Education, study and knowledge

Phrases And Speeches

Meaning of The end justifies the means

The end justifies the means is a phrase erroneously attributed to the writer and relevant charact...

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Effective suffrage no reelection: meaning of the motto

Effective suffrage no reelection: meaning of the motto

"Effective suffrage, No reelection" was the motto of Francisco Ignacio Madero's campaign in 1910,...

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Meaning of Feet why do I want them if I have wings to fly

Meaning of Feet why do I want them if I have wings to fly

What does Feet mean, why do I want them if I have wings to fly:“Feet why do I want them if I have...

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Meaning of The land belongs to those who work it

What is the land belongs to those who work it:"The land belongs to those who work it" is a famous...

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History will absolve me of Fidel Castro

"History will absolve me" is the phrase with which Fidel Castro (1926-2016) closes his plea of ​​...

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A small step for man a great leap for humanity: analysis and meaning of the phrase

A small step for man a great leap for humanity: analysis and meaning of the phrase

"A small step for man, a great leap for humanity" was the phrase pronounced by the American astro...

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Veni Vidi Vici, by Julius Caesar: meaning and historical context of the phrase

Veni Vidi Vici, by Julius Caesar: meaning and historical context of the phrase

The Latin phrase Come. Vidi. Vici. it was attributed to Julius Caesar when, after a hard battle, ...

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Meaning of The State is me

What is the State I am:"I am the state" (l’Etat c’est moi) is he motto of absolutism coined by th...

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Meaning of Respect for the rights of others is peace

What is Respect for the rights of others is peace:"Respect for the rights of others is peace" is ...

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Meaning of Martin Luther King's I Have a Dream Speech

Meaning of Martin Luther King's I Have a Dream Speech

What is speech I have a dream from Martin Luther King:“I have a Dream"Or, in Spanish," I have a d...

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America for Americans: analysis, interpretation and meaning of the phrase

America for Americans: analysis, interpretation and meaning of the phrase

"America for Americans" is a phrase that expresses what is now known as Monroe Doctrine, which de...

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Meaning of Luck only favors the prepared mind

Meaning of Luck only favors the prepared mind

What does it mean? Luck only favors the prepared mind:"Luck only favors the prepared mind" is an ...

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