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The 90 best phrases of Robin Williams

robin williams (1951 - 2014) was a famous American film actor, especially in the comedy genre.

Born in Chicago, this phenomenal performer starred in films such as Jumanji, Hook, Vietnam, Good Will Hunting, The Bicentennial Man and many other films that made us laugh and cry. He was an Oscar Award winner.

  • Related article: "60 phrases from movies that marked the history of cinema"

Unforgettable quotes by Robin Williams

Died in 2014 after deciding that life no longer suited him, Robin Williams left a void in the hearts of millions of fans around the world.

After a few years in which we have gotten used to the idea that we will never see him smile again, we can at least remember his philosophy of life through the best phrases of Robin Williams.

1. I used to think that the worst thing in life was ending up alone. It is not. The worst thing in life is ending up with people who make you feel alone.

Perhaps the most remembered phrase of him, full of melancholy.

2. No matter what people tell you, words and ideas can change the world.

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Ideas that move the world.

3. They just give you a little spark of madness. You must not lose it.

If you lose it, you are lost.

4. Carpe Diem. Live the moment.

Just enjoy, make it yours.

5. Men can only be truly free in dreams. It was always like this and always will be like this.

Unfortunately, reality limits us a lot.

6. Some are born big. Some achieve greatness. Others take it as a graduation present.

Great reflection of Robin Williams.

7. There is a lot to learn and there are always great things out there. Even mistakes can be wonderful.

The magic of little things.

8. What's right is what's left if you do everything else wrong.

To think.

9. Live in the moment, there is nothing more important.

Another phrase in relation to Carpe Diem.

10. Spring is nature's way of saying: Let's party!

This is how nature tells us that it wants to live.

11. Thought is real and illusion is physical.

Williams in a metaphysical moment.

12. Today will not be repeated again. Live intensely every moment.

Honesty and the reality of the present moment.

13. Being in the same room with people and creating something together is a good thing.

About the benefits of teamwork.

14. Sorry, if you were right I would agree with you.

The truth only has one way.

15. I want to rehab in wine country just to keep my options open.

Your personal redemption.

16. If women ran the world we would not have wars, only intense negotiations, every 28 days.

An ironic phrase about the cyclical bad mood of women.

17. Never fight with an ugly person, they have nothing to lose.

irreverent humour.

18. Laughter is essential for a good friendship.

A comedy genius had it totally clear.

19. Stop suffering, there is no time for that.

Life is too short.

20. I love children, but they are a difficult audience.

It is difficult to entertain them.

21. You have never looked at a woman and felt vulnerable, nor have you seen yourself reflected in her eyes. You have not thought that God has put an angel on earth for you, to rescue you from the pits of hell, or what it feels like to be his angel and give him your love and give it forever.

About the difficulty of pleasing a woman.

22. People say that satire is dead. She is not dead; she is alive and lives in the White House.

Sarcasm against American power.

23. Reality is just a crutch for people who can't cope with drugs

Robin Williams phrase, perhaps deeper than he appears.

24. The Second Amendment says that we have the right to bear arms, not to carry artillery.

About American laws.

25. Be my own teacher. Such a thing would be better than all the magic and treasures in the world.

About his philosophy of life.

26. Comedy is acting with optimism.

Positivity in your profession.

27. Comedy can be a cathartic way to deal with your personal traumas.

Psychological traumas are more bearable when we have this tool.

28. Sometimes the improv works, sometimes it doesn't, but when it does, it's like running out in the open.

Freedom of movement on stage, and its risks.

29. You have the idea that you better keep working or people will forget about you. And that is what is dangerous.

The need for applause is a double-edged sword.

30. I think it's great when the stories are dark in color and strangely personal.

His favorite movies were of this type.

31. You can't tell me what it feels like to wake up next to a woman and be overwhelmed with happiness.

There is no way to put that feeling into words.

32. I'd rather die like a man than live eternity like a machine.

Fragment of the bicentennial man.

