Education, study and knowledge


Egocentric personality: 15 characteristic traits

The egocentric personality and the set of egocentric behaviors are usually linked to certain beha...

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The 8 personality types according to Carl Gustav Jung

The 8 personality types according to Carl Gustav Jung

Have you heard of the eight types of personalities that he proposed Carl Gustav Jung? It is no se...

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People who transmit positive energy: 9 traits

There are people who show their ability to spread good humor and motivation. Many times they attr...

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Impulsive people: their 5 characteristic traits and habits

To what extent are we able to control our most emotional and passionate side? Most human beings a...

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Cattell's 16 factors personality test (16 FP)

Each of us has our own way of being. We observe the world in certain ways, we relate to others in...

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11 characteristics of optimistic people

There are many types of individuals, each with different characteristics that make them special. ...

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Enneagram of Personality and Enneatypes: What are they?

Enneagram of Personality and Enneatypes: What are they?

Between the areas covered by psychology, for decades the study of Personality types it arouses gr...

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Highly sensitive people: a new personality trait

Historically, psychology has based its personality studies on the factors evaluated in the big f...

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Keirsey temperament classifier: what is it and what categories does it contain

Keirsey's temperament classifier is a tool used in the field of personal growth and Human Resourc...

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Donald Trump's personality, in 15 traits

Donald Trump's personality, in 15 traits

The world is surprised that Donald Trump is the new president of the United StatesBut the truth i...

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Seductive personality: 6 attractive strategies and traits

The seductive personality is of great value in a society in which contacts and social relationshi...

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The Lüscher Test: what it is and how it uses colors

The Lüscher Test is a projective evaluation technique that starts from relating the preference or...

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