One of the most important elements in the world are rivers, being the cause on many occasions of the births of countries or cities. We tend to focus on the longest rivers, forgetting that in all countries there are smaller but highly relevant rivers. For this reason, in this lesson from a TEACHER we are going to talk about main rivers of Russia with map.
When talking about the rivers of a country we must divide them according to where their waters flow, the first of these slopes being that of the Baltic in the Russian country. These rivers are the ones that are born on the border with Estonia, and the main ones that we are going to talk about are the following:
- Daugava River: It is born on the Valdai Plateau and empties into the Gulf of Riga in Latvia. It has a length of 1,020 kilometers and the area of its basin is 87,900 km2.
- Luga River: It is born in the Tesovskij swamps and empties into the Gulf of Finland. Its length is 353 kilometers, and the area of its basin is 13,200 km2.
- Neva River: It is born in Lake Ládoga and empties into the Gulf of Finland. The length of the river is 74 kilometers, although along its route it joins other rivers that increase its length. The area of its basin is 285,500 km2.
In a PROFESSOR we also discover the major rivers of Europe, the rivers of asia, the rivers of africa most important and rivers of america.
The rivers of Russia of this slope are characterized by the great amount of time that they spend frozen due to the low Russian temperatures. The main rivers of this slope are the following:
- Northern Dvina River: It is born at the junction of the Sújona and Yug rivers and flows into the White Sea. Its length is almost 800 kilometers, while the surface of its basin is 357,000 km2.
- Pinega River: It is born in the Oblast of Arcángel and flows into the Dvina Septentrional river. Its length is 780 kilometers, while the surface of its basin is 42,600 km2.
- Vichegda River: It is a river that is born in the Timan Mountain Range and flows into the Northern Dvina.
- Oni River: It rises in the Altai massif and empties into the Gulf of Obi. Its length is 5410 kilometers and the extension of its basin is almost 3 million km2.
- River Taz: It is born in Uvales de Siberia and empties into the Taz Estuary. Its length is 1400 kilometers and the area of its basin is 150,000 km2.
- Kolimá River: It is born at the junction of the Kulu and Ayan rivers and its waters flow into the Gulf of Kolimá. It has a length of 2,515 kilometers and the extension of its basin is 680,000 km2.
- Indigirka River: It is born in the Suntar-Chajata Mountains and flows into the Bay of Kolyma. It has a length of 1977 kilometers and the surface of its basin is 360,000 km2.
- Lena River: It is born in the Baikal Mountains and flows into the Laptev Sea, being a route of 4,400 kilometers,
- Oleniok River: It is born in the Central Pyrenean Plateau and flows into the Laptev Sea, covering 2,292 kilometers on its way.

Image: Blogitravel
To continue with this lesson on the rivers of Russia with a map, we must talk about the main rivers that belong to the Pacific slope. The most important rivers on this slope are the following:
- Anadyr River: It rises in the Stanovoi Mountains and empties into the Anadyr estuary. It has a length of 1,146 kilometers and the extension of its basin is 191,000 km2.
- Pénzhina River: It is born in the Magadan Mountains and flows into the Gulf of Shelijov. It has a length of 713 kilometers and its basin an extension of 73,500 km2.
- Amur River: It rises in the Khentii Mountains and empties into the Sea of Okhotsk. It has a length of 4,494 kilometers and the extension of its basin is 1,885,000 km2.
- Ussuri River: It is born in the Sijote-Alin mountain range and flows into the Amur River. It has a length of 897 kilometers and a basin of 193,000 km2.
- Zeya River: It rises in the Stanovoi Mountains and empties into the Amur. It has a length of 1,492 kilometers and a hydrographic basin of 233,000 km2.
To end this lesson, we must talk about the rivers of Russia that flow into other slopes, either in the Black Sea, the Caspian Sea or that end up flowing into other states. Some of the main rivers of these slopes are the following:
- Kubán River: It is a river that rises from the union of the Ulukam and the Ukchulan and flows into the Sea of Azov. Its length is 870 kilometers and the extension of its basin is 57,900 km2.
- Ural River: It is a river that originates in the Ural Mountains and flows into the Caspian Sea. Its length is 2,228 kilometers and the extension of its basin is 23,100 km2.
- Volga River: It is a river whose source takes place in the Valdai Hills and flows into the Caspian Sea. It has a length of 3,530 kilometers and the extension of its basin is 1,450,400 km2.
- Kama River: It is a river that is born in the Kama Hills and whose mouth takes place in the Volga River. It has a length of 1805 kilometers and a basin of 507,000 km2.
- Don River: It is born in the central plateau of Russia and empties into the Sea of Azov. It has a length of 1,870 kilometers and a basin 425,600 km2.

Image: Maps Russia