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Important figures of the Trojan War

Important figures of the Trojan War

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In all wars there are a series of characters with vital importance. Some are warriors, others are diplomats, but they all agree that without their actions, the war would have taken a totally different path. In the case of mythological events, the situation is even greater, since there are appearances of the gods themselves. To meet the essential characters of one of the greatest mythological wars in history, today in this lesson from a PROFESSOR we are going to talk about the important characters of the Trojan War.

The trojan war It was a war conflict of the Greek mythology, in which a union of Greek armies, called Liga Aquea, faced Troy and its allies. In addition, on both sides there was participation of the greek gods that, depending on the offerings they received or their interest, they helped one side or the other.

The Trojan War is told in a series of Greek epic poems, although there are currently only two of those poems, the Iliad and the Odyssey, both from Homer. The Iliad

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tells us an episode of the war, while the Odyssey tells us the return home of one of the protagonists.

To continue with this lesson on important characters of the Trojan WarWe must talk about the protagonists of the Greek coalition side. We must bear in mind that we are going to talk about important figures of the war, ignoring others who, although they were vital to the war, did not participate in it, such as Helena of Troy, who was responsible for the start of the war but was not one of the combatants. On this side there are great warriors, but also some of the most important Greek gods.


Agamemnon was the king of Mycenae and commander-in-chief of the Greek coalition, due to the great power he had. Agamemnon was responsible for one of the worst moments of the Greek side, when she took as a concubine the daughter of a priest of Apollo, causing the Greek god to send a plague on the army Greek. Agamemnon returned the concubine, but kept Achilles', which caused Achilles to leave the army for a time, the Greeks losing one of his best men.


A king Spartan, he was the one who started the war, because the Trojans kidnapped his wife, Helena. She was the one who united the various Greek peoples to attack Troy, and one of the Greeks who hid on the Trojan horse.


Also called Ulises, was a Greek hero and king of Ithaca protagonist of the Odyssey. According to some sources, he was the one who had the idea to build the Trojan horse to enter the city.


King of Pylos, he did not participate as a warrior due to his advanced age, but his great experience made him someone very relevant as a counselor.


He the best of the Greek warriors, being invincible except on his heel. He was largely responsible for the first Greek victories, until he left the army due to his disputes with Agamemnon. He later returned to the conflict, perishing by an arrow in the Paris deed heel.


Friend of Achilles. After his departure for the fight with Agamemnon, and after several Greek defeats, Patroclus disguised Achilles to encourage the Greek army, but that did not prevent him from being killed by Hector. The death of Patroclus was the reason why Achilles returned to fight in the war.


As in all mythological Greek conflict, there are several gods who participated in the war. Some of the gods who supported the Achaean League side are as follows:

  • Hera: He participated in the war because Paris had chosen Aphrodite as the most beautiful of her instead of her.
  • Hephaestus: The god in charge of the forge joined the Greek side.
  • Poseidon: Shortly before the Trojan War, he sent a sea monster to the city of Troy, because the previous king had not kept his promises.
  • Thetis: Achilles' mother, she participated in the war alongside her son.
  • Athena: The goddess with the greatest participation in the Greek side.
Important Personages of the Trojan War - Important Personages of the Achaean League

Image: Slideshare

As on the Greek side, the Trojans had the help of great warriors and important gods.


King of Troy, son of Laomedon and father of 50 children, among whom were Paris and Hector. He was too old to fight, so his role was that of a counselor. He was assassinated by the son of Achilles, after the entry of the Greeks into Troy.


Priam's eldest son and one of the main warriors of Troy. He was responsible for the death of Patroclus, and was later assassinated by Achilles.


Son of Priam, he was the culprit of the Trojan War by kidnapping Helen. His great feat was to kill Achilles, shooting an arrow at his heel.


Son of Zeus, he was a great Trojan soldier until his death at the hands of Patroclus.


The gods always have interests in war, so Troy also had divine help in war. Some of the gods who participated in the Trojan side are as follows.

  • Aphrodite: The main culprit in the kidnapping of Helena, causing her to fall in love with Paris. Throughout the war she helped the Trojans.
  • Ares: The god of war always participated in all Greek wars, in this case on the Trojan side.
  • Apollo: He was the one who led Paris to kill Achilles.
  • Sagebrush: She participated alongside her brother on the Trojan side.
Important Personages of the Trojan War - Important Personages of Troy

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