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Women in the Franco regime

Women in Franco's regime - Summary

Image: The powder keg - Overblog

After the establishment of the Franco dictatorship in Spain there were many changes that were experienced, one of the most notable is the role of women, which during these years was very different from that which had been given long ago in the period of the Republic. We could say that more than anything it was a setback, because everything that had been achieved in the Republican years in terms of labor, economic, criminal, sexual independence... while the Franco regime was in force was truncated. Next, in this lesson from a TEACHER we offer you a summary of women in the Franco regime so that you understand how she was seen her and the role that she played in society.

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  1. The woman before the Franco regime
  2. Women during the Franco regime
  3. The social and labor life of women during the dictatorship
  4. Women in the last years of the Franco regime

The woman before the Franco regime.

At the beginning of the 20th century, the role of Spanish women was totally subordinate to men, it basically depended on him and more than 70% were illiterate.

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With the arrival of the Republic the situation improved because with the promulgation of the Constitution of 1931 the woman became yet another full-fledged citizen, everyone, both women and men, were equal before the law, for this one of the first things to do was establish the right to vote feminine; equality was also reflected in civil marriage, divorce ...

Already at the beginning of the Civil War, social revolutions were up to date and women defenders of a republican Spain joined the revolution either as militia or workers. It came to create an organization known as "Free women in which it was intended to abolish with everything they had suffered in the years prior to the Republic, they wanted to be independent, free, equal like any other citizen ...

During the Civil War many were imprisoned for their political activity above or simply for being the wife, sister or mother of someone they really wanted to stop, but couldn't find. In addition, that meant that the children also went to jail with them, because if they were small and both their husband and relatives were dead, or disappeared had to be taken with them, many of them died due to the precarious hygiene and food conditions that existed in the prisions.

In this other lesson we will discover the achievements of the Second Republic so you can see what he achieved during this period.

Women during the Franco regime.

We continue with this summary of women in the Franco regime to understand the change that women underwent during this time.

Once the Franco regime was established, this raised a new type of woman very opposite to all the republican advances that had been made on them previously. It could be said in a summarized way that women, at least until the reform that took place in the Civil Code of May 2, 1975, was above all mother and wife, devoted and submissive to the man She was so much of her father while she was a minor until she married where she would be under the orders of her husband, since she needed her permission at all times to carry out any activity.

She was also considered the home owner how would you say vulgarly " very from home"From which she could not get out, I don't know what she was, accompanied by her husband. With this mentality, the woman saw herself as an inferior being intellectually so she lacked a political and social dimension, with the only vocation of being a housewife and mother.

In the field of education, the separation of sex took placeIn other words, boys with boys and girls with girls, and that was the case until 1970, as it was considered essential to avoid coeducation for mainly moral and Christian reasons. The case of women, which is the one that concerns us, education was based on the new objectives that the dictatorship had on it, so her studies were related to that of the homeFor that there were kitchen manuals, manuals on how to carry out housework... The fact that women had a hobby or taste for studying was very frowned upon.

The woman in the Franco regime - Summary - The woman during the Franco regime

Image: bellachao - blogger

The social and labor life of women during the dictatorship.

In the courtship theme, the relationships until marriage were long and of course it was the man who always took the initiative and without any sexual relations. Being single was at that time a disgrace and if no man wanted to marry her it was because she had a strange, strong, sour character.

The church, defender of this behavior, was not far behind and also expressed its opinion on these issues, for For example, the act of dancing while holding hands was sinful, just like the movies were a danger to the moral. The fact of having a sexual relationship already implied being sure of creating a family, Franco was a defender of a natalist policyHence, it prevented the use of any contraceptive method that would prevent pregnancy.

Having sex outside of marriage in the case of the woman was reason to be condemned, while the man just a crime because according to the mentality of the time, they had certain needs sexual. A separate case was that of prostitution, which was legal until 1956. Needless to say that civil marriage and divorces were prohibited.

In the labor sphere, the Franco regime persecuted until they were able to free women from any work related to the factory or workshop, for which they were forced to leave work once you are married, Her wages were reduced, they needed the permission of her husband to return to a job as happened in the Telefónica company, if they were engaged in more than one trade they were forced to leave them because they could only do one, etc.

In the 50's It is true that there will be a series of very slight socioeconomic changes related to the industrialization process in which the need for an abundant and cheap labor force meant that they were years in which many people left behind the countryside, rural life to march to the cities.

Women were the ones who were mainly favored because he saw his employment and educational possibilities expand both, joining sectors such as textiles, saleswomen, in offices... Positions, that although they were with lower qualifications and there were still wage differences, over time it was what favored the entry of new laws such as that of July 22, 1961 with which Any type of employment discrimination based on sex and wages was prohibited which allowed the first university studies to be given to women by 1966 and to work and to act as magistrates, judges and prosecutors, very important because it meant being within the unit politics.

The woman in the Franco regime - Summary - The social and labor life of women during the dictatorship

Image: Word of Woman -

The woman in the last years of the Franco regime.

We end with this summary of women during the Franco regime to speak, now, of the last times of the dictatorship.

As we have already commented previously, in the last years of the dictatorship of Francisco Franco, which had branded feminism as one of the symbols of its decline, little by little more and more visible changes were taking place, thanks for example to the publication of books where they showed the problems of women in Spanish society, books also, which served as great theorists on how to face this problem and that began to be clarified at the end of the sixties when they began to give the first protest movements, those who never before dared to call themselves feminists for fear of retaliation.

Now these groups and legal organizations of women together with clandestine associations linked to political parties opposed to the regime came to light defending its liberalization and highlighting all the discriminations that until now had occurred towards they Taking advantage of the fact that in 1975 the United Nations declared this yearAs theInternational Year of Women. All this adding to the death of the dictator little by little the role of the woman on the way to the arrival of democracy will have new roles, nothing to do with the harsh repression they had suffered until then.

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