Julio Cesar Vaca Pineda
Clinical psychologist with high experience in the private and public sphere. I have various diplomas and certifications that certify my knowledge and work skills, to provide the best dignified and quality service for children, adolescents, adults and adults greater. My specialty is cognitive behavioral and psychodynamic therapy. Anyone who presents a problem that generates deep psychological suffering (whether or not we are talking about an identified disorder) or difficulties in adapting to the environment that surrounds him / her may come for my help professional. It is possible that in some cases the person is facing an adaptive process or derived from a situation that he does not know resolve or do not have the resources and tools to solve the situation, you also need support psychological.
I have 7 Graduates - in Alzheimer's and other dementias, Gerontology by the National Institute of Geriatrics INGER and AMEP; Social management and social development, Management models of social projects by INDESOL and UNAM; Psychoanalysis in children and adults by CEPSIS; Human rights, equality and non-discrimination by CNDH and CONAPRED. 1 Diploma in Forensic Psychology Specialized in Children, Adolescents by the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation (SCJN).
I have 4 certifications in Clinical Criminology, Psychosexuality, qualitative research, Psychometry in the Mexican Federation of Psychology, in addition to being an official member, collaborator in the publication of the book "Sexuality: Pregnancy adolescent" and have the participation of the publication of the scientific article "Sexuality in Older Adulthood" in said Federation. I have 1 Certification in Psychological First Aid and CBT from the Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB)