Education, study and knowledge


Schizotypal Personality Disorder: What is it?

Schizotypal personality disorder is affected by up to 3% of the general population. People who su...

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The 10 most common psychological disorders in adults

At one point or another in life, practically everyone has to deal with some psychological problem...

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Self-fulfilling prophecies, or how to carve out a failure yourself

I'm going to tell you the story of Oedipus, but not the part that everyone knows, when the charac...

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Schizoid Personality Disorder: What is it?

Do you know what a personality disorder is? It consists of a behavioral pattern and internal expe...

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Social phobia: what does it consist of and which people does it affect?

Have you ever heard of social phobia? Do you know someone who suffers from it, or may it even be ...

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Sleep paralysis: what is it, symptoms and causes of this disorder

Sleep paralysis: what is it, symptoms and causes of this disorder

exist many types of sleep disorders, but one of the most unpleasant that someone can get to exper...

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The 4 types of Autism (and their characteristics)

Many people feel a certain rejection towards things that according to their criteria are not "nor...

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The 20 types of delusions (and their characteristics)

We have heard many times 'I don't know what you are talking about, you are surely delirious' or '...

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The 18 most common mental disorders

A healthy lifestyle is the ideal to pursue at all times of our life. Be in good physical conditio...

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Hydrophobia (fear of water): what is it, causes and symptoms

Do you know hydrophobia? It is about the phobia of water. Like all phobia, it consists of an irra...

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Hypnophobia (fear of sleep): causes, symptoms and treatment

Do you know what hypnophobia is? Also called somniphobia or clinophobia, it consists of the phobi...

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Arachnophobia (fear of spiders): symptoms and causes

What is the first thing you think of when you see a spider? Are you one of those people who intri...

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