In this lesson we will teach you the foundations of Immanuel Kant's philosophy, one of the most i...
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Image: SlideshareOne of the fundamental elements of modern thought is the confrontation between R...
In this video I will show you the existence of God in medieval times.The previous models were tho...
In this lesson from a TEACHER we explain the thought of Francis Bacon, English philosopher, consi...
Image: SlideplayerLet's do clean sheet. Suppose our mind is blank, empty of ideas and convictions...
Image: YoutubeIn this lesson from a TEACHER we will do a short summary of John Locke's main ideas...
The beginning of modern philosophy is linked to a series of historical factors that condition a c...
Image: Cultural PanoramaThis lesson from a TEACHER, we will do a summary of the thought of Machia...
Image: SlideshareIn this lesson from a TEACHER, we will talk about empiricism, as well as the mos...
In this lesson from a TEACHER we explain the different types of ideas and substances for Descarte...
Image: texts.infoThis lesson from a TEACHER, we will review the most important books of Machiavel...
In this video I will talk about the metaphysical meditations of Descartes. The Descartes' metaphy...