Felipe the beautiful and Juana the crazy

With the arrival to power of the Catholic Monarchs, the deed of a series of marriage treaties began to ensure the descendants of these a high position and at the same time of power, to be able to end the rival par excellence of Spain: France. Next, in this lesson from a TEACHER we will talk about the story of Felipe the beautiful and Juana the crazy, without a doubt, one of the best studied marriages throughout history and whose fruit would be born the greatest governor that Spain has had and the one who was the most powerful man in Europe: Carlos I of Spain and V of Germany.
- Juana and Felipe I of Castile
- Marriage and Juana's attacks of jealousy
- The death of Isabel I and the struggle for power in Castile
- The reign of Felipe I and Juana I of Castile
Juana and Felipe I of Castile.
Juana I of Castilla, or as she was known "The crazy woman”, She was born on November 6, 1479 in Toledo. Since she was little, she received a great education in which great personalities of the Court such as Beatriz Galindo herself would participate. It is known that, from the beginning, Juana opted for a
almost celibate life she wanting to enter a congregation as a nun, although for political reasons, she was never able to fulfill that wish.As we have said before, theCatholic kings they began a series of political relationships that were sealed with various marriages. In this way they tried to put the kingdom of France in check. Thanks to the mercantile relations of the Crown of Castile, the rapprochement with the Netherlands and with the Holy Roman Empire Germanicus was increasing, getting to produce a double marriage, in which Juana would marry Felipe, the second son of the emperor Maximiliano I.
Philip I of Castile known as "The beautiful”, Was born in Bruges on July 22, 1478. Being the second son of Emperor Maximilian I, he acquired great titles, among which stand out that of the Duke of Burgundy, Luxembourg, Brabant, Gelderland, Limburg, Count of Tyrol, Artois and Flanders.
We know that he received an education proper to the emperor's son and would soon assist his father in the political and administrative affairs of the Empire. In turn, as a young European prince, sports were fundamental in his life, hence many biographies that are currently touring the world tell us about his great physique, undoubtedly being the fact by which he was nicknamed the beautiful.
On the other hand, and within what was usual in princely life, it seems that he had many lovers both at the court of the Empire and at the court of Burgundy or even in his stay in Castile.

Image: Anecdotes and creative works
Marriage and Juana's attacks of jealousy.
When Juana was only 16 years old, she was sent by her parents to the Netherlands, the marriage being celebrated in Lille on August 21, 1496. According to the legends, the two spouses when meeting fell madly in love with each other, advancing the wedding date to be able to consummate. As a result of those first relationships, Leonor would be born on November 15, 1498, and it seems that it was the cause that Prince Felipe returned to his ramblings at court.
It would be from that moment when the attitude of both changed completely, becoming the relationship almost untenable. Juana began a period of constant stalking over her husband, something that produced a series of discussions between the couple ending on many occasions with the woman locked in her own rooms by order of Felipe. Juana's madness reached such a point that she on one occasion came to physically attack to a courtesan, who she thought was sleeping with her husband, so after a series of blows, she cut off her hair to ridicule her even more.
In the same way and trying to recover the love of her husband, they would have five more children, the second being Carlos, who was born on February 24, 1500. It seems that after the birth of the future emperor, the relationship between the spouses improved remarkably; Although it is true that a series of events placed Juana as the heir to the kingdom of Castile and Aragon, Therefore, Felipe was forced to change his aptitude towards his wife for fear of reprisals from his inlaws.
The death of Isabel I and the struggle for power in Castile.
Isabel I of Castile Throughout her reign, she had managed to unite all the factions in Castile, making herself respected as ruler. On November 26, 1504, she died in Medina del Campo after a long illness, giving way to Juana as queen of Castile. Before the queen died, she left a clause in her will that was intended to prevent her husband from taking control of the kingdom, because if Juana was declared mentally unbalanced, Fernando should be the regent until the age of majority. Carlos.
In 1506, the married couple from Flanders arrived on the Spanish coast, claiming the dynastic rights over the Castilian kingdom. In this way, a large part of the Castilian nobility, seeing the possibility of taking advantage of the new situation of the kingdom, he relied on the new rulers because they did not want to continue under the tutelage of the king of Aragon.
One of the ideas that are reinforced by the dispute between Felipe and Fernando will be the Juana's inability to reign because of her mental state. Felipe used a series of tricks and power relations to win the majority of the Castilian votes possible, causing them to elect him as the new governor.

The reign of Felipe I and Juana I of Castile.
After the Villafáfila Concord in 1506, Ferdinand II of Aragon marched back to his kingdom, leaving the government of Castile in the hands of Felipe the beautiful and his daughter Juana.
The government of these monarchs will be very ephemeral in time, because at the beginning of September 1507, the monarch began to have very high fevers that caused his death on the 25th of that month. After this the queen entered a great depression that was aggravated by the black legend that surrounds her figure.
All this made Cardinal Cisneros ask Ferdinand II of Aragon again to return to take the control of the situation, he accepted, although his presence was delayed until the end of his campaigns in Italy.
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