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The 10 best Psychologists who are experts in depression in Toledo

The psychologist Maria Martin She has a Master's Degree in Cognitive Neuropsychology from the UCM, she has a Diploma in Child Neuropsychology and has an Expert Postgraduate Degree in Brief Psychotherapy and another in Personality Disorders.

His intervention integrates various therapies with proven efficacy, among which the cognitive-behavioral approach and the Brief Therapy, tools with which she attends any type of consultation in people of all ages, as well as couples

Among his intervention specialties, depression problems and also other types of consultations, such as anxiety disorders, emotional problems, relationship conflicts and low self-esteem.

The psychologist Jesus Arellano He studied Psychology through the UNED and later decided to specialize in the practice of the widespread Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. As a psychologist for him, empathy and warmth are two factors that can never be lacking in his consultation, so as his patients we can be sure that we will always receive a really cordial treatment from you, in the event that we decide to be treated by this specialist.

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The 4 difficulties that this professional usually addresses most often in his consultation are depression, anxiety, social phobia and stress, problems that with the help of him will quickly become a thing From the past.

Noelia Ugena She decided to graduate in Psychology through the UNED and later took a specialized course in the well-known technique of Clinical Hypnosis. Combining hypnosis and therapy with a cognitive behavioral approach, this psychologist has achieved some very good results treating from children, to people who are in a very advanced stage of the third age.

Among her problems most dealt with are depression, anxiety and aggressiveness problems, some ailments that we can try to solve in a short period of time being treated by this psychologist.

Maribel silva she graduated in psychology through UNED and later, she decided to specialize in Clinical Sexology. With the help of this psychologist we can try to overcome some of the most difficult moments of our life. life, because among her specialties is the treatment of depression and low self-esteem.

Other disorders that this psychologist also treats very often are anxiety, phobias and obsessive compulsive disorder OCD.

Jessica Lopez She has a degree in Psychology from the Complutense University of Madrid and she is also a specialist in Adult Therapy. In the consultation of this psychologist, both adults and children or adolescents can be treated and in the event that we need it, we can also receive couples therapy without any problem.

Among the specialties of this psychologist is the treatment of depression, conduct disorders, phobias and stress.

The psychologist Cristina Gomez She studied Psychology at the Complutense University of Madrid and later, she specialized in Psychotherapy and Psychodrama in Children and Adolescents. Thanks to her training, this psychologist can treat people of all ages and also attend large groups of people who in theory may be going through the same difficulty.

Some of the problems that this psychologist most often treats are depression, addictions, stages of grief and stress.

Sandra Romo she has a degree in Psychology and is specialized in Third Generation Therapies. Although she finished her studies in 2018, she has a great training, thanks to which she can help us treating with great professionalism any possible psychological complication that may eventually have us emerged.

Among the complications that this psychologist has dealt with the most, we can find depression, workplace bullying, phobias and sexual dysfunction.

The psychologist Paloma barredo She is an expert in Clinical Psychology and has more than 30 years of experience practicing Psychology. As part of the Toledo hospital team, this psychologist has been able to treat a wide variety of disorders and now we as your clients on a private level, we can benefit from this great experience if we decide to be treated by her.

The problems that this specialist has dealt with the most throughout her career have been depression, stress and psychological trauma in adults.

Immaculate Jimenez he graduated in Psychology at the University of Jaén and later specialized in Long Term Psychotherapy. As an Immaculate psychologist, she always pays great attention to all her patients, offering them a totally complete therapy at all times. personalized, a way of proceeding which requires a great vocation on your part but with which, not in vain, you usually obtain very good results.

This psychology specializes in the treatment of depression, anxiety problems and complicated grief situations.

Elena Berazaluce He has 17 years of experience practicing Psychology and, as they say, experience is always a degree. In your consultation, people of all ages can be treated and we can also receive family therapy, in the event that we have a problem of a possible intra-family nature.

Providing help to all kinds of people, some problems have been the most treated over time in his consultation and these have been depression, phobias and relationship problems.

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