Education, study and knowledge

The 20 best poems for children

Many may think that poetry is a thing for older people, but they are very wrong. Many great authors in the Spanish language have shown that it is not only false, but that poetry can be fun and educational for children.

Reading poems to children is an excellent opportunity to entertain them and promote their cognitive development. Understanding the meaning of the poems is possible as many have been written especially for them. These poems often have morals that provide them with a source of knowledge about the world, although other times they are just a source of fun through language.

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The best poetry for children: 20 unforgettable poems

We recommend you do the test. At first your children may not understand what the reading is about, but over time they may end up asking you to read another poem to them. Reading poetry can be a hobby for children, as long as they are attractive for their age.

Below you will find a selection of the best short poems in Spanish that have been written for children. Some of them are sure to have been heard at home or at school, as they are part of a cultural legacy that is taught at home and at school.

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1. The rats

The mice gathered

to get rid of the cat;

and after a long time.

of disputes and opinions,

they said they would hit

to put a bell on it,

that walking the cat with him,

they could better get rid of.

A barbican mouse came out,

long-tailed, hociquirromo

and curling the thick back,

said to the Roman Senate,

after talking worship for a while:

Who of all has to be

the one who dares to put

that bell to the cat?

Lope de Vega He was the author of this poem that has two animals, the mouse and the cat, as protagonists, traditionally confronted by the predatory nature of the latter.

2. My face

In my round face

I have eyes and a nose

and also a little mouth

to talk and to laugh.

With my eyes I see everything

with my nose I make achis,

with my mouth like how


The great Spanish poet Gloria Fuertes She is the author of this short poem with cute and funny verses that describes what we can find in the face in a kind way for children.

3. The butterfly

Air butterfly

you're beautiful!

Air butterfly

golden and green.

Lamp light ...

Butterfly of the air,

stay there, there, there

You don't want to stop

you don't want to stop ...

Butterfly of the air,

golden and green.

Lamp light ...

Butterfly of the air,

stay there, there, there

stay here.

Butterfly are you there?

Federico Garcia Lorca wrote this beautiful poem with a butterfly as the main character.

4. From wave to wave

From wave to wave

from branch to branch,

the wind whistles

every morning.

From sunrise to sunset

from moon to moon,

the mother rocks,

rock the crib.

Be on the beach

or be in the port,

my boat

it is carried by the wind.

The Spanish writer from Galicia Antonio Garcia Teijeiro He has devoted himself above all to children's literature, being one of the most recognized in the field.

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5. The goose that laid the golden eggs

Once upon a hen that laid

a golden egg to the owner every day.

Even with so much profit, I'm unhappy

uiso the rich greedy

Discover the gold mine at once,

and find more treasure in less time.

He killed her, opened her belly for a count;

but, after having registered it,

what happened? that the hen is dead,

he lost his golden egg and found no mine.

How many are there to have enough

they want to get rich instantly,

hugging projects

sometimes of such rapid effects

that only in a few months,

when marquises were already contemplated,

counting his millions

they saw each other in the street without panties.

Felix María Serafín Sánchez de Samaniego He was a Spanish writer famous for applying rational morality to his fables, which almost always feature animals.

6. The bird

The bird

to sing

she thinks of the sea.

The moon is in love

of the enchanted song

of the bird on my cradle ...

take care of my dreams a fairy.

My bird

it's melody

of everyday.

Alma Velasco He gave the leading role in this poem to a bird that imagines its flight in a very tender way.

7. Sheep

The bullet sheep,

(based on bleating

sheep communicate

with your neighbors).

The sheep is clumsy,

only one letter is known

the be.

She tells me: -Be,



(I'm going)

Gloria Fuertes he collaborated on various children's television programs. The beautiful nursery rhymes he wrote came to overshadow his poetic trajectory for adult audiences.

8. The studious cow

Once upon a time there was a cow

in the Quebrada de Humahuaca.

As she was very old,

she was very old, she was deaf in one ear.

And even though she was already a grandmother

she one day she wanted to go to school.

She put on red shoes

tulle gloves and a pair of glasses.

The teacher saw her scared

and she said, "You're wrong."

And the cow replied:

Why can't I study?

The cow, dressed in white,

she settled on the first bench.

We boys threw chalk

and we were dying of laughter.

People left very curious

to see the studious cow.

People came in trucks,

on bicycles and on airplanes.

And as the bochinche increased

nobody studied at school.

The cow, standing in a corner,

she ruminated on the lesson alone.

One day all the boys

they became donkeys.

And in that place of Humahuacala

the only wise man was the cow.

Maria Elena Walsh she was the author of this nice poem. Argentine poet, writer, singer-songwriter, playwright and composer, she was a very loved and recognized person for her work, especially in children's poetry.

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9. Pegasi, cute pegasi

I knew as a child,

the joy of spinning

on a red steed,

on a night out.

In the dusty air

the candles sparkled,

and the blue night burned

all strewn with stars.

Childish joys

that cost a coin

made of copper, pretty pegasi,

rocking horses!

The poet, writer and intellectual Antonio Machado he also dedicated part of his work to poems that have childhood as the main character.

10. The Tarara

La Tarara, yes;

La Tarara, no;

the Tarara, girl,

that I have seen it.

Take the Tarara

a green dress

full of ruffles

and bells.

La Tarara, yes;

the tarara, no;

the Tarara, girl,

that I have seen it.

Show off my Tarara

her silk tail

over the gorse

and peppermint.

Oh, crazy Tarara.

Move your waist

for the boys

of the olives.

Federico Garcia Lorca he was a very prestigious Spanish author, and it was also like that in the field of poetry. The man from Granada wrote this tender poem that later also had his own song.

11. April

The chamariz in the poplar.

