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165 phrases for Instagram, Facebook and Pinterest photos

Surround yourself with phrases for photos from Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, Tumblr or those that are hung in rooms to decorate, It is a very good way to periodically remind us of a reflection or idea that we like.

And it is that, from time to time, the inspiration provided by reading famous phrases is more intense if the word is accompanied by the image.

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Phrases for photos from Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and other networks

These quotes can be used as phrases for motivational photos, of love or that invite concentration and reflection. If you can think of more, you can leave your proposals in the comments section.

1. There is a point of light in every storm cloud

In the bad there is also a hint of beauty and goodness, according to Bruce beresford.

2. Happiness is an address, not a place

Sydney S. Harris relates the happiness with a movement, rather than with a state.

3. We live in a rainbow of chaos

Beauty, order and disorder go hand in hand in an image transmitted through this quote Paul cezanne.

instagram story viewer

4. Freedom is never given; is won

TO. Philiph randolph, on the nature of freedom as something to be conquered.

5. Happiness can exist only in acceptance

One of the phrases for photos of the writer and journalist George Orwell.

6. There is a form of beauty in imperfection

Conrad Hall, about beauty and the lack of it.

7. Freedom is nothing but the opportunity to improve

The philosopher and writer Albert camus, on one of the most important facets of freedom.

8. Wherever you go, go with all your heart

Confucius reflect on travel and transitions.

9. Man is free the moment he wants to be

Voltaire, about freedom.

10. The weak can never forgive

One of the Gandhi phrases best known, about sacrifice and the power necessary to forgive.

11. Each flower is a soul sprouting in nature

Gerard de Nerval leave this beautiful reflection on the beauty of flowers and the order in them.

12. What doesn't kill us makes us stronger

Which is probably one of the most famous quotes of Friedrich Nietzsche It also falls into the category of phrases for photos for its strength and brevity.

13. Courage is knowing what not to fear

Many are the philosophers who reflected on the character of courage, and Plato was one of them.

14. If the road is beautiful, let's not ask where it goes

A short and inspiring phrase from Anatole France.

15. Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication

Leonardo da Vinci, famous for his ingenuity and capacity for drawing and design, leaves this reflection on the simple.

16. Judge a man by his questions rather than his answers

One of the keys to valuing people, according to Voltaire.

17. Patience and time do more than strength and passion

Jean de la Fontaine comes to a conclusion that may be shocking but is based on a good dose of realism.

18. Nothing happens unless we dream first

Carl Sandburg, about the potential that dreams and fantasies hold.

19. Beauty is a fragile gift

Ovid reflect on beauty and its potential to last and endure.

20. It is better to travel well than to arrive

BuddhaFlaunting his oriental philosophy, he placed more emphasis on processes than on concrete situations.

21. No one can hurt me without my permission

The activist and pacifist Mahatma Gandhi left many inspiring phrases, and this is one of the most popular.

22. A friend of all is a friend of no one

Aristotle, in one of the most remembered short quotes of him.

23. Life is a long lesson in humility

A short phrase ideal for photographs, of James M. Barrie.

24. Where there is no fight there is no strength

Oprah Winfrey shows the good side of struggle and effort.

25. There are always flowers for those who want to see them

Henri Matisse, about the omnipresent beauty that surrounds us.

26. What do you hang on the walls of your mind?

An inspiring question, from Eve arnold.

27. Memories are the key not to the past, but to the future

Corrie ten boom, on the need to understand the past to face the future.

28. The great goal of education is not knowledge but action

The naturalist Herbert Spencer he viewed education from a very applied perspective.

29. If you don't have critics, you probably won't be successful either.

The activist for the rights of the black population, Malcolm X, about one is the signs of progress in life.

30. A friend is a gift that you give yourself

Robert Louis Stevenson, about friendship and the pleasure it provides.

31. Sometimes the only realists are the dreamers

Paul Wellstone, about our ability to see things as they really are.

