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Observational learning: definition, phases and uses

Authors as relevant and famous as Burrhus F. Skinner, Julian B. Rotter and, above all, Albert Bandura contributed to the description of the process by which observational learning occurs, by which we learn by seeing how other people behave.

In this article we will describe what is observational learning based on the work of Bandura, whose contributions in this regard are better known as "social learning theory." We will also talk about the four stages that make up this process: attention, retention, reproduction and motivation.

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What is observational learning?

The concept of “observational learning” is a bit ambiguous. Many authors identify it with social learning described by Albert Bandura; this term is probably the most popular way of referring to this process in the scientific literature.

At the same time, both the definition of social and observational learning are confused with others that are close, in particular vicarious learning, imitation and modeling. However, it is possible to find differential nuances between the original scope of each one of the terms, although with the passage of time the different conceptions have homogenizing.

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In this sense, we can include within observational learning any type of learning that occurs as a result of the contemplation of behaviors of other living beings (since it is not a specific term for humans), as well as the consequences of these, that is, their contingency with the appearance of reinforcements and punishments.

The main feature of observational learning is that given without the need for the learner to get reinforcement: in this case, information is obtained about the possible effects that a certain behavior will have. However, reinforcement is necessary for the behavior to be carried out, as we will see a little later.

As for the rest of the terms that we have mentioned, each one of them highlights a specific feature of a broad and shared phenomenon. Thus, when we speak of "modeling" we are emphasizing the importance of who acts as a model of behavior, while “social learning” refers to the inclusion of this in the framework of the socialization.

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Bandura's theory of social learning

In the 1960s, the Canadian psychologist Albert Bandura carried out different studies to analyze learning processes that could not be explained by traditional behavioral models (classical and operant conditioning), but required the use of social variables. From them he formulated his theory of social learning.

Previously authors like B. F. Skinner or J. B. Rotter they had proposed models that attempted to explain observational learning, or other closely related concepts, through basic mechanisms such as reinforcement. However, the "cognitive revolution" contributed to the inclusion in scientific psychology of unobservable variables.

According to Bandura, one of the greatest weaknesses of the existing approaches at the time was the fact that they did not include social variables in the hypotheses about the acquisition of behaviors. His theory is based on the idea that learning is a fundamentally cognitive process that is inseparable from the social framework in which it develops.

In this way Bandura proposed the concept of reciprocal determinism, according to which when a living being leads to carrying out a learning process is not being a simple receiver of the events that happen in its environment, but it exists a mutual influence between context, behaviors and cognitive variables like expectations or motivation.

One of the most relevant contributions of Bandura's work was that he showed that learning can take place without the need for the apprentice to obtain reinforcement. However, as is logical, observing that the model obtains rewards or punishments as a consequence of its behavior modulates the learning that takes place.

The 4 stages of this process

Albert Bandura conceptualized observational (or social) learning as a process made up of four stages that take place one after the other. Thus, this type of learning ranges from attention to events that happen in our environment to the motivation that leads us to perform the behavior after having learned it by observation.

1. Attention

Attention is the cognitive function that allows us perceive and understand the events that occur around us. If the cognitive capacities of the person are adequate and sufficient attentional resources are devoted to observation, it will be easier to learn. Certain characteristics of the model, such as its prestige, significantly influence this process.

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2. Retention

This stage of observational learning refers to the memorization of observed behavior. According to Bandura, retention can be based on both verbal and visual material, being the cognitive models of a verbal nature more suitable for complex learning, in general.

3. Reproduction

Following Bandura's definition, we understand as “reproduction” the execution of the behavior that had been memorized; we can conceptualize this process as the creation of an action plan. The feedback we receive from other people significantly modulates the specific characteristics of behavioral reproduction.

4. Motivation

Although we have perfectly learned a behavior, it is highly unlikely that we will do it if we do not have the incentive to do so. Thus, the execution of the behavior depends mostly on the expectation of reinforcement; It is at this stage that, according to Bandura's theory, the presence of a reinforcer is essential, and not in previous stages.

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Bibliographic references:

  • Bandura, A. (1963). Social learning and personality development. New York: Holt, Rinehart, and Winston.
  • Rotter, J. (1954). Social learning and clinical psychology. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentice-Hall.
  • Skinner, B. F. (1957). Verbal behavior. New York: Appleton-Century-Crofts.
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