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Discover the History of ESPARTA

Sparta: history in brief

Image: Universal History

Sparta is one of the most interesting cultures in the history of mankind, being one of the most relevant polis in the Ancient Greece. It coexisted with Athens and, in fact, they were rival cities with very diverse political and social models. This is why it is interesting to know its history, to see its great development and, therefore, in this lesson from a PROFESSOR we are going to talk about the summary history of sparta.

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  1. Origins of Sparta
  2. The wars of Sparta
  3. The rise and fall of Sparta

Origins of Sparta.

The true origins of Sparta have always been difficult to find, the main reason for this being that the Spartans themselves searched for hide its true origin, not existing too many sources on this.

It is generally proposed that the birth of Sparta was after the invasion of Laconia by the Dorians, this being one of the main primitive Greek tribes and one of the most influential in the subsequent creation of the

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greek cops. Even with this, we must bear in mind that according to some sources this was not an invasion, but a long assimilation in which the Laconian people were converting to the Dorian culture.

After a few years of training, Sparta began to improve its military structure, turning its entire population into warriors who were formed from birth and thus being born the Spartan ideology that would become so famous in later centuries. The key point in this evolution were the Spartan reforms in the 7th century BC. C., after which Sparta would begin its conquest of all Laconia until completing the territory that we call Sparta.

Sparta: history in brief - Origins of Sparta

Image: Slideshare

The wars of Sparta.

When talking about the history of Sparta we must refer to the two main wars in which the Greek polis participated, these being the so-called Medical Wars and the Peloponnesian War, being the first important for its great value in popular culture, and second for the relevance it had for the predominance Spartan.

Medical wars

The medical wars they were a confrontation between Persia and the Greek polis that took place between the years 490 a. C. and 479 a. C. Sparta's entry into the war took place because the king of Persia, Darius I asked the Spartans to accepted him as the greatest hegemonic power in the world, something the Spartans did not agree with. agreement.

In this war, Sparta was the greatest land military power, while Athensit was the greatest maritime power. The best known moment of the war is the Battle of Thermopylae, being when 300 Spartans faced a much more numerous Persian army. Finally the victory went to the union of the Greek polis, although it was really Athens that obtained the most benefits from all this situation.

Peloponnesian War

The other great war of Sparta is the Peloponnesian war, taking place between the Delian League led by Athens and the Peloponnesian League led by Sparta. The growing power of Athens after her victory in the medical wars had led the Greek polis to fear for her safety, being Sparta the only cops that could stand up to him at the military level. The allies of Athens were in most cases richer than those of the Spartans, but the strength of the latter was much greater.

The war ended with the sparta victory, causing the end of Athenian democracy, imposing the rule of the Thirty Tyrants in the Athenian region and becoming the greatest Greek power. This victory marked a turning point in Greek society, changing the landscape of the Hellenic world and causing a total revolution throughout the region.

Sparta: History in Brief - The Wars of Sparta

Image: Cultural History

The rise and fall of Sparta.

To conclude this lesson on the summarized history of Sparta we must talk about the moment of greatest splendor of the Spartan civilization and how this was decaying until the total decline of the great polis Greek.

After the victory in the Peloponnesian War and the Athenian disaster, Sparta had become the strongest polis in Greece, receiving many taxes from the great fortunes of Athens and imposing political leaders in some of the more important polis that had supported Athens.

Soon after, Sparta began Corinthian War, facing the union of the main Greek polis and Persia and, although it began by winning several land battles, it could not keep up in the face of so many powers, causing that sign peace with all these regions.

The decline and fall of Sparta

The dwindling Spartan population, the defeat at the Battle of Leuctra and the irruption of the great Greek power of Macedonia made the power of Sparta will wane completely. Even so, Sparta was lucky and was able to remain an independent region, since the kingdom of Alexander the Greathe never tries to conquer her and only asked for her support in certain wars.

Years later, and in search of recovering his power, the Spartan city joined Rome, being a great ally in some of the wars that Rome faced in Greece, especially in the case of the Punic Wars. Sparta was not as powerful an ally as other Greek polis, so the Romans ended up betraying the polis and Sparta lost almost all of its territory, this betrayal being caused by the alliance of several Greek polis that pledged allegiance to Rome.

After this, Sparta never returned to be the great military power that it had become, losing several battles against other primitive cops and tribes and eventually ceasing to be what we know as a cops.

Sparta: History in Brief - Rise and Decline of Sparta

Image: Social Studies Online

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