
In this lesson from a TEACHER we explain what enlightenment philosophy, as well as the most outst...
Image: SlideShareIn this lesson from a TEACHER, we will talk about the contributions of Montesqui...
In this lesson from a TEACHER we will review the Montesquieu's works in Neoclassicism, French chr...
Image: SlideplayerIn this lesson from a TEACHER we explain what is contractual theory and who are...