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The 10 best Psychologists in Palafrugell

Maria real She has a degree in psychology and is specialized in treating adolescents and adults with some type of psychological pathology, as well as being an expert in general health psychology.

Among the disorders that she has treated the most are problems of anxiety, depression and stress, situations of low self-esteem, and addictions to alcohol, tobacco and other types of substances, achieving excellent results in their patients.

Yolanda martinez She is a General Health Psychologist expert in the care of adults and adolescents. She has more than a decade of experience intervening in emotional, cognitive and behavioral problems through psychotherapy programs that can be in Spanish or Catalan.

Some of the forms of discomfort that she deals with in her day to day are depression, disorders of anxiety, low self-esteem, emotional crises from divorce, grief, and conflict relatives.

Mario Pla Saavedra he has a degree in psychology, an EMDR psychotherapy specialist, and an emotional intelligence expert, coach and with an extensive history of patients who have improved their psychological well-being after their treatments.

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Throughout all these years, she has treated patients with different pathologies, among which the disorders stand out. anxiety, depression and stress, post-traumatic stress disorders, and sleep disorders such as insomnia.

Antonia Guerrero placeholder image She has a degree in psychology and stands out for being a specialist in the area of ​​sexual and couples therapy, and in the treatment of patients affected by anxiety, depression and stress disorders, having achieved very positive.

She also has extensive experience in treating people in situations of low self-esteem, with addictions to alcohol, tobacco and other types of substances, and with eating disorders such as bulimia and anorexy.

Gloria San Martin Moreno She has a degree in psychology, as well as being a specialist in cognitive behavioral therapy and having treated people with eating disorders such as bulimia and anorexia.

She is also a specialist in cases of poor school performance in children and adolescents, having treated cases of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, also known as ADHD, and with autism.

Berta Dalmau Martínez She has a degree in psychology and specializes in emotional management, mindfulness, stress management, and the treatment of disorders such as anxiety, depression, and stress.

During all this time she has had the opportunity to help people with addictive disorders to alcohol and tobacco, in disorders that affect children and adolescents such as behavioral disorders, and people with different types of phobias

Alicia Hugas Cruz she is a recognized professional who has a degree in clinical psychology and stands out for being a specialist in clinical psychology, and in general health psychology, having improved the well-being of many people.

She has treated a large number of patients affected by sexual and marital problems, for disorders of behavior, due to eating disorders such as bulimia and anorexia, with very positive.

Sílvia Torroella Claver She has a degree in psychology and is specialized in the field of clinical psychology, being she a specialist in the treatment of adolescents and adults who are experiencing some type of health-related problem mental.

Among the disorders that she has treated the most are the different types of phobias such as fear of open spaces, chronic fatigue, grief situations over the loss of a loved one, and dependence on new ones technologies.

Anna Agustí Valls She has a degree in psychology and is specialized in psychotherapy for adolescents and adults, in the brief strategic therapy, and in the treatment of pathologies that affect the emotional well-being of people.

During all these years she has had the opportunity to treat cases of low self-esteem, problems of the behavior, adolescents with poor school performance, and with problems of anxiety, stress and depression.

Laura Cano Pascual is a well-known Catalan psychologist who specializes in treating different types of phobias such as fear of open spaces or fear of flying, among other pathologies.

He has also treated cases of problems such as anxiety, depression and stress, people with sexual and relationship problems, and in situations of low self-esteem.

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