Education, study and knowledge


Knight in the Middle Ages: characteristics and summary

Knight in the Middle Ages: characteristics and summary

One of the most represented figures throughout the history of fiction is that of the medieval kni...

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The medieval city and its parts

The medieval city and its parts

Image: AddThe medieval cities saw its rebirth when the old urban centers abandoned after the barb...

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What was the Albigensian crusade

In this new video from Unprofesor we will explain "What was the Albigensian crusade".What was the...

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Women in the Franco regime

Women in the Franco regime

Image: The powder keg - OverblogAfter the establishment of the Franco dictatorship in Spain there...

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Independence of the United States of America: causes and consequences

Independence of the United States of America: causes and consequences

Image: Academy PlayThe independence of the United States of America it took place on July 4, 1776...

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Judicial power: definition and functions

Judicial power: definition and functions

The term "judiciary" refers to one of the three functions and capabilities that make up a State. ...

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The Second Spanish Republic: Summary

The Second Spanish Republic: Summary

The Second Spanish Republic It was the political regime established for the second time in Spain ...

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When did television appear

When did television appear

In this article by a PROFESSOR we are going to talk about a device that revolutionized the media:...

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Absolute monarchies of the Modern Age

Absolute monarchies of the Modern Age

From the 16th to practically the 18th century, the predominant political form throughout Europe w...

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Why did the Titanic sink

Why did the Titanic sink

The history of the Titanic has become one of the major maritime tragedies of the world and that i...

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Invention of the light bulb

Invention of the light bulb

The light bulb is one of the inventions that are most important has had for the progress of civil...

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Invention of radio

Invention of radio

Radio is one of the most important inventions of the history of mankind. Thanks to his invention,...

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