Human beings are animals of habit. Our lives are structured in patterns that repeat themselves fr...
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Since life appeared on Earth, a great diversity of structures and beings have appeared, evolved a...
It is common to hear that eating whole foods, fruits and vegetables, can help us lose weight and ...
Our body is a complex organism, which is made up of various systems of organs, tissues, enzymes a...
The frontal lobe is one of the parts of the brain more studied and more interesting from the poin...
By now it is known to the vast majority of the population that the human brain is divided into fo...
The parietal lobe, located under the cranial bone that gives it its name and between the frontal ...
The cerebral cortex, which is the most iconic part of the brain and known for its folds and labyr...
The hippocampus is one of the parts of the brain more important. It is situated in what is know...
The meninges are one of the most important parts that cover the Central Nervous System. They invo...
Brain It contains thousands and thousands of interconnections between its neurons, which are sepa...
The peripheral nervous system is made up of nerves and ganglia that connect the nervous system. c...