Education, study and knowledge

Top 10 Courses to Learn SAP

SAP is one of the best known business management programs, and groups all the resources and functions necessary for companies to manage their resources and make decisions on a day-to-day basis.

Among the modules that you can include in the different SAP programs, we find the operations module, which includes the management of the distribution, planning, and product logistics, the finance module, the human resources module, and finally the resources module corporate.

The most recommended courses to learn SAP

If you are looking for a course to learn how to use the well-known SAP business management program and you don't know which training to choose, In this article you will learn about the 10 best rated and complete courses so that you can become a specialist of this tool.



The Master in SAP, logistics and materials taught by Select Business School It will allow you to have the title of SAP consultant in Financial Management and Logistics of Materials, so that you can grow in the workplace by providing maximum value to your clients and to your business.

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At present, many multinational companies have these business management programs, and it is It is essential to have specialized professionals like you to be able to perform the maximum potential in each organization. That is why it is important to train in this type of Master, and thus be able to grow at a professional level.

2. Official Certification of SAP S / 4HANA Finance (UADIN Business School)

The Official Certification of SAP S / 4HANA Finance is one of the most recommended courses for all those SAP specialists who want deepen your knowledge in the finance module, so that management within your organization is Excellent.

Thanks to the integration of SAP by large multinational companies, and increasingly in smaller and medium-sized companies, the SAP consultant profile has been gaining much relevance in recent years. With this course you will be able to have the official certification in SAP and thus be able to expand your professional goals.

3. Master in SAP Human Resources Consulting (TOKIO New Technology School)

The Master in SAP Human Resources Consulting is taught by Tokio New Technology School and is specialized in the module human Resources, so that you can implement this type of program to improve efficiency in human resource management, and thus add value to the company in the long term.

This professional profile is increasingly sought after due to the importance that companies give to talent management within organizations, and an incentive policy that allows companies to align with the interests of workers.

4. Introduction to SAP Course

The Introduction to SAP Course It will allow you to learn how one of the most important business management programs in the world works, and which is used by a large number of multinational companies for the efficient management of information and resources.

In this training you will learn the most basic aspects of the program, and also delve into more advanced issues such as accounting management and other more specific functionalities.

5. SAP Expert (Ergon School)

The SAP Expert course It will allow you to expand your knowledge in this excellent management program, so that you can take the management of information and resources of your company to the next level.

This training allows creating new job opportunities thanks to the great demand in the business world for find good professionals specialized in SAP consulting, who can implement improvements in the operation of the business.

6. SAP programming expert (ESNECA BUSINESS SCHOOL)

The ESNECA Business School SAP Programming Expert course It will allow you to learn and improve your skills in ABAP programming, in addition to learning how all those most useful tools for the business environment work.

The excellent teaching team specialized in SAP will provide you with all the valuable information so that you can apply everything learned in the course immediately in the professional field, all without having to leave home since all the content is on-line.

7. Introduction to SAP + SAP Consultant in Human Resources (MARE NOSTRUM BUSINESS SCHOOL)

The Introduction to SAP course + SAP Consultant in Human Resources allows you to learn everything you need to understand the functions of this business management program, in addition to having specialization in human resources modules, where you will learn more concepts advanced.

The student of the course will be able to learn to implement improvements in SAP, from the installation of SAP NetWeaver Abap Trial Version, to the management of the company's human resources thanks to the HR module and control of working hours labor.

8. SAP Consultant in Human Resources (FINTECH SCHOOL)

SAP Consultant training in Human Resources It will allow you to have a degree as a SAP consultant in human resources, one of the most extensive systems that this management system has, and that therefore requires a greater degree of deepening.

In this course you will be able to learn from the management of employee data, the administration of the payroll of the workers, vacations, absenteeism, company trips, and many other concepts related to the organization of people.

9. SAP R3 FI-CO (Finance and Controlling)

The course in SAP R3 FI-CO is focused on the study of all those functions necessary for proper management financial within the company, which will provide us with the appropriate information for taking decisions.

The profile as a specialist in SAP finance and controlling is highly valued, given that the financial section has a great impact on the management of resources of the company, being one of the strategic areas of all business.

10. Expert Postgraduate in SAP Systems (ESNECA BUSINESS SCHOOL)

The Postgraduate Expert in SAP Systems taught by the ESNECA business school It will allow you to become a specialist in this business management program, from its installation to the structure of its modules.

Thanks to this course you will be able to become an expert programmer in SAPGUI and ABAP in the logistics and supply chain modules, in the financial management of the company, and also in the field of human resources, giving a global vision on this Program.

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