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Contributions of Hellenic culture to the world

Contributions of Hellenic culture to the world

The different civilizations in history have been contributing, to the rest of societies, various elements that have been fitting into the new ways of life and thinking. In fact, we can say that the new societies or civilizations that have been created have undoubtedly had to drink from the elements of the ancient civilizations. In this lesson from a TEACHER we will talk about the contributions of Hellenic culture to the world.

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  1. Greece and the cops
  2. Philosophy, another of the contributions of Hellenic culture
  3. Hellenic art
  4. Theater in Hellenic culture
  5. Other important contributions of the Hellenic culture

Greece and the cops.

We can say, without mistake, that one of the most important elements within Greek culture and also the most representative is the system of the polis, that is, the city-states.

It was in these where the Helena society was being formed and where it carried out all the relevant activities, since only He was a full-fledged citizen, one who lived in the polis, being considered a barbarian, anyone who lived outside. Therefore, it is logical to think that the contributions of Hellenic culture to the world will be located or will be created within its walls.

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In this other lesson from a TEACHER we will discover the characteristics of the greek polis so that you know, in detail, how they were created and what life was like in these spaces.

Contributions of Hellenic culture to the world - Greece and the polis

Image: Taringa!

Philosophy, another of the contributions of Hellenic culture.

Next, we will mention one of the most important contributions of Hellenic culture to the world since, like all civilization, it made endless of advances, among which, there were several that stood out enormously and that also spread with great ease throughout the known world. One of them was undoubtedly the Hellenistic philosophy.

It is one of the best known disciplines in the world for its great Greek authors such as: Socrates, Plato or Anaximenes. This, sought the total knowledge of everything that surrounded the human being, looking for the reason for life, the ways of interaction that should be carried out with the environment, the most equitable or just form of government that should be impose, …

Hellenic art.

We continue with the contributions of Hellenic culture to the world to, this time, stop at one of the most well-known elements of Greece: her unmistakable art.

This can be divided into two parts, the architectural and the sculpture. Both, passed without many changes to the Roman civilization, which drank directly from the Hellenic culture; in fact, we can say that they are practically the same with some changes.

It was one of the great contributions he has made to the world for a simple reason: both for the colonies created throughout the Mediterranean as by the Roman Empire, this art would reach all sides. And, if it were not enough, we must know that, as a result of the Renaissance, these lines would be used again.

It was in this activity where we will find the application of two very important sciences, architecture and mathematics, since they were very important elements so that the buildings were kept in perfect condition.

Contributions of Hellenic Culture to the World - Hellenic Art

Image: Slideshare

The theater in the Hellenic culture.

Even some of the great philosophers tried to make works to entertain the masses, the most popular currents being comedy and tragedy. The theater became the ideal place to criticize the government's actions and laugh at the actions of many of its enemies.

This contribution has continued to this day, with classical works also being the most represented at world level (receiving, of course, some modifications to insert them into our way of life current).

Other important contributions of the Hellenic culture.

And we end up giving a list with other fields where the Hellenic culture also stood out. They were the following ones:


Being a society more interested in thinking, practice was one of its weaknesses, even so, many of the theories both mathematics, architectural, medical... They were carried out by this society and, for the most part, also carried out by them philosophers.

The Olympic Games

Who does not know most of the disciplines that are carried out in these events? You are right, it was the Greeks who created these games honoring their gods, performing a series of activities to please them and fight in a somewhat less warmongering way. This activity also served to give truces between the various polis that comprised Attica, because for as long as they lasted, there was a period of peace.


We leave until the end the form of government that he bequeathed to the rest of the world, because, although it is not totally equal to the form that we conceive, this It was very necessary to understand that a council created and voted by the citizens was the best option to govern, thus avoiding the tyrannies.

Contributions of Hellenic culture to the world - Other important contributions of Hellenic culture

Image: Slideplayer

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