33. Cocaine is God's way of saying you have too much money.

Funny reflection on this expensive drug.

34. God gave men both a penis and a brain, but unfortunately, not enough blood to run both at the same time.

One of his most famous sarcastic phrases.

35. We had gay thieves the other night. They broke and rearranged the furniture.

Echoing a stereotype.

36. Turn off the TV and become someone interesting. act.

Passivity gets you nowhere.

37. A woman would never make a nuclear bomb. They would never make a weapon that kills, no, no. They would make a weapon that would make you feel bad for a while.

Humor in its purest form.

38. Reality: What a concept!

One of those Robin Williams phrases of a philosophical nature.

39. It's hard when you read an article saying bad things about you. It's like someone plunged a knife into your heart, but I am the harshest critic of my work.

Self-demand is above external criticism.

40. Cricket is basically baseball on valium.

Comparing both sports.

41. We choose who we let into our world.

Therefore, you have to choose well.

42. The idea of ​​having a stable job is attractive.

But maybe it's not very exciting.

43. If we fight against evil, let's fight against the most terrible of all: indifference.

A phrase to reflect on our ethical scale.

44. I love you without knowing how, or when or where. I love you directly without problems or pride, that's how I love you because I don't know how to love in any other way. So close that your hand on my chest is my hand, so close that your eyes close with my sleep.

A statement of romantic love.

45. You're not perfect, friend. And I'm going to save you the suspense. The girl you met isn't perfect either. The only thing that matters is if they are perfect as a couple.

Imperfect individuals can form an ideal union.

46. Only by dreaming do we have freedom, it has always been like this and it will always be like that.

About the dream world.

47. That you are here, that life and identity exist, that the powerful drama continues and you can contribute a verse.

A poetic phrase from this god of comedy.

48. What makes us different are the imperfections.

Reflection to love yourself more.

49. I am the crazy person who believes that laughter cures everything.

A great form of therapy.

50. We all need to be accepted, but they must understand that their convictions are theirs, they belong to them (...) even if the whole pack says: it's not right! Robert Frost said: Two roads diverged in a wood, and I took the less traveled of the two, and that was what changed everything. I want them to find their own way.

About self-acceptance.

51. You don't know what it feels like to lose someone, because you will only know when you love someone more than yourself. I doubt you have dared to love like that.

Love and its limits.

52. There is a moment for courage and another for prudence and the one who is intelligent distinguishes them.

You have to know how to calibrate situations.

53. No matter what they say, words and ideas can change the world.

It is irrefutably so.

54. Robert Frost said: two roads opened before me, but I took the one less traveled and that made all the difference.

Paraphrasing one of his literary idols.

55. I have climbed on my table to remember that you have to look at things in a different way. The world looks different from up here.

Eccentricity well understood.

56. Divorce. From the Latin expression meaning: tearing off a man's genitals, along with his wallet.

Ironic phrase against certain legal practices.

57. Just because they're divorced doesn't mean you have to hate him.

Along the lines of the previous sentence.

58. I went to the woods because I wanted to live conscientiously, I wanted to live fully and get all the meat out of life, and put aside everything that was not life, so as not to discover at the moment of my death, that there was no vivid.

In contact with mother nature.

59. There is still a lot to learn and there is always great stuff out there. Even mistakes can be wonderful.

Of all you can learn.

60. I try to make sense of things. That's why I believe, I believe in destiny. There must be a reason why I am the way I am. There must be.

About his philosophical beliefs.

61. I think the saddest people always do everything they can to make people happy. Because they know what it's like to feel absolutely worthless and they don't want anyone else to feel that way.

His vision of people with a depressive tendency.

62. You will have bad moments, but you will always be woken up by things you were not paying attention to.

Little things can become important.

63. Seize the day. Because believe it or not, each and every one of us in this room is one day going to stop breathing.

You have to take advantage of every moment.

