105 phrases about the environment and ecology
In an increasingly automated age where it seems that we cannot, or do not want, to remember our origins, it is absolutely necessary to reflect on where we come from, to know where we are going.
So, from Psychology and Mind we present you 101 phrases about the environment and ecology, so that you can evoke that special inspiration that Mother Nature gives us.
Phrases and reflections on ecology, nature and the environment
Our society imposes a rhythm of life on us in which technology constantly ravages our lives, in the face of such gibberish It is easy to deny our essence: that we are animals, rational, but animals, and that we depend on our environment to survive
Whether you are one of those who believe that we do not take enough care of our planet or those who no longer remember what it is to take a walk in the mountains, here We present you a compendium of phrases about the environment and ecology that you cannot miss.
Nature is not a luxury but a necessity of the human spirit, something of which we are very aware in our digital environment. Therefore, we hope you fully enjoy the collection of phrases that we present below.
1. The poetry of the earth has never died
John Keats, British poet of Romanticism, author of eminent works such as Ode to a Nightingale or Hyperion. Nature is a fundamental pillar in Romanticism, the romantics believed that nature was wild and mysterious, they gave it a strong load of fantasy and idealization.
2. Nature does nothing incomplete or nothing in vain
Aristotle, Greek philosopher.
3. The good man is the friend of all living beings
Mahatma Gandhi, Hindu lawyer, thinker and politician.
4. Trees that are slow to grow bear the best fruit
Molière, French playwright, humorist and comedy writer.
5. Nature sustains the universal life of all beings
Tenzin Gyatso, Fourteenth Dalai Lama, supreme spiritual and political leader.
6. The creation of a thousand forests is in an acorn
Ralph Waldo Emerson, American writer, philosopher and poet.
7. He studies nature, loves nature, get close to nature. It will never let you down
Frank Lloyd Wright, American Architect, one of the greatest exponents of 20th century architecture.
8. Wisdom never says one thing and nature another
Tenth June Juvenal, Roman poet, author of the Satires.
9. Nature is not a place to visit. Is home
Gary Sherman Snyder, American poet and activist.
10. Each flower is a soul that blooms in nature
Gérard de Nerval, poet, essayist and French translator, one of the most relevant of Romanticism.
11. I'd rather have roses on my table than diamonds on my neck
Emma goldman, Lithuanian anarchist and pioneer in the struggle for the emancipation of women.
12. Nature always watches over the preservation of the universe
Robert Boyle, philosopher of nature, chemist, physicist and inventor. Currently there are hypotheses, such as the Gaia hypothesis, that state that life maintains and promotes a balance to guarantee life on Earth.
13. The beauty of the natural world is in the details
Natalie Angier, Pulitzer Prize-winning science writer and popularizer.
14. Nature provides exceptions to the rule
Sarah Margaret Fuller, American journalist and activist for women's rights.
15. Deep in its roots, all the flowers keep the light
Theodore Huebner Roethke, American English-language poet.
16. A bird does not sing because it has an answer, it sings because it has a song
Marguerite Annie Johnson, American author, poet, dancer, actress and singer.
17. Green is the main color of the world, and from which its beauty arises
Pedro Calderon de la Barca, Spanish writer priest, knight of the Order of Santiago.
18. Nature is an infinite sphere whose center is everywhere and the circumference is nowhere.
Blaise pascal, French mathematician, physicist and writer.
19. In nature there are no rewards or punishments, there are consequences
Bob ingersoll, American lawyer and politician.
20. Understanding the laws of nature does not mean that we are immune to their operations
David gerrold, scientist science fiction writer.
21. Until now man has been against nature; from now on it will be against its own nature
Dennis Gabor, Hungarian physicist, Nobel laureate in Physics.
22. In nature is the preservation of the world
Henry David Thoreau, American writer, poet and philosopher, surveyor and naturalist, author of Walden.
23. There is something fundamentally wrong with treating the earth as a business in liquidation
Herman Daly talks like this about the environment.
24. Some people walk in the rain, others just get wet
Roger dean miller, country singer.
25. The trees are the efforts of the earth to speak with the listening sky
Rabindranath Tagore.
26. In every walk with nature one receives much more than what he seeks
John Muir, naturalist and explorer.
27. I have always considered nature as God's clothes
lan Hovhaness Chakmakjian, American composer of Armenian and Scottish descent.
28. Water and land, the two essential fluids on which life depends, have become global garbage cans
Jacques-Yves Cousteau, French naval officer and marine explorer.
29. They may cut off all the flowers, but they won't be able to stop spring
Pablo Neruda, Chilean poet.
30. We have been here for many years trying to draw attention to humanity, that humanity is not possible if we do not have a new relationship with Mother Nature
Rigoberta Menchú Tum, Guatemalan indigenous leader, in another phrase of magisterial ecology.
