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Arachnophobia (fear of spiders): symptoms and causes

What is the first thing you think of when you see a spider? Are you one of those people who intrigue you? Or are you more of those who discover that they have a high vocal range after yelling?

Spiders can be very interesting creatures, their anatomy, function and their splendid creations of Cobwebs make more than one sit for a while just observing them and letting them be in tranquility.

But for a significant percentage of humanity, spiders represent one of their greatest fears. Even becoming the inspiration for fantastic horror stories and movies, precisely because of its characteristics individuals that, instead of causing fascination, fill people with terror just by mentioning or suspecting their presence.

  • Plus: "The 20 rarest phobias of the human being"

Why do spiders cause so much fear in people? Find out below in this article where We will talk about what arachnophobia is, the causes that originate it and its symptoms. So you can find out if you have this disease.

What is arachnophobia?

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In psychological terms, arachnophobia represents a specific phobia towards spiders. That is, it is an irrational fear of their mere presence or mention, despite the fact that they do not entail any minimal danger to the overall health of the person. Generally, people who are afraid of spiders are also afraid of other animals in the arachnid family such as scorpions.

The responses that derive from this phobia are visceral rejection, paralyzing fear, feelings of apprehension, a high pulse and a desire to flee the site. They can occur in low or high measures, from simply wanting to keep them away, to avoiding going to places where they may be present or even feel physiological discomfort when you are near a Spider.

Some fear spiders that are large and hairy, due to their more threatening appearance. Although there are those who fear the so-called 'home spiders' and sometimes even the spider web alone. However, this fear, together with the fear of snakes, corresponds to the most common phobias that human beings experience and some experts believe that it is due to an evolutionary issue.

Why are spiders feared?

Many experts in psychology and also those scholars of spiders agree that this fear has a character of human evolution, as a result of the adaptation between interaction with man and the dangers of nature. This is because, in prehistoric times, our ancestors had to be careful of spiders that were poisonous to preserve their health, especially since they both shared the same place to live: the caves.

Over time, our instinct was taking this lesson and we developed an innate hereditary reaction towards the rejection of these creatures, despite the fact that today it is very easy to keep them away from our homes.

In summary and supported by Seligman's theory of preparation, arachnophobia or irrational fear of spiders comes from an inheritance of our past, where the organism learned to identify with the passage of time and evolution, certain elements that can endanger our integrity. In this case, that risk is represented by spiders.

Why is it called irrational fear?

A large part of phobias are actually irrational fears of people towards a specific element that causes them disgust for no reason apparent and this is in essence, the main characteristic of an irrational fear: not knowing where that fear comes from and, most importantly, we cannot control it.

But it is when these acquire a maladaptive meaning for the person, that is, when it affects her daily life, that they are considered phobias. Although the person may notice all the conditions that her reaction entails, she is not interested in performing changes to improve or reverse your situation, because your sense of security has been distorted by full.

In the case of arachnophobia, most only feel rejection by spiders, hate their presence and avoid approaching them. But in more serious cases, they can avoid going out to parks and green places, to being confined in their home or develop compulsive hygiene and cleanliness behaviors to keep them away from their stay.

Phobias in DSM 5

Due to their maladaptive nature already mentioned, phobias are considered within the mental disorders of DSM 5 (Manual diagnosis and statistics of mental disorders), more specifically, they are categorized within the Disorders of anxiety. In which are established: Social Phobia or Social Anxiety, Agoraphobia and Specific Phobia.

The Arachnophobia falls within the classification of Zophobias, belonging to specific Phobias. This causes aggravated discomfort and anxiety at the mention, presence or image of any animal (in this case, spiders).

Symptoms of arachnophobia

It is very important to recognize if you only have a common fear of spiders or it is a phobia, which is a slightly more aggravated situation. We are going to know below the symptoms that occur in this phobia.

1. Significant discomfort

People suffering from arachnophobia report feeling a highly significant discomfort in the emotional and physical spheres, which can affect your long-term health if this phobia is not treated.

Among the physical discomforts we can mention: rapid heartbeat, increased blood pressure, dizziness, nausea, feeling of vertigo, excessive sweating, muscle tremors or cramps, fast breathing, stomach upset or pressure, momentary paralysis or sensation of fading.

While in the emotional sphere, people may notice feelings of apprehension or hopelessness, depersonalization (feeling that they leave their body) or derealization (feeling that they are in a nightmare or that it is not real), instability, crying, excessive fear, anxiety, stress and worry about not being able to get out of that situation.

As we just mentioned, people feel clinically significant discomfort in their emotional area when facing or even just thinking about meeting a spider. So the person lives in constant anxiety that varies in levels, but is always present.

So you may experience daily tiredness, insomnia, decreased daily performance, or even social isolation. Although this occurs in the most serious cases of arachnophobia, that is, when it is a Specific Phobia Disorder.

For those who are afraid of spiders but this does not represent a threat to the other spheres of life, that is, when it only manifests itself by being in the physical presence of the spider. Their discomfort is limited to paralyzing fear, tremors, or stress that fades once they have moved away from the spiders, no matter where they are.

3. Exit restriction

At all costs, people who have arachnophobia avoid any kind of minimal situation where they may have a possible contact with spiders, reaching the point of becoming almost a trend paranoid.

So it is possible that they develop an inclination to remain locked in their homes, to always keep them clean, to demand from the people around them that they comply with their hygienic standards to allow them to enter their home and of course they withdraw from walking through places with vegetation, where spiders can inhabit.

4. Affection of the spheres of life

Many people can be compromised in the performance and functionality of their life development daily life due to arachnophobia, which affects their social, interpersonal, work, academic and recreational. Not because of the spiders themselves, but because of what they represent for their integrity, we must remember that we are talking about a phobia and therefore, a psychological disorder.

Therefore, when a person is convinced that many places are potential scenarios for the appearance of spiders and therefore avoid them, you will never want to return to that same place or stay near this. Regardless of whether it is at your workplace, at school, in certain parts of your home, at a family gathering, or in a public place.

5. Disproportionate fear

Of course, all these fears, physical discomforts and anxieties are the product of a disproportionate fear of the ‘real threat’ towards his life, which is constant for a period greater than 6 months. By themselves, spiders do not represent a latent danger to us, unlike species that are poisonous, which are few.

Simply put, this paralyzing fear is only brought on by the imagination and distorted beliefs of the person himself. Therefore, it is an irrational fear.

Recommended treatments

Arachnophobia, like the rest of the specific phobias, can be treated and be greatly reduced with the help of a therapist and some changes in the person's mindset.

The best way to overcome any phobia is by attending therapy, where the psychologist will give you the most functional tools and simple so that you can face your fear and more importantly that it does not dominate you, or represent a problem in the other areas of your lifetime.

In the most severe cases, the help of a multidisciplinary team is needed to deal with the various symptoms. In addition, the intake of psychotropic drugs may be required to reduce the effects of anxiety or obsessive compulsive tendencies.

It is very important that the person practice recreational activities to reduce the states of constant worries and stress, the intention in these is for the person to have a moment of relaxation so that her body regenerates energies.

Another recommendation is to carry out external activities, so that you can adapt again to your environment without any fear of the appearance of a spider.

3. Information about phobia

It is always important to have a minimum knowledge about the current state of this disorder, why occurs and that is combable with psychological help and the recommendations that the therapist recommend. As long as the patient is committed to achieving that positive change.

So do not let your fear control you and face it, so you can regain your normal life.

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