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CAUSES and CONSEQUENCES of the independence of CHILE

Independence of Chile: causes and consequences

The independence movements are not born out of nothing, but are the consequence of a series of causes of greater or lesser importance, and at the same time they are movements so relevant that they cause a series of consequences, being especially important when they manage to create a nation. To know the before and after the process of independence of a region in this lesson from a PROFESSOR we must speak the causes and consequences of the independence of Chile.

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  1. What was the independence of Chile?
  2. Causes of the independence of Chile
  3. Consequences of the independence of Chile

What was the independence of Chile?

We know how Independence of Chile to the process that achieved the independence of Chile regarding Spain, thereby achieving the birth of a new independent nation known as Chile. Independence was a long process with several phases and during which they took place numerous wars to achieve separation from the Spanish Empire.

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Generally this process is usually located between the September 18, 1810, with the creation of the First National Board of Government and ends on January 28, 1823 after the abdication of power by General O'Higgins.

Thanks to independence, Chile managed to become independent from the Spanish, this being mainly caused by a series of problems that caused a great discontent in the population of Chile and the vision that Chilean citizens would live much better without depending on the Spanish metropolis.

The independence of Chile was one of the numerous independences of Latin American countries that took place during the nineteenth century, being a stage of liberal revolutions in which many American nations began to have a great generalized discontent with the Spanish government.

Independence of Chile: causes and consequences - What was the independence of Chile?

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Causes of the independence of Chile.

The causes of the independence of Chile are all those factors that affected to a greater or lesser extent the beginning of the independence process, being able to be both internal and external but meeting all the requirements of being key causes for the beginning of the region's independence process American.

Influence of the liberal revolutions

A few years before the beginning of Chile's independence, two important revolutions had taken place in the world, both being key for Chilean thinking to change. One of the revolutions was the French Revolution, that contributed the ideas on the power of the town and on that the kings should not have the absolute power. The other influential revolution was that of United Statess, which showed that the power of the people could achieve the independence of a colony. The ideas of both revolutions were key to the beginning of the independence of Chile.

Napoleon's invasion of Spain

Chile depended to a great extent on the management of the metropolis, which is why the importance of the Spanish government and the king were vital for the American region. The invasion of the Peninsula by Napoleon He made Chile see that they could survive without Spanish help and that the Spanish government was increasingly estranged from America.

Succession of bad governments

The governments of Chile in the years prior to independence had been highly criticized by the Chilean population, being a succession of bad rulers who had caused serious crisis in the region. The mismanagement of people arriving from the peninsula caused that many Chileans asked for a governor of the region, with the national spirit growing.

Social crisis

The Social inequality it was a constant in the Spanish colonies and Chile was no exception. The peninsulares were considered to have many more privileges than the CreoleThis being one of the reasons for the hatred that a large part of the Chilean citizens had with the Spanish.

Economic crisis

The use that the Spanish Empire gave to the colonies to enrich themselves, being an example the great barriers that they placed in trade, caused that Chile had big economic problems that American citizens considered that they would not exist if power were held by the citizens of Chile themselves.

Independence of Chile: causes and consequences - Causes of independence of Chile

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Consequences of the independence of Chile.

To finish this lesson from a PROFESSOR we must talk about the main consequences of the independence of Chile. Here we discover the most outstanding ones.

Birth of Chile

The main consequence of the independence process in Chile was the independence of the Chilean region and therefore the birth of a new nation that received the name of Chile. From that moment to the present, Chile has become one of the main regions of South America, playing an important role in both American and international politics.

Political clash

Although all the Chileans had fought together against the Spanish, at the end of the war they began to appear differences among them. The political divisions between the different branches of Chilean politicians brought a period of great tension that took years to end.

The social and economic crisis continues

Independence was not able to end the harsh crises of the Chilean country, the problems previous problems such as lack of food or social inequalities were joined by other problems caused by war. The economy took years to recover, and social inequalities persisted for decades.

Chilean constitutions

After independence, one of the first issues that Chilean leaders had to deal with was that of the constitution, being something very complicated due to the great differences between the key figures of politics Chilean. In a few decades numerous constitutions were drawn up and it took years to get one that was well seen by all Chileans.

Independence of Chile: causes and consequences - Consequences of the independence of Chile

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