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The 45 best phrases about Economics and Finance

Economics is a science closely related to the human condition. In fact, through economic science, great conclusions can be drawn about how we human beings are.

Through the buying and selling of products and services, people choose to prioritize certain things over others. The economy, in short, studies these transactions, the motivations behind them, and the currency fluctuations that take place anywhere on the planet.

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Famous phrases about economics

In this article we are going to collect the best phrases about economics and finance that you must know to have great notions about this science. In addition, this knowledge will allow you to have intuition when making your investments in the short, medium and long term.

1. Lots of people have become pessimistic by funding optimists. (C.T. Jones)

In many cases, over-optimism is a sign of greed.

2. The market can remain irrational longer than you can remain solvent. (John Maynard Keynes)

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This representative of the social democratic ideology proposed great laws and maxims that apply to the liberal market.

3. The division of complex tasks into simple tasks, in which one can become an expert, is the source for achieving "maximum improvement in the productive powers of work." (Adam Smith)

One of the virtues of capitalism is specialization. Great famous phrase of the theorist of liberalism Adam Smith.

4. A bank is a place that lends you money if you can prove that you don't need it. (Bob Hope)

A curious paradox described in the form of irony.

5. The price is what you pay. Value is what you get. (Warren Buffett)

One of the most memorable economics phrases.

6. The elements of good trading are: First, cut losses, second, cut losses, and third, cut losses. If you can follow these three rules, then you will have a chance. (Ed Sekyota)

"The fundamental strategies" to be a good speculator.

7. Every short sentence about economics is inherently false. (Alfred Marshall)

A paradox that tells us about the inherent complexity of this science.

8. The only good budget is the balanced budget. (Adam Smith)

A precept to apply to any economic field.

9. Definition of economist: he is an expert who tomorrow will know how to explain why the things he predicted yesterday have not happened today. (Lawrence J. Peter)

Another famous ironic quote about the profession of economist.

10. In the practical affairs of life, it is not faith that saves, but mistrust. (Napoleon Bonaparte)

Another of those tips that should be followed if we want to preserve our heritage.

11. Take care of small expenses; a small hole sinks a ship. In this world, nothing is certain except death and taxes. (Benjamin Franklin)

The one who was president of the United States left us this pearl in the form of practical advice.

12. In business there are no friends: there are only customers. (Alexander Dumas)

Don't think that someone is going to pay you just because you have a good personal relationship. Things don't work this way.

13. Nothing as essential in business as being expeditious. (Joseph Addison)

Being agile is a fundamental rule to be successful.

14. When the scam is huge, it already takes a decent name. (Adelardo López de Ayala)

Fooling a few is easy; fooling thousands of people is a work of social and financial engineering.

15. While you can, save for old age and need, because the morning sun doesn't last all day. Whoever buys what is superfluous will soon be forced to sell what is necessary. If you know how to spend less than you earn, you have found the philosopher's stone. An empty sack is very difficult to stand upright. (Benjamin Franklin)

The thinking of a great conservative.

16. Good it is indeed to acquire, but it is much better to keep. (Johann Wolfgang von Goethe)

In the age of obsolescence, this phrase is, unfortunately, out of date.

17. Boldness in business comes first, second, and third. (Thomas Fuller)

Famous phrase for managing a business.

18. A bank is a place where they lend you an umbrella in good weather and ask for it when it starts to rain. (Robert Lee Frost)

Another famous quote that ironic about the financial system in our societies.

19. In life you have to choose between making money or spending it. There is not enough time for both. (Edouard Bourdet)

An economic reflection that can leave us wondering.

20. A saver is an idiot who immobilizes a thousand francs to earn five, and does not know how many beautiful things they can do with a thousand francs. (Tristan Bernard)

Contrary to most financial phrases, Bernard urges us to spend and enjoy life.

21. Always spend one coin less than you earn. (Cesare Cantú)

Another reflection that encourages us to save.

21. One is stolen in the bag in the same way that one is killed in war: by people who are not seen. (Alfred Capus)

The invisible hands are the ones that really dominate the market.

22. Great income is the economy. Income is more secure than the economy: the economy is the daughter of order and assiduity. Not feeling the lust for riches is wealth; not having the mania to spend is an income. (Marco Tulio Cicero)

An ode to austerity and to avoid the false siren songs of luxury and greed.