32. We see things as we are, not as they are

Do we project our mentality onto the things we perceive? Leo Rosten he leans towards "yes".

33. Beauty is a promise of happiness

The philosopher and sociologist Edmund burke he theorizes here about the nature of the beautiful.

34. Only you can control your future

The Dr seuss, on the potential that each one has when developing.

35. The best way to make dreams come true is to wake up

Paul Valery points to a curious paradox.

36. To do is to be

Immanuel Kant, in one of the simplest and shortest sentences of him.

37. Integrity reveals beauty

In this short quote from Thomas leonard ethics and aesthetics go hand in hand.

38. We gain strength in the temptation we resist

There is also a good side to temptation, according to Ralph Waldo Emerson.

39. What worries you dominates you

John Locke, about the chains of the human being.

40. We don't judge the people we love

The philosopher Jean-Paul Sartre wrote a lot of texts with a great level of depth, but in his work you can also find some short sentences for photos and images.

41. Life contracts or expands based on one's own courage

A quote from Anaïs Nin in which we reflect on the courage and potential it provides us.

42. Sometimes the heart sees what is invisible to the eye

H. Jackson Brown, on our way of perceiving reality and beauty.

43. Where there is love there is life

One of the phrases of Gandhi short that can be easily used in images for its simplicity.

44. A smile is happiness that you will find right under your nose

Tom wilson offers this iconic vision of what a smile is.

45. It always seems impossible until it's done

One of the phrases of Nelson Mandela best known, and also a perfect quote to use in photos and all kinds of images.

46. When one teaches, two learn

Robert Heinlein reflect on the double benefit of teaching.

47. Unless we remember, we cannot understand

A quote from AND. M. Forster, which being very short is very easy to use as a phrase for photos.

48. Walking with a friend in the dark is better than walking alone in the light

A reflection on friendship and loneliness, of Helen Keller.

49. Love is made up of a soul that inhabits two bodies

Aristotle here shows his vision of the nature of love.

50. Don't cry because it's over. Smile because it happened

One of the most popular photo phrases is this quote from Dr seuss.

51. Show respect to all people, but don't drag yourself down to anyone

The tribal chief Tecumseh left this life lesson applicable to any situation.

52. A good decision is based on knowledge, not numbers

A reflection of Plato, one of the fathers of philosophy.

53. Leadership is the ability to translate vision into reality

An inspiring phrase about him leadership from Warren bennis.

54. Life is the flower of which love is the honey

Victor hugo in one of those phrases for photos that even without being accompanied by an image have great visual power.

55. If we are not free, no one will respect us

TO. P. J. Abdul kalam it reflects on the freedom and dignity of the human being.

56. The man who has no imagination has no wings

The famous boxer Muhammad Ali relates human potential to imagination.

57. The only weapon against bad ideas are better ideas

A reflection on progress and leadership, of Alfred Whitney Griswold.

58. Adversity is the first way to the truth

Lord byron in one of his short sentences about knowledge and effort.

59. Question everything. Learn something. Do not give an answer to anything.

Euripides gives a series of instructions that may seem unreasonable but that are the foundations of philosophy.

60. The starting point towards any achievement is desire

A phrase to reflect on Napoleon hill.

61. Success depends on effort

Sophocles He talks here about the law of effort and its fruits.

62. Once we have accepted our limits, we go beyond them

One of the most inspiring phrases of Albert Einstein, applicable to personal projects and personal development.

63. We are what we think we are

One of the short phrases for photos that focuses on our ability to create our own reality. The quote is from C. S. Lewis.

64. To get angry is to take revenge for the faults of others in oneself

Alexander Pope, about the contradictory of anger and anger.

65. Violence is the last resort of the incompetent

One of the most remembered phrases about violence by the writer and popularizer Isaac asimov.

66. The only source of knowledge is experience

Albert Einstein talks about the origin of knowledge.

67. Life is the art of drawing without erasing anything

John W. Gardner, on the nature of human life.

68. Life is not a problem to solve but a reality to experience

The philosopher Soren Kierkegaard It explains, at the same time, what life is and the attitude with which we should embrace it.

69. Life is a tragedy in the foreground, but a comedy in the main

One of the phrases of Charlie chaplin most famous: the same event can be interpreted in very different ways depending on the way it is viewed.

70. Imagining is everything, knowing is nothing

Anatole France reflect on the power of imagination.

71. Those who do not want to imitate anything, produce nothing

The artist Salvador Dali He believed that any form of innovation is always indebted to previous works.

72. The art of living is more like fighting than dancing

A somewhat martial reflection, of Marcus Aurelius.

73. My life is my message

Gandhi, in a phrase that can be used as a maxim of life by anyone.

74. To live is to change, and to be perfect is to have changed frequently

Life understood as evolution and progress, in a phrase from John henry newman.

75. Experience is the master of all things

One of the most inspiring photo phrases, from Julius Caesar.

76. Try to be a rainbow in someone's cloud

Maya angelou gives this cheerful recommendation.

77. Change your thoughts and you will change your world

Norman Vincent Peale, about the power of our ability to change our perspective.

78. We are what we do, not what we say we will do

Do not live pending who you will be in the future. Get your best version from today.

79. The more I train, the luckier I get

A famous phrase from Gary Player, which can motivate us to keep striving.

80. All your dreams can come true if you have the courage to pursue them

The mythical Walt disney leaves us this inspiring sentence.

81. Genius is the result of one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration

Thomas edison It was clear to him: no result comes without perseverance and sacrifice.

82. Success is easy to obtain. The difficult thing is to deserve it

Albert camus, a writer who let his creativity fly.

83. He who doubts and does not investigate, becomes not only unhappy, but also unfair

Blas pascal, about ignorance and its harmful effects.

84. If you don't try your best, how will you know where your limit is?

A reflection that can give you an extra motivation.

85. We are the masters of our destiny. We are the captains of our soul.

Winston churchill in one of his many memorable phrases. Ideal for uploading to Instagram along with a photograph in which you come out especially dazzling.

86. No one deserves your tears, and who deserves them will never make you cry

A phrase of anonymous authorship but that contains a timeless truth.

87. Brevity is the sister of talent

Anton Chekhov, demonstrating an inherent characteristic of talent.

88. Life is a series of collisions with the future; It is not a sum of what we have been, but of what we yearn to be 

José Ortega y Gasset in a reflection that deserves a prominent place in your social networks.

89. Unhappy is the one who sleeps in tomorrow 

Hesiod, about the need to enjoy the moment. Carpe Diem!

90. Nothing really worthwhile has ever been achieved without work, effort and sacrifice

A truth that transcends times.

91. If you believe in other people, why won't you believe in yourself?

Totally true. Self-confidence is key to reaching certain goals in life.

92. Love yourself enough to be comfortable with yourself, but without being arrogant and self-righteous

Everything has a limit.

93. Nothing has ever been accomplished without enthusiasm

A motivating phrase from Emerson.

94. Think carefully before you act

Buddha, in one of his most famous sentences. A phrase to include in your photos.

95. Luck is what happens when preparation and opportunity meet and merge

Voltaire, in an inspiring thought.

Love phrases for photos and Instagram statuses

If you are looking for special phrases for your photos as a couple, pay attention to the following suggestions.

96. I am happy because I feel you very close even though you are very far from me

Despite the distance, we love and miss each other every day.

97. To look forward couple, that backwards already hurt enough

An optimistic phrase to start a new beginning as a couple.

98. Only the two of us know how bad we are

The intimacy of the couple is a bubble full of positive emotions.

99. The happiest moments are those that happened by your side. I love you

If you take a selfie as a couple, this phrase can be very successful.

100. In you I have found everything I need to be happy. Thanks for being there

Another beautiful dedication for your photos as a couple.

101. Love is, neither more nor less, what I feel being by your side

Little more to add.

102. Doubt is one of the names of intelligence

One of the most inspired phrases by Jorge Luis Borges, with a powerful message.

103. There is such a poor entity that only has money

A reflection on the value of what seems simple.

104. Where words fail, music speaks

One of the aphorisms of Hans Christian Andersen.

105. Open your arms to change, but don't let go of your values

Personal values ​​are something that defines us.

106. A true friend is the one who takes your hand and touches your heart

One of the most memorable phrases of Gabriel García Márquez.

107. The hardest is not the first kiss, but the last

One of the phrases for photos dedicated to the process of grief and emotional pain. Its author is Paul Geraldy.

108. That the desire for freedom does not enslave us 

A reflection on the need to reason.

109. The secret source of smoke is not joy, but sadness

A reflection by Mark Twain that expresses a part of the processes of resilience and coping with adversity.

110. I fell in love with life, it is the only one that will not leave me without first doing it

An ingenious phrase by Pablo Neruda.

111. No matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop

A way to understand personal growth.

112. If he didn't stay by your side, it was for something. Everything in life happens for a reason

Epic heartbreak phrase.

113. If you are not part of the solution, you are part of the problem. If not, you are only part of the landscape

Phrase pronounced by Robert De Niro in one of his films.

114. There is no method. You have to be natural

Another film myth, Al Pacino, about the key to success.

115. The most difficult thing is to know ourselves; the easiest is to speak ill of others

Great reflection of the Greek philosopher Thales of Miletus.

116. Gold Diggers Dig Much and Find Little

Phrase of Heraclitus of Ephesus. Big companies often bring big disappointments.

117. Of men it is to be wrong; crazy persisting in error

Cicero's thought.

118. Every night on the court I give my all, and if I don't give 100%, I criticize myself

A reflection by LeBron James on continuous effort.

119. If you don't know how to lie, you won't know when they are lying to you

Elucubration of Doctor House.

120. The worst fight is the one that is not done

We end the compilation with this reflection of Karl Marx.

121. Through the valleys I get lost, on the roads I sleep ...

Great verse by Manolo García in his song Pájaros de Barro.

122. What do you get Don Quixote to freak out with the mills?

From the great Fito Cabrales, referring to the character of Cervantes.

123. Chaos often begets Life, when order begets habit

Famous phrase of Henry Adams.

124. And it is that love does not need to be understood, it simply needs to be demonstrated

Phrase about love by Brazilian author Paulo Coelho.

125. Love is a crime that cannot be done without an accomplice

Great reflection of Charles Baudelaire.

126. What gets measured improves

A phrase from executive Peter Drucker.

127. Management is doing things well, leadership is doing things

Another great leadership phrase from Drucker.

128. The best way to make children good is to make them happy

Reflection of the writer Oscar Wilde.

129. Haven't you ever come across someone you shouldn't have whore? That's me.

Phrase taken from the movie El Gran Torino, starring Clint Eastwood.

130. When things go wrong, you have to act fast.

Another great reflection of the same movie.

131. If you seek perfection, you will never be happy.

A famous and very true phrase, belonging to the novel Anna Karenina, by Leon Tolstoy.

132. All people were children first, but few remember it.

Antoine de Saint-Exupéry speaks to us in this quote about the inner child that we all carry within.

133. We must not confuse the truth with the opinion of the majority.

The French poet Jean Cocteau gives us valuable advice in this sentence.

134. How wonderful it is that no one needs to wait a single moment before beginning to improve the world.

One of the wonderful phrases that we can find in "The Diary of Anne Frank."

135. Do it, or do not, but do not try.

A teaching from Master Yoda, from the Star Wars saga, that we can apply in our day to day.

136. It all comes down to a simple choice, to be determined to live or to be determined to die.

The writer Stephen King embodied this lapidary sentence in his novel "Rita Hayworth and the Shawshank Redemption."

137. We are a race of primates on a minor planet, from an ordinary star; But we can understand the universe.

An evocative quote from astrophysicist Stephen Hawking, which will give us a lot to think about.