31. The fact that we are so comfortable in the middle of nature comes from the fact that it has no opinion about us
Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche, German philosopher, poet, and philologist.
32. Keep your love towards nature, because it is the true way of understanding art
Vincent Willem van Gogh, Dutch painter.
33. The lands belong to their owners, but the landscape belongs to those who know how to appreciate it
Upton Sinclair, Pulitzer Prize-winning American writer.
34. If you serve Nature, she will serve you
Confucius, Chinese philosopher, in a phrase about the nature and effects of karma.
35. If the world does not learn now to respect nature, what future will the new generations have?
Rigoberta Menchu Tum.
36. In nature nothing happens in isolation. Each phenomenon affects another and is, in turn, influenced by it; and it is generally the forgetting of this movement and this universal interaction that prevents our naturalists from clearly perceiving the simplest things.
Friedrich Engels, German philosopher and revolutionary.
37. Nature becomes a landscape when man frames it
Le Corbusier, was an architect and theorist of architecture, urban planner, interior decorator, painter and sculptor.
38. The wind straightens the tree after it has been tilted
Charles André Joseph Marie de GaulleFrench military, politician and writer, in an inspiring metaphor.
39. Let nature do its own thing; she knows her trade better than we do
Michel Eyquem de Montaigne, humanistic philosopher.
40. The charm of roses is that being so beautiful they do not know that they are
José María Pemán and Pemartín, writer, journalist and poet.
41. Nature never does anything superfluous, nothing useless, and knows how to extract multiple effects from a single cause
Nicolaus Copernicus, astronomer of the Renaissance.
42. Art, glory, freedom fade, but nature always remains beautiful
George Gordon Byron, English poet.
43. Nature is often hidden, sometimes dominated, rarely extinct
Francis Bacon, famous English philosopher, politician, lawyer and writer.
44. Nature will always maintain its rights and, finally, it will prevail over any abstract reasoning
Quote from David hume; Scottish sociologist, philosopher and historian.
45. Nature abhors a vacuum
Rene Descartes, French philosopher, mathematician and physicist.
46. One of the penalties of an ecological education is that one lives alone in a world of scars
Aldo leopold, American ecologist.
47. Economic growth and environmental protection are not compatible. They are opposite sides of the same coin if you are looking for long-term prosperity.
Henry Merritt "Hank" Paulson Jr.
48. The proper use of science is not to conquer nature, but to live in it
Barry commoner he was an American ecosocialist biologist.
49. Like music and art, love of nature is a common language that can transcend political and social boundaries.
Jimmy Carter thus he speaks about nature and transcendence.
50. A planet, an experiment
Edward osborne wilson.
51. Conservation is a state of harmony between man and earth
Aldo leopold, American ecologist.
52. I think the cost of energy will go down when we transition to renewable energy
Al Gore is an American politician, lawyer and philanthropist.
53. Birds are indicators of the environment. If they are in danger, we will know that we will be in danger soon
Roger Tory Peterson He was a naturalist, ornithologist, and educator.
54. The only way, if we are going to improve the quality of the environment, is to involve everyone
Richard Rogers is a British architect very committed to just causes in the world of ecology.
55. I did not become a vegetarian for my health, I did it for the health of the chickens
Isaac Bashevis Singer, Jewish writer, and Polish citizen.
56. I think the future for solar energy is bright.
Ken salazar He affirmed with a certain double meaning, that solar energy is an inexhaustible resource that we should take advantage of.
57. I believe that the government has to restore the environment to the top of its national and international priorities.
Brian mulroney. Unfortunately, many governments are more interested in questions of economics than of environment, when, there can be no economy without it.
58. In 10 years it will be impossible to travel to the North Pole with a team of dogs. There will be too much water
Will steger. Global warming is one of the main causes of climate change and one of the most dramatic phenomena is the melting of permafrost (ice) at the poles; in a few years you will be able to navigate these in summer. The fact that the poles melt is serious, since they regulate the salinity of the water. If the salinity of the water is altered, the ocean currents will disappear, paradoxically speaking (nature is full of contradictions) this could cause a new ice age, according to experts.
59. If people are prepared to eat locally and seasonally, then they will do quite well in terms of environmental impact.
Peter singer This phrase means that consuming seasonal and local products would reduce the ecological footprint thanks to the fact that there would be less expenditure of fossil fuels for transport.
60. The most important issue about the environment is one that is rarely mentioned, and that is the unethical nature of our culture.
Gaylord nelson. Environmental problems are not only a social or economic issue, but also a moral one.
61. The environmental crisis is the result of rushing
This phrase that he quoted Ed begley It goes on to say that the fact of wanting to obtain immediate and abundant macroeconomic benefits, apart from sustainable development, is what has generated this environmental crisis.
