Education, study and knowledge

Ana Maria Molina Molina

Hello. My name is Ana María Molina and I am a Clinical Psychologist. I have 25 years of experience as a psychologist, from cognitive-behavioral orientation to the use of the so-called third generation therapies emerging today. She characterizes me to have empathy with patients to help them understand what is happening to them and teach them guidelines and strategies so that they themselves can solve them and become part of their lifestyle. I am lucky to be able to work on what I like and I can say that I am passionate about my work. I try to provide a service based on establishing a good patient-therapist relationship to generate a good working environment between the two, I understand that ko always It is easy to go to a psychologist and that is why I try to make the patient feel comfortable and make the therapy as easy as possible, adapting it to each case in particular. My goal is that the patients themselves learn what their problem is, what is maintaining it and guidelines to solve it, with it perhaps We cannot reduce your problem one hundred percent but we can reduce the frequency of appearance, the intensity of the emotion and the duration of the trouble. I want the goals to be realistic and effective.

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Among my specialties are anxiety disorders, panic attacks, hypochondria agoraphobia, generalized anxiety, OCD, simple animal phobias, driving, social phobia. Especially stage fright, fear of public speaking, of exams. Depression, coping with grief. Couple therapy. Specialist in problems of Self-esteem and Social Skills. I work with children and, above all, with teenagers.

Empathy, adaptation to the patient, creativity when applying techniques when they do not fit the patient's way of being, always from a scientific basis. Assistance by phone, WhatsApp and Skype with extended hours. Flexibility when caring for the patient. Rigorous techniques following the theories that work them.

Francisco J. Garcia Molera

I am Francisco J. García, Health Psychologist, specialized in psychogerontology, and therapist in...

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Jose Manuel Sanchez Lopez

Can you imagine how your day would be without the problem that worries you so much or overwhelms ...

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Psychologists in Castro Urdiales

Degree in Pedagogy, Speech Therapy and Master in Neuropsychology and Clinical Psychology Inpsiko ...

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