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84 phrases of Gandhi to understand his philosophy of life

Mahatma Gandhi He was one of the most important historical personalities of the 20th century and one of the most valued Indian thinkers of modernity.

His thought, his pacifist philosophy and his religiosity were expressed in his numerous books and writings of reflection., but to become familiar with his way of thinking it is also very useful to go to his famous quotes and phrases to remember.

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Gandhi phrases to understand his vision of the world

We are facing a pacifist myth and an icon of Eastern and Western culture. Then you can find a list with many of the most important Gandhi phrases.

1. The action expresses the different priorities.

Gandhi believed that the philosophy of each one is expressed through his actions and that it is in the moments in which personal values ​​collide with each other that the choice of one over another defines us.

2. Man is the product of his thoughts.

This and several other phrases by Gandhi refer to one of the characteristics of his way of thinking: It is important to focus on the mental sphere, and not so much on the analysis of the context and the environment in which it is he lives.

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3. The weak can never forgive.

Gandhi believed that the easiest option is the one he has to do with anger and revenge.

4. Violence is the fear of the ideals of the other.

This is one of the phrases of Mahatma Gandhi in which a very simple idea is expressed: the fear Faced with what other people believe, it is a symptom of the weakness of their own way of thinking.

5. My life is the message.

Once again, it is clear that this Indian thinker did not distinguish between theory and action.

6. Nonviolence and truth are inseparable.

According to Gandhi, the firmness in what is believed can never be expressed violently.

7. An eye for an eye and the whole world will go blind.

An analysis of the consequences of war and spirals of violence.

8. Anger and intolerance are the enemies of knowledge.

For Gandhi, wisdom is born from dialogue.

9. An ounce of action is worth more than tons of preaching.

Another of those Gandhi phrases in which the need not to separate the ideals from the way of life is emphasized.

10. Be the change you would like to see in the world.

For this thinker, progress is based on small individual and daily decisions.

11. No one can hurt me without my permission.

Mental toughness was a property much claimed by Gandhi.

12. The truth never hurts a cause that is just.

The solidity of the ideas translates into their solidity, also, in the face of the evidence.

13. Those who know how to think do not need teachers.

Gandhi shows in this quote that thought is based on the autonomy of each one.

14. The future depends on what you do today.

The small details of the day to day are, according to the thinking of Mahatma Gandhi, what will shape the future.

15. Fear has its uses, but cowardice does not.

In this quote from Gandhi, the idea that the important thing is to focus on the objectives related to the good and the truth is captured.

16. Poverty is the worst form of violence.

For Gandhi, poverty is also a form of oppression by the powerful, (although it is disguised as possibilities to choose one's own destiny and theoretically it seems easy to get out of precariousness), because it does not give options to make decisions and gradually improve the quality of lifetime.

17. No culture can live if it tries to be exclusive.

This quote reflects the high value that Gandhi had for dialogue and mutual understanding between various types of societies.

18. When faith becomes blind, it dies.

Gandhi was a religious person, but he believed that faith has to go hand in hand with reason and questioning dogmas.

19. The good human being is a friend of everything that lives.

Gandhi thus expressed a very widespread idea in several non-Western cultures: human beings are not the only forms of life that must be respected.

20. The truth remains even if it has no public support.

In this sentence, Gandhi refers to the self-sufficiency of the truth as something that does not depend on the opinions of the human being.

Other phrases of Gandhi about politics, friendship and peace

We continue with other famous quotes from the Indian leader.

21. Where there is love there is also life.

Love is the main source of good vibes.

22. The essence of all religions is the same, only their approaches change.

A position that shows his discontent towards the dogmas and the function of some religions.

23. Faith is not something you hold onto, but something you live by.

His unorthodox religiosity is fantastically reflected in this opinion.

24. Disagreement is often a sign of progress.

Democracy implies discrepancy, and discrepancy gives rise to better and renewed ideas and ways of acting.

25. God has no religion.

A phrase to think and reflect. Maybe God is above certain symbols and creeds, right?

26. Even if he is in the minority, the truth is the truth.

The truth has only one way, the reality is objective and palpable. A lie repeated a thousand times will never become the truth.

27. The glory is in aspiring to a goal and not finishing reaching it.

The important part is on the road, and not the goal.

28. Happiness appears when what you think, what you say and what you do are in harmony.

An antidote to hypocrisy and sadness: act as we feel.

29. She hates the sin, she loves the sinner.

A way of showing that peace must prevail, despite everything.

30. Believing in something and not living it is fundamentally dishonest.

Gandhi championed the need to pursue the destiny that each one feels in life.

31. Live simply so that others can simply live.

Against materialism and the desire to accumulate possessions and wealth.

32. Death is nothing more than a dream and an oblivion.

Phrase to free interpretation.

33. Live as if you will die tomorrow. Learn as if you'll live forever.

A Gandhi classic. Carpe diem, do what you have to do, otherwise you will regret it.

34. You can't shake hands with fists.

Another famous quote about peace and how to reach consensus with other people or groups.

35. Behavior is the mirror that shows our image.

The behavior of each one is what best defines their personality and their essence.

36. Each house is a university and the parents are the teachers.

Education, that great forgotten.

37. Loneliness is a catalyst for creativity.

When you are alone, it is easier for you to look in your own world for ways to escape reality and create new ideas and artifacts.

38. Selfishness is blind.

Selfishness does not see far, it limits itself to going the easy way, which at times may not lead to a good destination.