62. The environmental crisis is a global problem and only global action will solve it
Barry commoner He declared with this phrase that in radical times, radical measures: only structural changes have enough impact on structural problems.
63. The general idea that we deal with environmental problems without doing things just doesn't work.
Natalie Jeremijenko. Theoretical deliberation and lack of political will is a problem for the environment. Agreements on paper do not work, you have to act.
64. A change is needed towards lifestyles less oriented towards consumption patterns that are harmful to the environment
Maurice strong. The unbridled consumption that capitalist society leads us to is not sustainable, for Maurice Strong.
65. There are a huge number of environmental problems on the table
In order to Ed rendell global warming is one (and not the gravest) of the main ecological problems. It is important to point out the degradation of habitats due to pollution, urban planning and the problems with so-called “invasive species”.
66. The worst environmental decision you can make as a human being is to have fourteen children
Jane velez. Overpopulation on a planet with limited resources is a problem that we would have to deal with.
67. The first law of ecology is that everything is related to everything else
Barry commoner. An ecosystem is a complex system that is made up of a set of living beings and the physical environment in which they interact. Ecosystems usually form a series of relationships or chains that show the interdependence of organisms within the system. In an ecosystem, the parts that make it up are much stronger than if they were separated.
68. Continuity is the art of conservationism: ecology serves that heart
Phrase James Garrett Hardin, American ecologist specialized in the problem of overpopulation. Also known for Hardin's First Law of the so-called Anthropic Ecology: "It cannot be done only one thing ", expresses the interconnection of all human actions, some foreseeable and others not.
69. The natural world is the largest sacred community to which we belong. To harm this community is to diminish our own humanity.
Thomas berry. We all depend on the environment to survive: damaging it will take its toll from a point of view physical, since the constant violation of the natural world is an ethical aberration that sooner or later we will pay. Karma?
70. Plans to protect air and water, wilderness and wildlife, are in fact plans to protect man
Steawart udall. Nowadays, environmentalism defends its postulates from an anthropocentric point of view: it is not necessary to defend the environment for the welfare of the different animal and plant species, it must be defended because it affects the man. It seems that we only mobilize when something affects us!
71. Our health depends entirely on the vitality of our companion species on earth.
Harrison ford. There are species cataloged as "ecosystem engineers" (such as the Iberian wolf), species that have such an extremely important role important in the balance of an ecosystem that if they disappear, thousands and thousands of associated species, both flora and fauna, could disappear. For example, if the bees disappear, humanity will become extinct.
72. It is the worst of times but also the best because we still have a chance
Sylvia earle. As long as there is still a glimmer of light in the fight for the environment, we will still have hope.
73. You cannot spend a single day on earth without having an impact on the world. What you do makes a difference, and you have to decide what kind of difference you want to make.
Dame Jane Morris Goodall she is a primatologist and anthropologist and UN peace messenger. She is considered the foremost expert on chimpanzees, and she is known for her more than 50-year-long study of the social and family relationships of wild chimpanzees.
74. The future belongs to those who understand that doing more with less is compassionate, prosperous, enduring, smarter, and more competitive.
In order to Paul hawken, it is about optimizing the economy at a structural level, and at an individual level knowing how to manage our resources and services well (reduce, recycle and reuse). Large-scale policies are useless if there is no individual change.
75. The earth is insulted and offers the flowers in response
Rabindranath Tagore. The resilience; in ecology, it is the ability of habitats to absorb disturbances without significantly altering their general characteristics and functionality, being able to return to its original state once the hecatomb has finished.
76. An act against nature should be judged as severely as one against society or another person
Dr. Michael Fox. Unfortunately, environmental crimes are often lightly punished, both for economic interests and for institutional and political corruption.
77. The worst threat to our planet is the belief that someone will save it.-Robert Swan.
Robert swan. It is not about doing individual activities in favor of the environment, we must all get involved.
78. We live on earth like we have another one to go to
Terry Swearingen. The resources of Planet Earth are limited, and as far as we know, there is only one planet in the entire Universe capable of supporting life.
79. The supreme reality of our time is the vulnerability of our planet
Quote from John Fitzgerald Kennedy, thirty-fifth president of the United States. Since the Industrial Revolution, in the 19th century, with the increase in population, scientific-technical development and the massive use of factories that expelled huge amounts of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, began the real problems for the environment environment. It could therefore be said that global warming is a recent problem, but that in a short time it has caused very negative effects.
80. We abuse the land because we treat it as if it were ours. When we see it as an opportunity we belong to, we may treat it with love and respect.
Aldo leopold, American ecologist. Pioneer in the dissemination of ethical principles that take ecosystems into consideration. I develop environmental ethics and the movement for the preservation of wild nature.
