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The 27 best phrases of Andreu Buenafuente

Andreu Buenafuente is a well-known presenter and comedian in Spain. Born in Reus, he founded one of the most important audiovisual production companies in Catalonia and Spain: “El Terrat”.

He became famous due to the program that was on the autonomous television of Catalonia, but he made the leap to Spanish television where he is known as a presenter of late shows.

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Famous quotes by Andreu Buenafuente

This great comedian has uttered many funny phrases throughout his career. Below you can find some of the best, either humorously or through his scathing criticism of today's society.

1. The casting of Pasión de Gavilanes seems fresh from Nacho Vidal's bachelor party

A humorous quote about the emblematic series “Pasión de Gavilanes”.

2. I am not going to die, I already have it clear. I've been talking about it and I can't find it funny

Death is a not very funny subject, but to good source there is humor in anything.

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3. Banks are a bit like bouillon tablets: they cook us and enrich themselves

There has been a lot of controversy in Spain in reference to banks. Especially with the preferred ones.

4. Life starts every five minutes

You have to live in the present moment. It's the only thing that counts.

5. Am I going crazy? It can't be, because I already am

Buenafuente confesses that he lacks some sanity.

6. Money is useless, but if you fall it cushions you

A quote similar to the one he says: "Money does not bring happiness but it helps."

7. Life in danger. That is an unsolved problem, a shame

A humorous quote on a very serious topic.

8. The love moves the world. Combined with sex, move the universe

Emphasizing the importance of sex in relationships.

9. A break for eternity and see you right away

A phrase that he pronounced at the time of giving way to television commercials.

10. There are short people who do not recognize it. They tell you "No, I am far away"

A joke about people who don't have a great height.

11. Don't worry about the tongue. When you laugh, the accent is not noticeable

There are individuals with a very strong accent. Buenafuente makes a joke about them.

12. Talent is not destroyed, it transforms and survives artists

Without a doubt, Buenafuente knows show business perfectly.

13. Indians weren't the only ones with feathers in the Wild West

A joke that may make a homosexual feel bad, but it is nothing more than a joke.

14. The prostate, another way to protest

A play on words that is funny.

15. In the cardinals' room there are frescoes... there are also paintings

An ironic reflection on what is possible to find in the cardinals room.

16. What's up neng! "Is the most heard scream after" Sorry, you're not my type "

Neng is a character that Andreu Buenafuente discovered and made famous.

17. Bush has a lot of sense of humor because the common have already lost it

A graceful criticism of the former president of the United States.

18. People wouldn't eat for not talking

In reference to people who do not even open their mouths to ask for their rights.

19. The serious bores me. You have to laugh at everything to survive

Laughter is, without a doubt, one of the best forms of therapy.

20. Bill Clinton, the author of the saying "By the mouth the fish dies... the big fish"

Another quote that mentions a former president of the United States.

21. I seem to remember that I love you but I could not assure you

Love can sometimes be confusing, as this ironic phrase goes.

22. Never stop using a condom

A recommendation that refers to safe sex.

23. It is one of my best achievements, my mother's happiness

What makes Andreu Buenafuente the happiest is the happiness of his mother.

24. Camarlengo... Doesn't that sound like a cover name? We have cuttlefish, bravas and grilled camarlengo!

A joke about the word camarlengo, an official of the papal court

25. Laughter is not faked

Laughter is healthy, and it is an authentic expression that arises when something amuses us.

26. Before, mothers were a rallao record, "Come on, pass-pass-pass-pass!" now they are a stuck vinyl record, "Come on, it happens that you-that you- that you- that you !!!

A joke about mothers, who can be quite annoying at times.

27. Drink in moderation, let others pay

A warning for when we party with friends.

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