Education, study and knowledge

Psychologist Barcelona Psychoanalytic Space

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EPBCN is an independent institution founded in 1996.

Since 1996, he has been dedicated to clinical care and training in psychoanalysis. Our team is made up of psychoanalysts, psychotherapists and psychologists with extensive experience. It offers therapy, online and face-to-face, for adults, children and adolescents.

With the accompaniment of our professionals you will be able to work on those aspects of your life that do not work, that hinder your development or your well-being. Find the root of your problems or discomforts. We treat various conditions such as anxiety, fears, obsessive disorders, jealousy, problems with a partner, etc.

And if what you are looking for is to know yourself more, the psychoanalytic process is a tool for self-knowledge and deepening that helps to understand ourselves, to know our powers and difficulties.

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