81. Thousands have lived without love and not one without water
W. H. Auden. Water is the basis of life and a necessity of the first order, a right that should be fundamental. Due to global warming, droughts are becoming stronger, especially in the Middle East and Africa, causing political instability in the countries that suffer from it.
82. The earth provides enough to satisfy the needs of every man, but not the greed of every man
Mahatma Gandhi,
83. We abuse the land because we consider that it belongs to us. When we see it as a community to which we belong, we may begin to use it with love and respect.
Aldo leopold.
84. Faith in the living planet is the most important issue facing humanity
Gaylord Anton Nelson, American politician.
85. The ocean, the great unifier, is man's only hope. Now, like never before, the old phrase has a new meaning: we are all in the same boat
Jacques-Yves Cousteau.
86. When the earth is sick and polluted, human health is impossible. To heal ourselves, we must heal our planet and to heal our planet, we must heal ourselves
Phrase Bobby McLeod. It has been shown that there is a direct relationship between environmental pollution and diseases such as Alzheimer's disease or Cancer.
87. Many of us ask what we can do, but history shows us that all the good and bad begin when someone does something or does not do something.
Phrase Sylvia earle. If we act to save Planet Earth, we can be more or less wrong, we will find ourselves with more or less stones along the way, but we must act, because the cost of doing nothing is too much worse.
88. We have met the enemy and it is us
Walt kelly. For Kelly, not taking care of our ecosystems was throwing stones at humanity's own roof.
89. The world we share has been given to us in trust. Every decision we make regarding the land, air and water that surrounds us should be made with the aim of preserving them for all generations to come.
August A. Bush III. Sustainable development is not only about consuming a smaller proportion of the resources that are extracted, but also about ensuring those resources for future generations.
90. Nature is inexhaustibly sustainable if we take care of it. It is our universal responsibility to pass a healthy earth to future generations
Sylvia Dolson. Nature always tends to balance, and generates the necessary resources to ensure its own survival (as a whole) and that of all animal and plant species, including the species human.
91. First it was necessary to civilize man in his relationship with man. Now it is necessary to civilize man in his relationship with nature and animals
Sylvia Dolson. Speciesism is the adverse treatment or disregard based on belonging to different species, although it is usually apply in more animalistic areas related to veganism, its use begins to be applied within the movement ecologist.
92. He who plants trees loves others
Thomas fuller, historian. His works on the history of the Crusades and a descriptive geography of Palestine stand out. He was, by vocation, fond of archeology and antiquity. Deforestation devastates forests indiscriminately causing immense damage to ecosystems. Forests only cover about 30% of the world's regions, when they should cover 60%.
93. We do not inherit the land from our ancestors, we borrow it from our children
Native american proverb. The current development model is not sustainable and seriously compromises the future of humanity.
94. If you want adults to recycle, just talk to kids about the importance of recycling and they will
William Sanford "Bill", American science educator, comedian and scientist.
95. Our survival is intimately linked to the food we eat, the water we drink, and the places where we live. For this reason, we must promote responsibility and conservation when we refer to natural resources.
Mark Emery Udall, American politician.
96. If you could make clean water for the world tomorrow morning, you would have done the best you can to improve human health and environmental quality.
William clark, military and American explorer.
97. When the quality of life falls for the environment, it falls for the human being
George Holland Sabine, professor of American philosophy.
98. We will never recognize the value of water until the well is dry
Phrase Thomas fuller, historian. His works on the history of the Crusades and a descriptive geography of Palestine stand out. He was, by vocation, fond of archeology and antiquity. This phrase of Fuller is very interesting, apparently, the human being only reacts when he is between a rock and a hard place.
99. If you really believe that the environment is less important than the economy, try to hold your breath while you count your money
Guy R. McPherson He is an American scientist, emeritus professor of natural evolutionary biology at the University of Arizona. He famous for theorizing the idea of the extinction of humanity in the short term.
100. It produces an immense sadness to think that nature speaks while mankind does not listen to it.
Victor marie hugo, French romantic novelist and poet, is considered one of the most important writers in the French language. As you can see from several sentences in this post, the romantics had a unique perception of nature.
101. The land is where we all meet, where we all have a mutual interest, it is the only thing we share
"Lady Bird" Taylor JohnsonAn American journalist, teacher, political activist and businesswoman, she was the First Lady of the United States. Lady Bird was an ardent defender of the natural heritage in her country.
102. The planet is all that most of us will get to see, so you have to take care of it.
All the spaces we inhabit are part of a set that must be fully appreciated.
103. Nature can exist without forests, seas or grasslands, so taking care of it is more like taking care of ourselves
Nature does not depend on us to exist.
104. Whatever we do, we must never forget that there is no unbridgeable gap between us and the tree of life from which we come.
After all, at no time have we stopped being animals.
105. In a garden or a wooded area you can find more peace than in all the relaxing music of the world
Art imitates nature, but nature is always ahead.