-And what else?

The poplar in the blue sky.

  • And what else?

The blue sky in the water.

  • And what else?

The water in the new leaf.

  • And what else?

The new leaf in the rose.

  • And what else?

The rose in my heart.

  • And what else?

My heart in yours!

Juan Ramon Jimenez He was a Spanish poet and university professor who went on to win the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1956. This poem is dedicated to the month of April and to all the spectacle that nature offers us in spring.

12. The snake and the lime

At a locksmith's house

The Serpent entered one day,

And the fool bit

On a steel file.

Lima said to him: «Evil,

Fool, it will be for you;

How can you make a dent in me

What do I make metal powders? »

Who pretends without reason

To the strongest knock down

Can only give

Kick against the stinger.

In this faula of Felix María Serafín Sánchez de Samaniego The author offers us a final moral, in which an important lesson is given about the limits of each one.

13. LXVI

They smoke, fire and steam. the or of the locomotives?

In what language does the rain fall? over painful cities?

What soft syllables he repeats. the sea dawn air?

There is a more open star. than the word poppy?

There are two sharper fangs. What are the syllables of jackal?

Pablo Neruda, the great Chilean poet and diplomat who went on to win the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1971, also dedicated himself to writing poems that can be read to children.

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14. Wheel that you will go very far

Wheel that you will go very far.

Ala you will go very high.

Tower of the day, boy.

Dawn of the bird.

Child: wing, wheel, tower.

Foot. Feather. Foam. Lightning.

To be like never to be.

You will never be in both.

You are tomorrow. Come

with everything in hand.

You are my whole being that returns

towards his clearer self.

The universe you are

what a hopeful guide.

Passion of the movement,

the land is your horse.

Fit her. Master it.

And it will sprout in his helmet

his skin of life and death,

of shadow and light, fooling around.

Ascend. Wheel. Flying,

creator of dawn and may.

Gallop Come. And fills

the bottom of my arms.

The author of this poem is Miguel Hernandez, a very prominent Valencian poet and playwright in the twentieth century. In it you can see the child that the author still carried within himself, who enjoyed simple things and discovering the world.

15. My grandfather bought a boat

My grandfather bought one

made of plum wood.

We throw it in the pond

where the sky takes refuge.

The boat has no oars

no sails, no sailors.

It is driven by winds of foam,

Cheerful puppeteers.

The waters ply the boat

made of plum wood,

the boat full of life

that one day my grandfather bought.

Antonio Garcia Teijeiro dedicates this poem to life to the sea and to grandparents and grandchildren. The memory of a grandchild by the grandfather is one of the most beautiful that an adult can have.

16. The cat

The cat

when he's hoarse

imitate the duck.

The cat goes crazy

when a mouse appears

and invites him little by little

to watch television.

My cat

it's fluffy cushion

next to my side.

Alma Velasco She is a Mexican writer, academic, actress, poet and musician who has also published children's poems like this one, starring a very particular cat.

17. Couples

Each bee with her partner.

Each duck with its paw.

Every crazy with the theme of him.

Each volume with its cover.

Every guy with his type.

Each whistle with his flute.

Each focus with its seal.

Each plate with her cup.

Each river with its estuary.

Every cat with his cat.

Every rain with the cloud of it.

Each cloud with the water of it.

Every boy with his girl.

Each pineapple with the pineapple from it.

Every night with her dawn.

Gloria Fuertes she gives us a poem in which she plays with the verses and the associations between animals, elements and boys and girls. She goes in pairs.

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18. In the middle of the port

In the middle of the port,

with candles and flowers,

sail a sailboat

of many colors.

I spot a girl

she sitting in the stern:

her face is made of linen,

strawberry, her mouth.

No matter how much I look at her,

and I keep looking,

I don't know if his eyes

they are green or brown.

In the middle of the port,

with candles and flowers,

a sailboat is leaving

of many colors.

In this poem Antonio Garcia Teijeiro He explains to us how someone spotted a girl and the experience that she produced to the narrator, which describes her experience in a very intense way.

19. The lizard is crying

The lizard is crying.

The lizard is crying.

The lizard and the lizard

with little white aprons.

Have lost inadvertently

his ring of betrothed.

Oh! his lead ring,

Oh! her lead ring

A big sky without people

she rides the birds in her balloon.

The sun, round captain,

she wears a satin vest.

Look how old they are!

How old are the lizards!

Oh, how they cry and cry!

Ay, ay, how they are crying!

Federico Garcia Lorca stars a lizard and a lizard in this poem happily married despite having lost their engagement ring.

20. The Ant and the Grasshopper

Singing the Cicada spent the whole summer,

without making provisions there for the winter;

the cold forced her to keep silence

and to take refuge in the shelter of her narrow room.

She was deprived of her precious sustenance:

no fly, no worm, no wheat, no rye.

The Ant dwelt there, the partition in the middle,

and with a thousand expressions of attention and respect

she said to her: «Doña Hormiga, because in your barn

there is plenty of provisions for your food,

lend something to live with this winter

this sad Cicada, how happy in another time,

she never knew harm, she never knew how to fear it.

Do not hesitate to lend me; that I faithfully promise

pay you with profit, by the name that I have.

The greedy Ant answered boldly,

hiding the barn keys behind his back:

«I lend what I earn with an immense job!

Tell me then, lazy girl,

What have you done in good weather? »

«I, said the Cicada, to every passenger

He sang happily, without ceasing for a moment. "

"Hello! So you used to sing when I was rowing?

Well now, that I eat, dance, despite your body. ».

We ended up with an outstanding faula of Felix María Serafín Sánchez de Samaniego, probably the best known. Through her he always wants to transmit a moral meaning represented through animals, but with a very human nature.

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