64. Death is nature's way of saying, "Your table is ready."

There is nothing else to do.

65. Everyone you know is fighting a battle you know nothing about. Be nice. Always.

A great reflection on dealing with other people.

66. You should strive to find your own voice because the longer you wait to start, the less likely you are to find it.

Little by little we must move towards that end.

67. Never say goodbye because saying goodbye means leaving, and leaving means forgetting.

A “see you later” is always preferable.

68. More than anything, I want to thank my father, up there, the man who, when I said I wanted to be an actor, said, "Wonderful. Just have a backup profession like welding.”

About the understandable fears of Robin Williams' father.

69. I always thought that the idea of ​​education was to learn to think for yourself.

Forming your own criteria is essential.

70. Please don't worry so much. Because in the end none of us have much time on this earth. Life is fleeting. And if you ever feel distraught, look up at the summer sky.

Wisdom in its purest form.

71. We didn't have water when we were little, Dave. My parents took hydrogen and oxygen and put them together.

Some of the jokes that he told in his interviews have gone down in comedy history.

72. What do you do to keep cool?

During his career, he always looked for different ways to always remain funny and attractive to the public.

73. In the 80s when you meet someone you like someone you say: “Helen, you are very important to me, could you give me blood and urine samples?”

His jokes and his criticism of the society of the time were truly hilarious.

74. I was pretty quiet. My father was pretty intense.

Since he was a child, he had a very close relationship with his parents, who were very charismatic people.

75. You think you're the best and then something happens and you're not that cool anymore. But this is what drives you to keep going.

Williams was always willing to accept every challenge and overcome any obstacle in life.

76. Do I have two hairs that have risen? Now we have to start over, it's terrible.

Robin always joked around with the professionals he worked with.

77. My mother was a comedy expert. She was very funny.

Her mother was a great inspiration that helped make her one of the best comedians in history.

78. For me, taking risks has always consisted of trying different things. It is the work process, discovering yourself.

Robin was a maverick, someone who always risked trying new things in his comedy and in his work as an actor.

79. Politics is so personal, vicious and immediate, how are you going to do anything? Even the local politics where he lives has gotten so ugly.

He never had any qualms about criticizing his country's politicians.

80. We still have great comedy out there. There is always the rambling Joe Biden.

One of the many jokes that this great comedian dedicated to the current president of the United States.

81. My school was a bit like "Dead Poets Club", I was an enthusiastic student.

A little known facet of him is that when he was young he was a great student.

82. My beard looks like something out of "Freud the Musical"

Observational humor was the main element that characterized his comedy.

83. God bless you Dave. If I didn't know you, I'd think you were hitting on me.

Over the decades, Robin Williams and David Letterman forged a great friendship and their television appearances on the Letterman show are already memorable.

84. When his son graduated in linguistics I asked him: What are you going to do now, open a syntax repair shop?

Some of the jokes he told about his children were recurring in his interviews.

85. My father used to watch the Tonight Show, with Jonathan Winters. He was not an easy laugh and when he heard it he would laugh, while I thought "Who is that guy?"

The comedian Jonathan Winters was a great inspiration for him, with whom he got to work as an adult.

86. We named my daughter "Zelda" after the video game, not Zelda Fitzgerald.

The relationship she had with her children was always close, as she was an exemplary father.

87. The cow valve is great, hopefully it will last another 15 years

Williams was always open to talking about his heart surgery, even joking about it.

88. At the age of 16 I moved to San Francisco and suddenly the whole world opened up to me completely.

In 1967 San Francisco was the world capital of the hippie movement and the so-called "Summer of Love" took place in that city.

89. Back then, she made anything but good decisions.

Referring to her time as a television star, Williams always recognized that it was a period in which she used drugs on a recurring basis.

90. On one occasion I arrived on the set with such a hangover that the director told me "Robin, wake up!"

During her youth, Williams was the big star of the television series "Mork and Mindy."

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