Education, study and knowledge


The genetic and biological bases of psychopathy

The genetic and biological bases of psychopathy

We often talk about the acts, the style of behavior and the way of interacting with people that p...

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Psychopharmaceuticals: drugs that act on the brain

The psychotropic drugs they are one of the most influential tools in psychology and psychiatry, b...

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How does an addiction affect the brain?

Addictions are phenomena whose root has a neurological basis. Studies on this issue agree that th...

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What damage to the brain do drugs cause?

Drugs are psychoactive substances with a high potential to harm us both inside and out.Its habitu...

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Nociceptors (pain receptors): definition and types

We call "nociceptor" the cell terminations that detect pain sensations and transmit them to other...

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The male brain: structures and differential functionality

The controversy over the particularities it represents the differentiation between the brains of ...

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Brain development of the fetus and abortion: neuroscientific view

Imagine that you, dear reader, finds out that a friend, sister, aunt, or acquaintance just got p...

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Neuropsychology: what is it and what is its object of study?

Before learning about this branch of psychology, it is convenient to know what neurosciences are,...

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What is epigenetics? Keys to understanding it

How important is DNA. The genetic code is the linchpin of life, which in the case of humans store...

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Major cell types of the human body

Major cell types of the human body

The human body is made up of 37 trillion cells, which are the unit of life.It is not surprising t...

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Histamine: functions and associated disorders

Histamine is one of the most important elements in the world of medicine, and its use is common w...

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What is oxytocin and what functions does this hormone perform?

The oxytocin is one of those substances that make the field of study of the neurosciences and bio...

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