Education, study and knowledge


Characteristics of ketamine as a psychoactive drug for depression

Characteristics of ketamine as a psychoactive drug for depression

Ketamine is one of those examples that shows how counterintuitive the world of psychoactive drugs...

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Bupropion: uses and side effects of this drug

Tobacco is one of the substances with psychoactive effects that has been most legally consumed si...

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Chlordiazepoxide: characteristics and side effects of this drug

Benzodiazepines are, together with barbiturates, antidepressants and antipsychotics, one of the b...

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Thiothixene: Uses, Side Effects, and Precautions

Schizophrenia is one of the mental illnesses with the greatest variability of symptoms and degree...

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Paliperidone Palmitate: Uses and Side Effects

Psychotic disorders are some of the best known and striking for most of the population, with schi...

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SNRI: uses and side effects of these drugs

In the treatment of depression, one of the most frequent mental disorders, a great number of numb...

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Agomelatine: characteristics and side effects of this antidepressant

Today there are many pharmacological tools to treat people suffering from a depressive disorder. ...

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Primperan (metoclopramide): uses and side effects

Metoclopramide, better known as Primperan, is a widely used medication to treat all types of naus...

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Pimozide: Mechanism of Action, Uses, and Side Effects

Antipsychotic drugs have been shown to be effective in reducing the most characteristic symptoms ...

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Levomilnacipran: uses and side effects of this drug

Psychoactive drugs such as escitalopram, olanzapine or diazepam are relatively well known by part...

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Duloxetine: uses and side effects of this drug

Pharmacological science advances every day to create increasingly effective drugs with fewer side...

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Molindone: uses and side effects of this drug

The treatment of schizophrenia has been and continues to be an area of ​​great relevance worldwid...

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