138. I know who I was this morning when I woke up, but I think I have had to change several times since then.

A well-known phrase from the book "Alice in Wonderland", by Lewis Carroll.

139. Reading is living twice

The Spanish poet Antonio Gamoneda gives us this wonderful phrase about the great habit of reading.

140. We must remove from us the bad taste of wanting to coincide with many

Another great sentence that invites us to reflect on the pressure of society, is from Friedrich Nietzsche.

141. It is not seen well if it is not with the heart, the essential is invisible to the eyes.

Another phrase from Saint-Exupéry, which invites us to reflect.

142. Since we can't change countries, let's change the subject.

A funny occurrence from the novel "Ulysses", by James Joyce.

143. God not only plays dice, He sometimes rolls the dice where they cannot be seen.

Another phrase from the great scientist Stephen Hawking, about the existence of black holes.

144. Before I would share a life with you than to face all the ages of this world alone.

A lapidary phrase about love, which we can find in the novel "The Lord of the Rings"

145. When your opinion matches that of the majority, it's time to pause and reflect.

Judicious phrase of the writer Mark Twain, undoubtedly one of the most brilliant minds of the nineteenth century.

146. I adore simple pleasures, they are the last refuge of complicated men.

Oscar Wilde, without a doubt an eccentric and satirical genius.

147. I give myself good advice, but I rarely follow it.

"Alice in Wonderland" has many memorable lines, like this one.

148. Everyone thinks of changing humanity, but no one thinks of changing himself.

Another inspirational phrase from the Russian novelist Leo Tolstoy.

149. The least common in this world is living. Most people exist, that's all.

A flash of Oscar Wilde's genius.

150. Here we are all crazy.

Iconic sentence of the Laughing Cat in the book "Alice in Wonderland", by Lewis Carroll.

151. What? Do you think a first-class woman doesn't know how to drink?

Another famous phrase from the award-winning film "Titanic"

152. The bird does not sing because it is happy, but it is happy because it sings.

A famous phrase that challenges us to think about will and predisposition.

153. I don't know how the Third World War will be, I only know that the fourth will be with sticks and stones.

Einstein knew firsthand the destructive power of the atomic bomb, and consequently, he alerted the world with this sentence.

154. The most dangerous man is the one who is afraid

A reflection by the German writer Ludwig Börne, who invites us to think about fear.

155. I have failed over and over again in my life; that is why I have achieved success.

Michael Jordan, one of the best athletes in history, sums up the secret of his success in this sentence.

156. Those who do not move, do not notice their chains.

Vindictive reflection of Rosa Luxemburg.

157. The only way to do great work is to love what you do.

Steve Jobs summarizes some of the keys to his success.

158. The best way to start something is to stop talking about it and start doing it.

The genius of Walt disney can be summed up in this quote.

159. The master's tools will never disassemble the master's house.

Reflection on emancipation, by the writer Audre Lorde.

160. If you don't know where you are going, any path will take you there.

Another phrase from the book "Alice in Wonderland" that will make us reflect.

161. If you are not the one who leads something, do not complain that it does not work as you want.

Reflection by Marta Gárgoles about leadership and ways of carrying out projects and strategies.

162. Do you want to be rich? Well, do not strive to increase your wealth, but to decrease your greed.

Great reflection of Epicurus, a supporter of austerity.

163. This world always was, is and will be eternally living fire.

Heraclitus phrase. To illustrate situations of passion and joy, although it can also have a more dramatic connotation.

164. Victory is always possible for those who refuse to surrender.

This reflection is from Napoleon Hill. Victory is always near for those who are not afraid of fainting.

165. Happiness is not something done. It comes from your own actions.

We finish this list of phrases for photos with this great reflection of the Dalai Lama.

So far the collection of phrases for photos of Instagram, Facebook and Pinterest. If you liked any of them, do not hesitate to use it to accompany your photographs. We also appreciate that you share this post on your social networks. Until next time!

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