Education, study and knowledge

The best 14 Psychologists in Zamora

Ignacio Saludes She has a Bachelor's Degree in Clinical Psychology, a Master's Degree in General Health Psychology and is a specialist in Behavior Therapy and Disorders of Personality, as well as in Third Generation Therapies, Clinical Hypnosis and Cognitive-behavioral Therapy, all of them effective proven.

Her intervention is offered online, is integrative in nature and based on the specific needs of each person served. Some of the areas that she successfully addresses in her practice are addictions, anxiety, depression, emotional and relationship problems, stress, and personality disorders.

The Health Psychologist Ruth Fernandez has more than 15 years of experience in the field of professional therapy offered to people of all ages, as well as in couples, both in person and remotely.

The main therapies that this professional applies in an integrated way in her consultation are Cognitive-behavioral Therapy, Coaching, Acceptance and Commitment Therapy and Family and Couples Therapy, all of them with ample evidence scientific

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In addition to that, the main sources of discomfort that he treats in his consultation are breaks, deficits in social skills, problems emotional disorders, problems arising from pregnancy and also disorders such as depression, anxiety, obsessive-compulsive disorder and the disorder bipolar.

Finally, among its most notable professional qualifications are a Bachelor of Psychology, a Master in Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy and Behavior Modification and a Master of Expert in Health Psychology and Psychosocial.

The team of professionals from Psychode Center of Valladolid is specialized in jointly attending to all kinds of queries and disorders that adolescents, adults, couples and families may present.

The center sessions are offered online or in person and in Spanish, English or German. In addition to that, each of the center's interventions are based on therapies with proven efficacy, such as Cognitive-behavioral Therapy, Mindfulness, Brief Therapy or EMDR Therapy.

Finally, some of the main queries that are addressed in the Psicode Valladolid center are family conflicts, problems of self-esteem, insomnia, cases of infidelity, deficits in anger management, sexual problems, anxiety disorders or depression.

The center's team of professionals Psychology 360 It is qualified to treat all kinds of disorders in children, adolescents, adults and also couples, in sessions offered at an affordable price.

The applied therapies have the highest standards of scientific evidence and their professionals select in each of the sessions those that best suit the needs the client's.

In addition, among the intervention specialties of the center, anxiety disorders, depression, eating disorders, self-esteem problems, job stress, sexual difficulties and insomnia.

Veronica Mayado She has a Degree in Psychology from the Pontifical University of Salamanca, she has a Master's Degree in Applied Psychology, and another Master's Degree in Contextual Therapies from the ACT institute.

This psychologist is a specialist in anxiety disorders, depression, and sexual and relationship disorders. The illnesses that she has treated the most are related to conduct disorders, anxiety disorders, and relationship problems.

Maria Fernandez She has a degree in Psychology from the Pontifical University of Salamanca, she has a Postgraduate Degree in Health Psychological Intensification from the same organization, and is also Nutritional Coaching.

This psychologist is a specialist in the treatment of anxiety and depression disorders, in addition to being a great connoisseur on how to treat eating disorders such as bulimia and anorexy.

Diego Manuel Rodriguez He has a degree in Psychology from UNED, a Master's degree in Clinical Neuropsychology from ITEAP, and is an Expert in Psychological Intervention in Emergencies, Disasters and Catastrophes from COPCYL.

This psychologist is a specialist in neuropsychology, forensic psychology and conducting psychotherapy for adults. She has also treated numerous cases of alcohol addiction, anxiety and depression disorders, and different types of phobias.

Eva Fidalgo she has a degree in psychology from the University of Salamanca, she has a master's degree in mental health in catastrophes and Disasters from the Complutense University of Madrid, and she has a Diploma in Advanced Studies from the University of Salamanca.

This professional is a specialist in the treatment of anxiety and depression disorders, in addition to having treated numerous patients with addictions to alcohol, tobacco and other types of substances.

Agustin Gallardo He has a degree in Psychology from the University of Almería and a specialist in the treatment of anxiety and depression disorders, sexual and relationship disorders, and in psychotherapy for adults.

As a professional in the field of psychology, Agustín has also dealt with problems related to low self-esteem, grief situations and learning difficulties.

Patricia alvarez She has a degree in Psychology and a specialist in those disorders related to depression, sexual and marital disorders, and eating disorders such as bulimia and anorexy.

In addition, throughout her professional development she has also treated cases of autism, pain disorder and different types of phobias,

Charo gago She is a renowned psychologist with a degree in Clinical Psychology and with a long history in the treatment of expressive language disorders, anxiety disorders, and different types of phobias.

Thanks to her interventions, she has improved the situation of her patients, notably increasing their quality of life.

Esther Alvarez She has a degree in Psychology and a specialist in the field of coaching, psychological intervention and tools such as Mindfulness.

In addition, she has treated a large number of patients affected by anxiety and depression disorders, different types of phobias and addictions to alcohol and tobacco.

Laura Perez She has a degree in Psychology and has a long professional career in the treatment of addictive disorders, dementia and neuropsychology.

In addition, she has treated patients with low self-esteem situations, mood disorders and different types of eating disorders such as bulimia and anorexia.

Ruth Fernandez She has a degree in Psychology from the Pontifical University of Salamanca and is specialized in Anxiety and Depression Disorders, as well as Sexual and Couple Disorders.

In addition, she has treated different types of phobias, patients affected by various degrees of autism, and patients with Enuresis.

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