Education, study and knowledge

History Of Spain

Felipe the beautiful and Juana the crazy

Felipe the beautiful and Juana the crazy

With the arrival to power of the Catholic Monarchs, the deed of a series of marriage treaties beg...

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Assassination of Calvo Sotelo

Assassination of Calvo Sotelo

Image: ABC.esJose Calvo Sotelo He was a Spanish politician and was the Minister of Finance during...

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History of feminism in Spain - Summary

History of feminism in Spain - Summary

It will be throughout the 19th century (but especially at the beginning of the 20th century) when...

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Nationalisms in 19th century Spain

Nationalisms in 19th century Spain

Image: The current "Nabar-Herri" - bloggerThe Spanish 19th century, as we have mentioned in other...

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What was the conquest of Granada

What was the conquest of Granada

Image: General HistoryThe January 2, 1492 there was one of the most important events within the I...

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What happened on May 2, 1808 in Spain

What happened on May 2, 1808 in Spain

Image: Netjoven.peThe Spanish monarchy of Carlos IV suffered a severe setback at the end of his r...

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Expulsion of the Jews from Spain

Expulsion of the Jews from Spain

Image: study history - bloggerThe arrival to the throne of the Catholic kingsIt supposed a series...

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Political parties in Spain in the 19th century

Political parties in Spain in the 19th century

Image: Slideshare If the 19th century is known for something, it is, among other things, for bein...

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History of the Spanish War of Independence

History of the Spanish War of Independence

After the defeat at Trafalgar of the French and Spanish troops before the naval might of Great Br...

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History of the combat of the second of May

History of the combat of the second of May

Image: great battles of historyThrough the Treaty of Fointaineblau, Napoleon Bonaparte had direct...

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History of censorship in Spain

History of censorship in Spain

Image: Black SpainWe can say that all the countries of the world have at some time carried out ce...

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History of the death penalty in Spain

History of the death penalty in Spain

Image: The Philosopher in Flames Throughout history, the death penalty has been one of the most c...

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