23. What costs little is still estimated less. (Miguel de Cervantes)

On the value of things.

  • More phrases by Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra

24. The man who knows how to spend and save is the happiest, because he enjoys both. (Samuel Johnson)

In moderation is the virtue of the consumer.

25. It is not weird? The very people who laugh at fortune-tellers take economists seriously. (Anonymous)

One more economic phrase that calls into question the predictive capacity of graduates in this social science.

26. The economy as the essence of life is a deadly disease, because infinite growth does not harmonize with a finite world. (Erich Fromm)

The psychoanalyst makes a general but very correct reflection on the vicious circle of capitalism.

  • More Erich Fromm Quotes

27. Counseling economics to the poor is both grotesque and insulting. It is like advising the person who is starving to eat less. (Oscar Wilde)

The British writer thus spoke about the false pedagogy of the elites towards the underprivileged classes.

  • More famous quotes from Oscar Wilde

28. Saving is poetic, because it is creative: waste is not poetic, because it is destructive. (Gilbert Keith Chesterton)

Adequate reflection for anyone thinking ahead.

29. There are two classes of economists; those who want to make the rich richer and those who want to make the poor less poor. (José Luis Sampedro)

A great Spanish thinker and economist, Sampedro, embodying his vocation.

30. Behind the economy there must also be power, since only power guarantees the economy. (Adolf Hitler)

Economic reflection of one of the greatest genocides in history.

31. The mercantile economy necessarily originates competition between commodity producers, inequality, the ruin of some and the enrichment of others. (Vladimir Lenin)

On the accumulation of wealth.

32. In economics there is nothing mysterious or inaccessible to the understanding of the man in the street. If there is a mystery, it resides in the hidden purpose that the economist can pursue and that is none other than the concealment of the concrete interest that he serves. (Arturo Jauretche)

The characteristics of a science that, in short, studies ourselves.

33. Economics may be made in any circumstance, but provide the sick with whatever is necessary. (Don Bosco)

You cannot skimp or save when it comes to basic rights.

34. The art of economics consists in considering the most remote effects of any act or policy and not merely its immediate consequences; in calculating the repercussions of such a policy not on one group, but on all sectors. (Henry Hazlitt)

Global reflection on the impact of small things in the economic and financial context.

35. Consulting with the International Monetary Fund technicians is the same as going to the warehouse with the buyer's manual, written by the grocer. (Arturo Jauretche)

Famous quote loaded with irony about the IMF's bias.

36. The key factor that will determine your financial future is not the economy, the key factor is your philosophy. (Jim Rohn)

The strategy of each one is the one that marks the future.

37. Economics is a narrative discipline and explanations are easy to provide a posteriori. (Nassim Taleb)

In the past, it is easy to describe and explain certain phenomena.

38. What we've created is an extortion economy in which the rich get richer, the poor starve, and apparently no one cares as long as we call it democracy.

A phrase about today's economy and the way elites ruthlessly enrich themselves.

39. When the economy slows, entrepreneurship flares up like a well-stocked wood stove on a cold winter night.

It is often said that crises are opportunities to create especially prosperous businesses.

40. All government interference in the economy consists in granting an unearned benefit, extracted by force, to some men at the expense of others. (Ayn Rand)

A phrase from the ultra-liberal Ayn Rand.

41. It is better to secure an interest than to earn a thousand pounds. (Robert Louis Stevenson)

An elementary principle to be a good investor.

42. Rarity sets the price for things. (Petronius)

The more extravagant or scarce the product, the more expensive it tends to be.

43. Do not steal: this way you will never have luck in business. Cheat. (Ambrose Bierce)

Unfortunately, many businesses are based on complete lack of ethics and scruples.

44. If I owe you a pound, I have a problem; But if I owe you a million, the problem is yours. (John Maynard Keynes)

Another very famous phrase about the economy. Debts are negotiated differently depending on the amount in question.

45. The Stock Market is a game that consists of passing a lit match from one to another, until it reaches one that burns the fingers. (John Kennedy)

The vision of the President of the United States on the "art" of speculation.

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