39. There is no god greater than the truth.

Another phrase about the truth and about the need for human beings to be honest.

40. Love is the most powerful force there is.

Love moves mountains.

41. For a non-violent person, the whole world is his family

The idea of ​​community with which affective ties are established, for the pacifist, has no borders.

42. Western civilization? well, it would be an excellent idea

One of Gandhi's phrases in which his criticism of the inconsistency of Western values ​​is reflected.

43. The cause of freedom becomes a mockery if the price to pay is the destruction of those who should enjoy freedom

Freedom is understood by Gandhi as an absolute, not something relative.

44. The most egregious thing about bad things about bad people is the silence of good people.

Inaction can become an instrument of oppression.

45. One minute that passes is unrecoverable. Knowing this, how can we waste so many hours?

A reflection on the way in which we make the most of our time.

46. The sadness of separation and death is the greatest of deceptions

Gandhi laughed at life beyond death and considered not to do so as falling into an intellectual trap.

47. Victory achieved by violence is equivalent to defeat, because it is momentary

For this referent of pacifism, the means and the ends are inseparable.

48. Impure means lead to impure ends

In line with other phrases by Gandhi, this one emphasizes the need to use strategies consistent with what is sought.

49. My best weapon is silent prayer

In spiritual rest and introspection there may be a tool for social progress.

50. Gold shackles are much worse than iron ones

Oppression disguised as freedom is evil.

51. Rivers of blood will flow before we conquer our freedom, but that blood must be ours

Another of the most inspiring phrases about pacifism.

52. We win justice faster if we do justice to the opposing party

Gandhi points out that what we want for ourselves we must apply to others.

53. To change the world, start by transforming yourself

Collective and social change begins with oneself.

54. Man does not have the power to create life. Therefore, he also does not have the right to destroy her.

A way to justify pacifism through reason.

55. A coward is not capable of showing love; doing so is reserved only for the brave

Expressing affection is an act of courage.

56. When everyone abandons you, God stays with you

Gandhi finds in the figure of God a spiritual refuge.

57. Don't let the sun die without your grudges having died

One of Gandhi's phrases about hatred and its limiting nature.

58. I am a practical dreamer and I want to make my dreams come true

Gandhi was not satisfied with fantasizing about a better world, he wanted to create it.

59. We must not lose faith in humanity, since it is like the ocean: it does not get dirty because some of its drops are corrupted

A reflection on the potential of humanity to do good.

60. Birth and death are not two different states, but two aspects of the same state

Gandhi saw life as a path that can be traveled in two directions.

61. He who withholds something that he does not need is equal to a thief

A reflection on the need to share.

62. I am humble, but at the same time an enthusiastic seeker of truth

A phrase from Gandhi that reflects his philosophy of life.

63. Religion is a matter that has to do with the heart; no physical evil can keep me from her

This pacifist was a great defender of the idea that religions have a common root.

64. Each one prays to his god from his own light

In line with the previous reflection, Gandhi points out that even in private beliefs there is something in common.

65. I am prepared to die, but there is no reason I should be prepared to kill

Death is part of life, but not murder.

66. The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in helping others

A reflection on how social relationships based on love serve to build one's own identity.

67. Prayer is the key of the morning and the lock of the evening

One of Gandhi's most poetic phrases, about his way of understanding prayer.

68. Morality is the foundation of things and truth is the substance of all morality

In this reflection a direct relationship is established between morality and what is true.

69. If I had no sense of humor, I would have committed suicide long ago

A surprising statement about one's life and, at the same time, a way of emphasizing the importance of a sense of humor.

70. Satisfaction resides in effort, not in what you get

Gandhi reflects on the nature of satisfaction.

71. Respect for oneself knows no considerations

Maintaining dignity is an unquestionable principle, according to the philosophy of this thinker.

72. In prayer it is better to have a heart without words than words without a heart

Another of Gandhi's phrases about prayer understood as something in which feelings must be expressed.

73. Jesus is pure and perfect, but you Christians are not like him

A scathing observation about the Christian community.

74. The culture of a nation resides in the heart and soul of its people

This leader of pacifism understood culture as something alive and dynamic present in the great masses and not in palaces or museums.

75. Peace is its own reward

Peaceful initiatives are valuable in themselves.

76. The search for the truth does not admit violence against the adversary

Another phrase that could be taken as a slogan of pacifism.

77. All religions, although they differ in some respects, unanimously point out that nothing lives in this world beyond the Truth

Another sample of Gandhi's ideology in regards to the universality of religions.

78. Morality is contraband in war

A critique of the cynicism with which he appeals to morality in wars.

79. I have worshiped women as the embodiment of sacrifice and the serving spirit

Gandhi refers here to gender roles traditionally associated with women.

80. Everyone can hear the inner voice; she is inside everyone

One way to point out the importance of introspection.

81. There is sufficiency in the world for man's needs, but not for his greed.

If we all limited ourselves to consuming what we need, there would be no poverty or hunger.

82. Palestine belongs to the Arabs, as England belongs to the English or France belongs to the French.

A clear position regarding the conflict between Israelis and Palestinians.

83. Praying is the key to tomorrow and the lightning bolt of the night.

Well-known phrase in which he expresses his religious convictions.

84. I want to change their minds, not kill them for the same weaknesses that we all possess.

Emphasizing the power of words and arguments.

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